spanning_header: Defines a spanning header

View source: R/table_spec.r

spanning_headerR Documentation

Defines a spanning header


Create a header that spans multiple columns. Spanning headers are used to group related columns. Such groupings are a common feature of statistical reports.


  label = "",
  label_align = "center",
  level = 1,
  n = NULL,
  underline = TRUE,
  bold = FALSE,
  standard_eval = FALSE



The table object to add spanning headers to.


The starting column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. If you want to pass the from value using an R variable, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE. The from parameter is required.


The ending column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. If you want to pass the to value using an R variable, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE. The to parameter is required.


The label to apply to the spanning header.


The alignment to use for the label. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre". The default for spanning columns is "center".


The level to use for the spanning header. The lowest spanning level is level 1, the next level above is level 2, and so on. By default, the level is set to 1.


The population count to use for the "N=" label on the spanning header. The "N=" label will be formatted according to the n_format parameter on the create_table function.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the spanning header should be underlined. Default is TRUE.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the spanning header label should be bold. Default is FALSE.


A TRUE or FALSE value that indicates whether to use standard or non-standard evaluation of the from, and to parameters. Set standard_eval to TRUE if you want to pass the column names as variables. Default is FALSE, meaning it will use non-standard (unquoted) evaluation.


A spanning header is a label and underline that spans one or more columns. A spanning header is defined minimally by identifying the column range to be spanned, and a label. A label alignment and "N=" value may also be supplied.

The spanning column range is defined by the from and to parameters. The range identifies a contiguous set of variables on the data. Variables can be identified by position, a quoted variable name, or an unquoted variable name.


The modified table spec.

See Also

Other table: column_defaults(), create_table(), define(), print.table_spec(), stub()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- iris[sample(1:150, 15), c(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)]
dat <- dat[order(dat$Species), ]

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  titles("Table 3.2", "IRIS Sample Report") %>% 
  spanning_header(2, 3, label = "Sepal") %>% 
  spanning_header(4, 5, label = "Petal") %>% 
  column_defaults(2:5, format = "%.1f") %>% 
  define(Species, align = "left", dedupe = TRUE, blank_after = TRUE) %>% 
  define(Sepal.Length, label = "Length") %>% 
  define(Sepal.Width, label = "Width") %>% 
  define(Petal.Length, label = "Length") %>% 
  define(Petal.Width, label = "Width") %>% 
  footnotes("* From Fisher's Iris Dataset")
# Define report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  options_fixed(blank_margins = TRUE) %>% 
  set_margins(top = 1, bottom =1) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                      Table 3.2
#                  IRIS Sample Report
#                       Sepal        Petal
#                   ------------ ------------
#       Species     Length Width Length Width
#       -------------------------------------
#       setosa         5.0   3.0    1.6   0.2
#                      4.6   3.4    1.4   0.3
#                      5.0   3.4    1.6   0.4
#                      5.7   3.8    1.7   0.3
#       versicolor     5.7   2.8    4.1   1.3
#                      6.2   2.9    4.3   1.3
#                      7.0   3.2    4.7   1.4
#                      6.6   2.9    4.6   1.3
#       virginica      6.2   3.4    5.4   2.3
#                      7.2   3.0    5.8   1.6
#                      6.9   3.1    5.1   2.3
#                      5.6   2.8    4.9   2.0
#                      7.7   2.6    6.9   2.3
#                      6.3   2.8    5.1   1.5
#                      7.7   2.8    6.7   2.0
#       * From Fisher's Iris Dataset

reporter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:43 a.m.