# Function to get UTM zone from a single longitude and latitude pair
# originally from David LeBauer I think
# @param lon Longitude, in decimal degree style
# @param lat Latitude, in decimal degree style
long2utm <- function(lon, lat) {
if (56 <= lat & lat < 64) {
if (0 <= lon & lon < 3) { 31 } else
if (3 <= lon & lon < 12) { 32 } else { NULL }
} else {
if (72 <= lat) {
if (0 <= lon & lon < 9) { 31 } else
if (9 <= lon & lon < 21) { 33 } else
if (21 <= lon & lon < 33) { 35 } else
if (33 <= lon & lon < 42) { 37 } else { NULL }
(floor((lon + 180)/6) %% 60) + 1
rc <- function(l) Filter(Negate(is.null), l)
read_csv <- function(x){
tmp <- read.csv(x, header = FALSE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
skip = 3)
nmz <- names(read.csv(x, header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
skip = 1, nrows = 1))
names(tmp) <- tolower(nmz)
read_data <- function(x, nrows = -1){
if (inherits(x, "HttpResponse")) {
x <- x$parse("UTF-8")
tmp <- read.csv(text = x, header = FALSE, sep = ",",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 2, nrows = nrows)
nmz <- names(read.csv(text = x, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, nrows = 1))
} else {
tmp <- read.csv(x, header = FALSE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
skip = 2, nrows = nrows)
nmz <- names(read.csv(x, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, nrows = 1))
stats::setNames(tmp, tolower(nmz))
read_all <- function(x, fmt, read) {
csv = {
if (read) {
} else {
read_data(x, 10)
nc = {
if (read) {
} else {
read_table <- function(x){
if (inherits(x, "HttpResponse")) {
txt <- gsub('\n$', '', x$parse("UTF-8"))
read.csv(text = txt, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
blank.lines.skip = FALSE)[-1, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
read.delim(x, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
blank.lines.skip = FALSE)[-1, , drop = FALSE]
pu <- function(x) sub("/$|//$", "", x)
strect <- function (str, pattern) regmatches(str, regexpr(pattern, str))
err_handle <- function(x, store, key) {
if (x$status_code > 201) {
tt <- if (store$store == "disk") x$content else x$parse("UTF-8")
html <- tryCatch(read_html(tt), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(html, "error")) {
mssg <- tt
} else {
mssg <- xml_text(xml_find_all(html, '//body//p[text()[contains(., "Error") or contains(., "error")]]')) %||% ""
mssg <- sub("Message\\s", "", mssg)
if (!nzchar(mssg)) {
mssg <- strect(xml_text(xml_find_first(html, '//body')), "Query error.+")
if (store$store != "memory") unlink(file.path(store$path, key))
stop(paste0(mssg, collapse = "\n\n"), call. = FALSE)
err_handle2 <- function(x) {
if (x$status_code > 201) {
tt <- x$parse("UTF-8")
mssg <- xml_text(xml_find_all(read_html(tt), "//h1"))
stop(paste0(mssg, collapse = "\n\n"), call. = FALSE)
erdddap_GET <- function(url, args = NULL, ...) {
cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url, opts = list(...))
tt <- cli$get(query = args)
stopifnot(tt$response_headers$`content-type` == 'application/json;charset=UTF-8')
out <- tt$parse("UTF-8")
jsonlite::fromJSON(out, FALSE)
url_build <- function(url, args = NULL) {
if (is.null(args)) return(url)
paste0(url, "?", args)
`%||%` <- function (x, y) {
if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) y else x
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