#' Loading in data for the \code{reslr} package
#' In this function, the data provided by the user is loaded into the package.
#' The prerequisites of the input data structure has been given in the vignettes.
#' The user can choose to include data from tide gauges which is sourced from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) online database.
#' @param data The input data as a dataframe.
#' @param input_age_type The inputted age in years "CE" or year "BP". The default is "CE" and is the preferred structure of the package. The package has the ability to use Before Present ("BP") observations.
#' @param prediction_grid_res Resolution of grid. Predictions over every 50 years(default) can vary based on user preference, as larger values will reduce computational run time.
#' @param include_linear_rate User decides to include linear_rate and linear_rate_err associated. This relates to linear rate which corresponds to an important physical process that impacts sea level observations which is glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). For the linear_rate and its associated linear_rate_err, the user can provide these values as additional columns in the input dataframe. If they prefer, the package will calculate the linear_rate and the linear_rate_err using the data.
#' @param include_tide_gauge Including tide gauge data from PSMSL website. The tide gauge data undergo a cleaning process in this function where flagged stations are removed as recommended by the online database. Next, the tide gauge data is averaged over period defined by sediment_average_TG which default is 10 years corresponding to accumulation rates of proxy records. Then, the user selects their preferred tide gauge based on three criteria: 1.nearest tide gauge to the proxy site; 2. User supplies a list of names of preferred tide gauges; 3. all tide gauges within 1 degree are chosen.
#' @param sediment_average_TG Average the tide gauge data to make it comparable to accumulation rates of proxy records. The default averaging period for tide gauges is 10 years and the user can alter this.
#' @param list_preferred_TGs The user can supply the name or names of the preferred tide gauges from the PSMSL database.
#' @param TG_minimum_dist_proxy The package finds the tide gauge closest to the proxy site
#' @param all_TG_1deg The package finds all tide gauges within 1 degree of the proxy site
#' @param detrend_data Detrend the data using the linear rate provided to remove this component.
#' @param core_col_year The year the sediment core was collected in order to the data to be detrended.
#' @param cross_val For the spline in time, spline in space time and the NIGAM the user can undertake cross validation to examine the
#' @param test_set The test set dataframe for cross validation
#' @return A list containing data frame of data and prediction grid. The output of this function is two data frames, one with the data and one with the data_grid which represent a grid with evenly spaced time points. If tide gauge data is used, an ID column is included in the two output dataframes displaying the data source, "ProxyRecord" or "TideGaugeData".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data <- NAACproxydata %>% dplyr::filter(Site == "Cedar Island")
#' reslr_load(data = data)}
reslr_load <- function(data,
prediction_grid_res = 50,
include_tide_gauge = FALSE,
include_linear_rate = FALSE,
list_preferred_TGs = NULL,
TG_minimum_dist_proxy = FALSE,
all_TG_1deg = FALSE,
input_age_type = "CE",
sediment_average_TG = 10,
detrend_data = FALSE,
core_col_year = NULL,
cross_val = FALSE,
test_set) {
Age <- Age_BP <- RSL <- Age_err <- RSL_err <- SiteName <- max_Age <- min_Age<- bounds <- Longitude <- Latitude <- Site <- Region <- data_type_id <- ICE5_GIA_slope <- linear_rate_err <- linear_rate <- n <- obs_index <- x_4_upr <-x_lwr_box<- x_upr_box<- y_1_lwr<-y_lwr<- y_upr<- NULL
