Man pages for reporter
Creates Statistical Reports

add_contentAdd content to a report
add_styleAdd a style object to a report.
cell_styleA style specification for a table cell
column_defaultsSet default attributes for one or more columns
create_plotCreate plot content
create_reportCreate a report
create_styleCreates a style object
create_tableCreate a table
create_textCreate text content
defineDefines a column
footnotesAdds a footnote block
ftnCreates a footnote attribute
get_themeGet a theme
lowcase_parensFunctions to format the population label
NotesOnPDFNotes on PDF output type
options_fixedSet options for a fixed-width report
page_byAdds a page by variable
page_footerAdds a page footer
page_headerAdd a page header
print.plot_specPrints the plot spec
print.report_specPrints the report specification
print.style_specPrints a style specification
print.table_specPrints the table spec
print.text_specPrints the text spec
reporterreporter: A package for creating statistical reports
set_marginsSet page margins
spanDefines a spanning header attribute
spanning_headerDefines a spanning header
stubDefines a report stub
title_headerAdds a title header block
titlesAdds a title block
ttlCreates a title attribute
write_registration_fileCreate a registration file
write_reportWrite a report to the file system
reporter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:43 a.m.