#' Create a new report factory
#' This function can be used to create a new report factory. By default, the
#' factory is created with a template of report, and the working environment is
#' moved to the newly created factory.
#' @param factory The name of the report factory to be created.
#' @param path The folder where the report factory should be created. This
#' will default to the current directory.
#' @param report_sources The name of the folder to be used for report
#' templates; defaults to 'report_sources/'.
#' @param outputs The name of the folder to be used for saving the built
#' reports; defaults to 'outputs/'.
#' @param move_in A `logical` indicating if the current session should move into
#' the created factory; defaults to `TRUE`. If `use_rproj` is also TRUE and
#' RStudio is being used then the corresponding project will be opened.
#' @param create_README A `logical` indicating if a 'README' file should be
#' created; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param create_example_report A `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should
#' create an example report in the 'report_sources' folder along with some
#' example data in the 'data/raw' folder; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param create_data_folders a `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should
#' create folders to store data; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param create_scripts_folder a `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should
#' create folders to store R scripts; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param use_here a `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should create
#' a `.here` file that can be used with `here::here()`; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param use_rproj a `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should create
#' a `.Rproj` file that can be used with RStudio; defaults to TRUE.
#' @param create_gitignore a `logical` indicating if `new_factory()` should create
#' a minimal '.gitignore' file; defaults to TRUE.
#' @return the report factory folder location (invisibly)
#' @details
#' Assuming the default names are used then `new_factory` will create a report
#' factory folder (called "new_factory") that includes:
#' * `report_sources`: a folder for storing the .Rmd reports
#' * `outputs`: a folder storing the compiled reports
#' * `factory_config`: a control file used to anchor a report factory
#' Depending on the values of the logical arguments, the factory may also
#' include:
#' * ``: Example README with instructions on how to use report factory.
#' * `.gitignore`: a file used to tell git to ignore certain files including the
#' produced outputs in `outputs()`.
#' * `data/raw/`: a folder for storing raw data
#' * `data/raw/example_data.csv`: a set of data for use with the example report
#' * `data/clean/`: a folder for storing cleaned data
#' * `scripts/`: a folder to store additional code that may be called in reports
#' * `report_sources/example_report.Rmd`: an example .Rmd report template
#' * `.here`: a file to anchor calls to `here::here()`
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())}
#' f1 <- new_factory("new_factory_1", move_in = FALSE)
#' f2 <- new_factory("new_factory_2", move_in = TRUE)
#' \dontshow{
#' unlink(f1, recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink(f2, recursive = TRUE)
#' setwd(.old_wd)
#' }
#' @export
new_factory <- function(factory = "new_factory", path = ".",
report_sources = "report_sources",
outputs = "outputs", move_in = TRUE,
create_README = TRUE, create_example_report = TRUE,
create_data_folders = TRUE,
create_scripts_folder = TRUE, use_here = TRUE,
use_rproj = TRUE, create_gitignore = TRUE) {
# create report factory folder
root <- file.path(path, factory)
if (dir.exists(root)) {
stop("Directory '", factory, "' already exists. Aborting.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# create report outputs folder
dir.create(file.path(root, report_sources))
# create report_sources folder
dir.create(file.path(root, outputs))
# create the factory configuration file
x = data.frame(
name = factory,
report_sources = report_sources,
outputs = outputs
file = file.path(root, "factory_config")
# conditionally create the README
if (create_README) {
copy_skeleton_file("", dest = root)
# conditionally create the data folders
if (create_data_folders) {
clean_folder <- file.path(root, "data", "clean")
dir.create(clean_folder, recursive = TRUE)
raw_folder <- file.path(root, "data", "raw")
dir.create(raw_folder, recursive = TRUE)
# conditionally create the scripts folder
if (create_scripts_folder) {
dir.create(file.path(root, "scripts"))
# create .here file
if (use_here) {
file.create(file.path(root, ".here"))
if (use_rproj && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
} else if (use_rproj) {
dest = file.path(root, paste0(factory, ".Rproj"))
# copy over skeleton .gitignore
if (create_gitignore) {
copy_skeleton_file("skeleton.gitignore", dest = file.path(root, ".gitignore"))
# conditionally copy over the example report and data
if (create_example_report) {
if (create_data_folders) {
copy_skeleton_file("example_report.Rmd", file.path(root, report_sources))
f <- system.file(
"extdata", "example_data.csv",
package = "reportfactory",
mustWork = TRUE
file.copy(f, raw_folder)
} else {
stop("The example report can only be created if create_data_folders = TRUE")
if (move_in && use_rproj && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
rstudioapi::openProject(file.path(root, paste0(factory, ".Rproj")))
} else if (move_in) {
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