
Defines functions renv_records_resolve renv_records_equal renv_record_format_pair renv_record_format_short_remote renv_record_format_short renv_record_format_remote renv_record_validate renv_record_source_normalize renv_record_source renv_record_cacheable renv_record_names renv_records_override renv_records_sort renv_records_select

renv_records_select <- function(records, actions, action) {
  records <- renv_lockfile_records(records)
  matching <- actions[actions %in% action]
  keep(records, names(matching))

renv_records_sort <- function(records) {

renv_records_override <- function(records) {
  enumerate(records, renv_options_override, scope = "renv.records")

renv_record_names <- function(record, fields = NULL) {
  fields <- fields %||% c("Package", "Version", "Source")
  remotes <- grep("^Remote", names(record), value = TRUE)
  nms <- c(fields, setdiff(remotes, "Remotes"))
  renv_vector_intersect(nms, names(record))

renv_record_cacheable <- function(record) {

  # check if the record has been marked as cacheable
  cacheable <- record$Cacheable %||% TRUE
  if (identical(cacheable, FALSE))

  # check for unknown source
  source <- renv_record_source(record)
  if (source == "unknown")

  # record is ok


renv_record_source <- function(record, normalize = FALSE) {

  # if this appears to be a file path, then keep it as-is
  source <- record$Source %||% "unknown"
  if (grepl("[/\\]", source))

  # otherwise, try to normalize it
  source <- tolower(record$Source %||% "unknown")
  if (normalize)
    source <- renv_record_source_normalize(record, source)



renv_record_source_normalize <- function(record, source) {

  # normalize different types of git remotes
  if (source %in% c("git2r", "xgit"))
    source <- "git"

  # handle old lockfiles where 'source' was explicitly set as CRAN
  if (source %in% c("cran"))
    source <- "repository"

  # check for ad-hoc requests to install from bioc
  if (identical(source, "repository")) {
    repos <- record$Repository %||% ""
    if (tolower(repos) %in% c("bioc", "bioconductor"))
      source <- "bioconductor"

  # all done; return normalized source


renv_record_validate <- function(package, record) {

  # check for a record -- minimally, a list with a package name
  if (is.list(record) && is.character(record$Package))

  # if we're running tests, or in CI, then report
  if (renv_tests_running() || renv_envvar_exists("CI")) {
    fmt <- "! Internal error: unexpected record for package '%s'"
    writef(fmt, package)

  # return record as-is


renv_record_format_remote <- function(record) {

  remotes <- c("RemoteUsername", "RemoteRepo")
  if (all(remotes %in% names(record)))

  paste(record$Package, record$Version, sep = "@")


renv_record_format_short <- function(record, versioned = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(record))

  remotes <- c("RemoteUsername", "RemoteRepo")
  if (all(remotes %in% names(record))) {
    remote <- renv_record_format_short_remote(record)
    if (versioned)
      remote <- sprintf("%s  [%s]", record$Version %||% "<NA>", remote)



renv_record_format_short_remote <- function(record) {

  text <- paste(record$RemoteUsername, record$RemoteRepo, sep = "/")

  subdir <- record$RemoteSubdir %||% ""
  if (nzchar(subdir))
    text <- paste(text, subdir, sep = ":")

  if (!is.null(record$RemoteRef)) {
    ref <- record$RemoteRef
    if (!identical(ref, "master"))
      text <- paste(text, record$RemoteRef, sep = "@")
  } else if (!is.null(record$RemoteSha)) {
    sha <- substring(record$RemoteSha, 1L, 8L)
    text <- paste(text, sha, sep = "@")



renv_record_format_pair <- function(lhs, rhs, separator = "->") {

  placeholder <- renv_record_placeholder()

  # check for install / remove
  if (is.null(lhs) || is.null(rhs)) {
    lhs <- renv_record_format_short(lhs)
    rhs <- renv_record_format_short(rhs)
    return(sprintf("[%s %s %s]", lhs, separator, rhs))

  map <- list(
    Source         = "src",
    Repository     = "repo",
    Version        = "ver",
    RemoteHost     = "host",
    RemoteUsername = "user",
    RemoteRepo     = "repo",
    RemoteRef      = "ref",
    RemoteSha      = "sha",
    RemoteSubdir   = "subdir"

  fields <- names(map)

