#' Find the path to the root folder within a factory
#' This function is used to find the fully expanded root path within a factory.
#' @param directory the full path to the directory you are interested in.
#' Defaults to the current working directory.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
factory_root <- function(directory = ".") {
if (!file.exists(directory)) {
sprintf("directory '%s' does not exist!\n", directory),
call. = FALSE
if (!dir.exists(directory)) {
sprintf("'%s' is a file, not a directory! Please correct\n", directory),
call. = FALSE
odir <- setwd(directory)
root <- tryCatch(
error = function(e) {
sprintf("Directory %s is not part of a report factory.\n", directory),
call. = FALSE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' check whether a vector is "integer-like" to a given precision
#' @param x vector to check
#' @param tol desired tolerance
#' @noRd
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
all(abs(x - round(x)) < tol)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' copy a file from the skeleton directory
#' @param file name of the file you want to copy
#' @param dest destination to copy to
#' @noRd
copy_skeleton_file <- function(file, dest) {
f <- system.file("skeletons", file, package = "reportfactory")
file.copy(f, dest)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Change part of the front yaml matter from an Rmarkdown file
#' This function was provided on Stack Overflow by user r2evans.
#' link:
#' user:
#' @param input_file the .Rmd file
#' @param output_file where to save the changed output
#' @param ... named list of yaml to change
#' @noRd
change_yaml_matter <- function(input_file, ..., output_file) {
input_lines <- readLines(input_file, warn = FALSE)
delimiters <- grep("^---\\s*$", input_lines)
if (!length(delimiters)) {
stop("unable to find yaml delimiters")
} else if (length(delimiters) == 1L) {
if (delimiters[1] == 1L) {
stop("cannot find second delimiter, first is on line 1")
} else {
# found just one set, assume it is *closing* the yaml matter;
# fake a preceding line of delimiter
delimiters <- c(0L, delimiters[1])
delimiters <- delimiters[1:2]
yaml_list <- yaml::yaml.load(input_lines[(delimiters[1]+1):(delimiters[2]-1)])
dots <- list(...)
yaml_list <- c(yaml_list[ setdiff(names(yaml_list), names(dots)) ], dots)
output_lines <- c(
if (delimiters[1] > 0) input_lines[1:(delimiters[1])],
strsplit(yaml::as.yaml(yaml_list), "\n")[[1]],
input_lines[ -(1:(delimiters[2]-1)) ]
if (missing(output_file)) {
} else {
writeLines(output_lines, con = output_file)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Return rows of one data.frame not in another
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param y data.frame
#' @return data.frame of rows of x not in y
#' @noRd
rows_in_x_not_in_y <- function(x,y) {
xx <- apply(x, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
yy <- apply(y, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
x[!xx %in% yy,]
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