# Dividing Age & Age_err by 1000 for easier calculations-----
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = Age / 1000) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age_err = Age_err / 1000)
# If minus signs for Long and Lat maybe an issue
# Tidy Original data-------------------------------
if (!("SiteName" %in% colnames(data))) {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(SiteName = as.factor(paste0(Site, ",", "\n", " ", Region)))
} else {
message("Error: User must provide a column with site name(s) and a column with region name(s). \n")
# Converting BP to CE but keeping Age_BP for plots
if (input_age_type == "BP") {
data <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::rename(Age_BP = Age) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = 1950/1000 - Age_BP,
# If the Age type is BP the scales on the plots need to be reversed
Age_type = "BP",
Age_BP = Age_BP*1000)
# Including no TG or no linear rates
if (include_tide_gauge == FALSE & include_linear_rate == FALSE) {
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(data_type_id = "ProxyRecord")
# Including TG & no linear rates but forget to include TG method
if (include_tide_gauge == TRUE &
include_linear_rate == FALSE &
is.null(list_preferred_TGs) == TRUE &
TG_minimum_dist_proxy == FALSE &
all_TG_1deg == FALSE) {
# # If the user wants to use their own tide gauge data
# if("data_type_id" %in% colnames(data) & "TideGaugeData" %in% data$data_type_id){
# data <- data
# }
stop("Error: No tide gauge selection method chosen, please provide criteria for choosing preferred tide gauge. \n")
# Including TGs and no linear rates
if (include_tide_gauge == TRUE & include_linear_rate == FALSE) {
# # If the user wants to use their own tide gauge data
# if("data_type_id" %in% colnames(data) & "TideGaugeData" %in% data$data_type_id){
# data <- data
# }
# else{
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(data_type_id = "ProxyRecord")
data <- clean_tidal_gauge_data(
data = data,
list_preferred_TGs = list_preferred_TGs,
TG_minimum_dist_proxy = TG_minimum_dist_proxy,
all_TG_1deg = all_TG_1deg,
sediment_average_TG = sediment_average_TG
# Including linear rates & no TG
if (include_linear_rate == TRUE & include_tide_gauge == FALSE) {
# Checking if user provided GIA rates----------
if (!("linear_rate" %in% colnames(data) & "linear_rate_err" %in% colnames(data))) {
lm_data_rates <- linear_reg_rates(data)
data <- dplyr::left_join(data, lm_data_rates, by = "SiteName")
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(data_type_id = "ProxyRecord")
} else {
data <- data
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(data_type_id = "ProxyRecord")
# Including TG & linear rates but forget to include TG method
if (include_tide_gauge == TRUE &
include_linear_rate == TRUE &
is.null(list_preferred_TGs) == TRUE &
TG_minimum_dist_proxy == FALSE &
all_TG_1deg == FALSE) {
stop("Error: No tide gauge selection method chosen. Select criteria to chose your prefered tide gauge")
# Including linear rates & TG data
if (include_linear_rate == TRUE & include_tide_gauge == TRUE) {
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(data_type_id = "ProxyRecord")
# Checking if user provided GIA rates----------
if (!("linear_rate" %in% colnames(data) & "linear_rate_err" %in% colnames(data))) {
lm_data_rates <- linear_reg_rates(data)
data <- dplyr::left_join(data, lm_data_rates, by = "SiteName")
} else {
data <- data
data <- clean_tidal_gauge_data(
data = data,
list_preferred_TGs = list_preferred_TGs,
TG_minimum_dist_proxy = TG_minimum_dist_proxy,
all_TG_1deg = all_TG_1deg,
sediment_average_TG = sediment_average_TG
#---Adding linear rates from ICE5G for TG-----
data <- add_linear_rate(data = data)
data <- data %>%
linear_rate = ifelse(data_type_id == "TideGaugeData", ICE5_GIA_slope, linear_rate),
linear_rate_err = ifelse(data_type_id == "TideGaugeData", 0.3, linear_rate_err)
