
Defines functions margin.vars compute.margins

Documented in compute.margins margin.vars

# Compute margins
# Compute marginal values.
# @arguments data frame
# @arguments margins to compute
# @arguments all id variables
# @arguments aggregation function
# @arguments other argument passed to aggregation function
# @keyword internal
compute.margins <- function(data, margins, vars, fun.aggregate, ..., df=FALSE) {
  if (length(margins) == 0) return(data.frame())

  if (missing(fun.aggregate) || is.null(fun.aggregate)) {
    warning("Margins require fun.aggregate: length used as default", call.=FALSE)
    fun.aggregate <- length
  exp <- function(x) {
    if (df) {
      out <- condense.df(data, x, fun.aggregate, ...)
    } else {
      out <- expand(condense(data, x, fun.aggregate, ...))
    others <- setdiff(unlist(vars), x)
    out[, others] <- factor("(all)")
    out[, unlist(vars)] <- lapply(out[, unlist(vars)], factor)

  df <- do.call("rbind",lapply(margins, exp))
  cat <- sapply(df, is.factor)

  fixlevel <- function(x) {
    factor(x, levels=c(setdiff(levels(x), "(all)"), "(all)"))

  df[cat] <- lapply(df[cat], fixlevel)
  df[, c(which(cat), which(!cat))]

# Margin variables
# Works out list of variables to margin over to get desired margins.
# Variables that can't be margined over are dropped silently.
# @arguments column variables
# @arguments row variables
# @arguments vector of variable names to margin over.
# @keyword internal
margin.vars <- function(vars = list(NULL, NULL), margins = NULL) {
  rows <- vars[[1]]
  cols <- vars[[2]]

  if (missing(margins) || is.null(margins) || identical(margins, FALSE)) return(NULL)

  # Nothing to margin over for last variable in column or row
  row.margins <- intersect(rows[-length(rows)], margins)
  if (length(row.margins) == 0 ) row.margins <- NULL
  col.margins <- intersect(cols[-length(cols)], margins)
  if (length(col.margins) == 0 ) col.margins <- NULL

  grand.row <- "grand_row" %in% margins
  grand.col <- "grand_col" %in% margins

  margin.intersect <- function(cols, col.margins, rows, row.margins) {
    unlist(lapply(col.margins, function(col) {
      c(lapply(row.margins, c, col), list(c(col, rows)))
    }), recursive = FALSE)

  margins.all <- c(
    margin.intersect(cols, col.margins, rows, row.margins),
    margin.intersect(rows, row.margins, cols, col.margins)

  if (grand.row && !is.null(rows)) margins.all <- compact(c(margins.all, list(cols), list(col.margins)))
  if (grand.col && !is.null(cols)) margins.all <- compact(c(margins.all, list(rows), list(row.margins)))

  if (
    (grand.col && grand.row && !is.null(rows) && !is.null(cols)) ||
    (grand.row && !is.null(rows) && is.null(cols)) ||
    (grand.col && !is.null(cols) && is.null(rows))
  ) margins.all <- c(margins.all, list(numeric(0)))

  duplicates <- duplicated(lapply(lapply(margins.all,function(x) if(!is.null(x)) sort(x)), paste, collapse=""))


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reshape documentation built on April 12, 2022, 5:07 p.m.