Man pages for resemble
Memory-Based Learning in Spectral Chemometrics

check_pc_argumentschecks the pc_selection argument
cor_dissCorrelation and moving correlation dissimilarity measurements...
dissimilarityDissimilarity computation between matrices
diss_to_neighborsFrom dissimilarity matrix to neighbors
euclid_to_mahalA function for transforming a matrix from its Euclidean space...
eval_multi_pc_dissevaluation of multiple distances obtained with multiple PCs
fast_dissA fast distance algorithm for two matrices written in C++
fast_diss_vectorA fast algorithm of (squared) Euclidean cross-distance for...
f_dissEuclidean, Mahalanobis and cosine dissimilarity measurements
fit_and_predictLocal multivariate regression
format_xr_xu_indicesformat internal messages
gaussian_pr_cvCross validation for Gaussian process regression
gaussian_processGaussian process regression with linear kernel...
gaussian_process_cvInternal Cpp function for performing leave-group-out cross...
get_col_largest_sdFunction for identifiying the column in a matrix with the...
get_col_sdsStandard deviation of columns
get_column_meansFunction for computing the mean of each column in a matrix
get_column_sdsFunction for computing the standard deviation of each column...
get_column_sumsFunction for computing sum of each column in a matrix
get_eval_categoricalget the evaluation results for categorical data
get_eval_continuousget the evaluation results for continuous data
get_ith_local_neighborsA function to obtain the local neighbors based on...
get_local_pls_weightsInternal Cpp function for computing the weights of the PLS...
get_neighbor_infoA function to get the neighbor information
get_predictionsExtract predictions from an object of class 'mbl'
get_samples_from_strataA function for stratified calibration/validation sampling
get_sample_strataA function to assign values to sample distribution strata
get_wapls_weightsInternal function for computing the weights of the PLS...
get_weightsComputes the weights for pls regressions
ith_mbl_neighborAn iterator for local prediction data in mbl
ith_subsets_ortho_dissiterator for nearest neighbor subsets
local_fitLocal fit functions
local_ortho_disslocal ortho dissimilarity matrices initialized by a global...
mblA function for memory-based learning (mbl)
mbl_controlA function that controls some few aspects of the memory-based...
moving_cor_dissMoving/rolling correlation distance of two matrices
oplsorthogonal scores algorithn of partial leat squares (opls)
opls_cv_cppInternal Cpp function for performing leave-group-out...
opls_for_projectionorthogonal scores algorithn of partial leat squares (opls)...
opls_get_allorthogonal scores algorithn of partial leat squares...
opls_get_basicsfast orthogonal scores algorithn of partial leat squares...
opls_gsorthogonal scores algorithm of partial leat squares (opls)
optim_sample_strataA function to construct an optimal strata for the samples,...
ortho_dissA function for computing dissimilarity matrices from...
ortho_projectionOrthogonal projections using principal component analysis and...
overall_varFunction for computing the overall variance of a matrix
pca_nipalsPrincipal components based on the non-linear iterative...
pkg_infoGet the package version info
plot.mblPlot method for an object of class 'mbl'
plot.ortho_projectionPlot method for an object of class 'ortho_projection'
pls_cvCross validation for PLS regression
predict_gaussian_processPrediction function for the 'gaussian_process' function...
predict_oplsPrediction function for the 'opls' and 'fopls' functions
print.local_fitPrint method for an object of class 'local_fit'
print.local_ortho_dissPrint method for an object of class 'ortho_diss'
print.mblPrint method for an object of class 'mbl'
print.ortho_projectionPrint method for an object of class 'ortho_projection'
project_oplsProjection function for the 'opls' function
reconstruction_errorProjection to pls and then re-construction
resemble-packageOverview of the functions in the resemble package
sample_stratifiedA function to create calibration and validation sample sets...
search_neighborsA function for searching in a given reference set the...
sidA function for computing the spectral information divergence...
sim_evalA function for evaluating dissimilarity matrices (sim_eval)
sqrt_smSquare root of (square) symmetric matrices
sub-.local_ortho_dissPrint method for an object of class 'local_ortho_diss'
which_minA function to compute row-wise index of minimum values of a...
which_min_vectorA function to compute indices of minimum values of a distance...
resemble documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:49 a.m.