  # check to see which fields have changed between the two
  diff <- map_lgl(fields, function(field) {
    !identical(lhs[[field]], rhs[[field]])

  changed <- names(which(diff))

  if (empty(changed)) {
    fmt <- "[%s: unchanged]"
    lhsf <- renv_record_format_short(lhs)
    return(sprintf(fmt, lhsf))

  # check for CRAN packages; in such cases, we typically want to ignore
  # the Remote fields which might've been added by 'pak' or other tools
  isrepo <-
    nzchar(lhs$Version %||% "") &&
    nzchar(rhs$Version %||% "") &&
    nzchar(lhs$Repository %||% "") &&
    nzchar(rhs$Repository %||% "") &&
    identical(lhs$Repository, rhs$Repository)

  if (isrepo) {
    fmt <- "[%s %s %s]"
    lhsf <- renv_record_format_short(lhs)
    rhsf <- renv_record_format_short(rhs)
    return(sprintf(fmt, lhsf, separator, rhsf))

  # check for only sha changed
  usesha <-
    setequal(changed, "RemoteSha") ||
    setequal(changed, c("RemoteSha", "Version"))

  if (usesha) {

    user <- lhs$RemoteUsername %||% placeholder
    repo <- lhs$RemoteRepo %||% placeholder
    spec <- paste(user, repo, sep = "/")

    ref <- lhs$RemoteRef %||% placeholder
    if (!ref %in% c("master", "*"))
      spec <- paste(spec, ref, sep = "@")

    fmt <- "[%s: %s %s %s]"
    lsha <- substring(lhs$RemoteSha %||% placeholder, 1L, 8L)
    rsha <- substring(rhs$RemoteSha %||% placeholder, 1L, 8L)

    return(sprintf(fmt, spec, lsha, separator, rsha))


  # check for only source change
  if (setequal(changed, "Source")) {
    fmt <- "[%s: %s %s %s]"
    ver <- lhs$Version %||% placeholder
    lhsf <- lhs$Source %||% placeholder
    rhsf <- rhs$Source %||% placeholder
    return(sprintf(fmt, ver, lhsf, separator, rhsf))

  # check only version changed
  if (setequal(changed, "Version")) {
    fmt <- "[%s %s %s]"
    lhsf <- lhs$Version %||% placeholder
    rhsf <- rhs$Version %||% placeholder
    return(sprintf(fmt, lhsf, separator, rhsf))

  # if the source has changed, highlight that
  if ("Source" %in% changed) {
    fmt <- "[%s %s %s]"
    lhsf <- renv_record_format_short(lhs)
    rhsf <- renv_record_format_short(rhs)
    return(sprintf(fmt, lhsf, separator, rhsf))

  # otherwise, report each diff individually
  diffs <- map_chr(changed, function(field) {

    lhsf <- lhs[[field]] %||% placeholder
    rhsf <- rhs[[field]] %||% placeholder

    if (field == "RemoteSha") {
      lhsf <- substring(lhsf, 1L, 8L)
      rhsf <- substring(rhsf, 1L, 8L)

    fmt <- "%s: %s %s %s"
    sprintf(fmt, map[[field]], lhsf, separator, rhsf)

  sprintf("[%s]", paste(diffs, collapse = "; "))


renv_records_equal <- function(lhs, rhs) {

  lhs <- reject(lhs, is.null)
  rhs <- reject(rhs, is.null)

  nm <- setdiff(union(names(lhs), names(rhs)), "Hash")
  identical(keep(lhs, nm), keep(rhs, nm))


renv_records_resolve <- function(records, latest = FALSE) {

  enumerate(records, function(package, record) {

    # check for already-resolved records
    if (is.null(record) || is.list(record))

    # check for version-only specifications and
    # prepend the package name in such a case
    pattern <- "^(?:[[:digit:]]+[.-]){1,}[[:digit:]]+$"
    if (grepl(pattern, record))
      record <- paste(package, record, sep = "@")

    # resolve the record
    renv_remotes_resolve(record, latest)



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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.