TRT.RTR: Reference Datasets for TRT|RTR Replicate Designs

TRT.RTRR Documentation

Reference Datasets for TRT|RTR Replicate Designs


Datasets from the public domain and edited to be evaluated by method.A() and/or method.B().


  • Reference dataset 03
    Based on rds01. Removed all data of period 4. 77 subjects.
    Unbalanced (39 subjects in sequence TRT and 38 in RTR) and incomplete (six missings in sequence TRT and two in RTR). Missings / period: 0/1, 1/2, 7/3. Two outliers (subjects 45 and 52) in sequence RTR.
    A data frame with 223 observations on the following 6 variables:

    subject a factor with 77 levels: 1, 2, ..., 78
    period a factor with 3 levels: 1, 2, 3
    sequence a factor with 2 levels: TRT, RTR
    treatment a factor with 2 levels: T, R
    PK a numeric vector of pharmacokinetic responses acceptable for reference-scaling (generally Cmax)
  • Reference dataset 17
    Based on rds03. 19 subjects.
    Unbalanced (seven subjects in sequence TRT and twelve in RTR) and incomplete (one missing in sequence TRT). Missings / period: 0/1, 0/2, 1/3. One outlier (subject 18) in sequence RTR.
    A data frame with 56 observations on the following 6 variables:

    subject a factor with 19 levels: 1, 2, ..., 22
    period a factor with 3 levels: 1, 2, 3
    sequence a factor with 2 levels: TRT, RTR
    treatment a factor with 2 levels: T, R
    PK a numeric vector of pharmacokinetic responses acceptable for reference-scaling (generally Cmax)


Dataset N CVwR (%) Evaluation
rds03 77 >30 method.A(), method.B()
rds17 19 >30 method.A(), method.B()


In software sequences and treatments are ranked in lexical order. Hence, executing str() or summary() will show sequence as "RTR", "TRT" and treatment as "R", "T". In BE – by convention – sequences are ordered with T first. The package follows this convention.


Helmut Schütz


Dataset Origin Description
rds03 rds01 edited Period 4 removed.
rds17 rds03 edited Highly unbalanced (seven subjects in TRT and twelve in RTR).


head(rds03, 6)

replicateBE documentation built on May 3, 2022, 1:06 a.m.