# Detrending the data using GIA rates which is known as linear rate in my input dataframe
if (detrend_data == TRUE) {
if (is.null(data$linear_rate) & is.null(core_col_year)) {
stop("Error: Linear rate for the proxy site must be included or update the setting linear_rate = TRUE. \n Must provide the year the core was collected \n")
if (is.null(core_col_year)) {
stop("Error: Linear rate for the proxy site must be included or update the setting linear_rate = TRUE.\n Must provide the year the core was collected \n")
if (is.null(data$linear_rate) ) {
stop("Error: Linear rate for the proxy site must be included or update the setting linear_rate = TRUE.\n Must provide the year the core was collected \n")
# Detrending the data and updating RSL to SL
detrend_rate_val <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(data_type_id == "ProxyRecord") %>%
dplyr::select(linear_rate) %>% unique()
detrend_rate <- rep(detrend_rate_val$linear_rate,nrow(data))
data <- data %>%
# Use the same rate for proxy and then for TGs
#dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
SL = ((core_col_year / 1000 - Age) * detrend_rate) + RSL,
x_lwr_box = Age - Age_err,
x_upr_box = Age + Age_err,
y_upr = RSL + RSL_err,
y_lwr = RSL - RSL_err,
# Detrending the uncertainties
y_1_lwr = ((core_col_year / 1000 - (x_upr_box)) * detrend_rate) + (y_lwr),
y_2_upr = ((core_col_year / 1000 - (x_lwr_box)) * detrend_rate) + (y_lwr),
y_3_lwr = ((core_col_year / 1000 - (x_lwr_box)) * detrend_rate) + (y_upr),
y_4_upr = ((core_col_year / 1000 - (x_upr_box)) * detrend_rate) + (y_upr),
x_1_upr = Age + Age_err,
x_2_lwr = Age - Age_err,
x_3_lwr = Age - Age_err,
x_4_upr = Age + Age_err)
get_bounds <- data %>%
"data_type_id","SiteName") %>%
dplyr::mutate(obs_index = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = y_1_lwr:x_4_upr,
names_to = "bounds",
values_to = "value") %>%
dplyr::mutate(bounds = replace(bounds, bounds %in% c("y_1_lwr","y_2_upr","y_3_lwr","y_4_upr"), "SL"),
bounds = replace(bounds, bounds %in% c("x_1_upr","x_2_lwr","x_3_lwr","x_4_upr"), "Age"))
x_bounds <- get_bounds %>%
dplyr::filter(bounds == "Age")
# if("Age_type" %in% colnames(data)){
# #Age_BP <- x_bounds$value
# Age <-1950/1000 - x_bounds$value
# }
# else{
Age <- x_bounds$value
# }
y_bounds <- get_bounds %>%
dplyr::filter(bounds == "SL")
detrend_data_un_box<- data.frame(obs_index = x_bounds$obs_index,
Age = Age,
SL = y_bounds$value,
SiteName = x_bounds$SiteName,
data_type_id = x_bounds$data_type_id)
# Including the BP Age for plots
if("Age_type" %in% colnames(data)){
detrend_data_un_box <- detrend_data_un_box %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age_BP = 1950/1000 - Age)
detrend_data_un_box <- detrend_data_un_box
# Prediction dataframe-------------------------------------
sites <- data %>%
) %>%
times <- rep(seq(min(data$Age),
by = prediction_grid_res / 1000
), nrow(sites))
sites <- sites[rep(seq_len(nrow(sites)),
each = length(times %>% unique())
), ]
data_grid_full <- dplyr::tibble(
Age = times
data_age_boundary_max <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::slice_max(Age) %>%
max_Age = Age + Age_err
data_age_boundary_min <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::slice_min(Age) %>%
# Testing
min_Age = Age
#min_Age = ifelse(Age>0, Age - Age_err,Age - Age_err)
data_age_boundary <- dplyr::left_join(data_age_boundary_max,
by = "SiteName")
# Filtering prediction grids to just cover the data
data_grid <- data_grid_full %>%
dplyr::left_join(data_age_boundary, by = "SiteName") %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::filter(Age >= (min_Age) & Age <= (max_Age)) %>%
dplyr::tibble() %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = replace(Age, Age == min(Age), unique(min_Age))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = replace(Age, Age == max(Age), unique(max_Age)))
# Ensuring SiteName is a factor
data <- data %>%
SiteName = as.factor(SiteName),
data_type_id = as.factor(data_type_id)
data_grid <- data_grid %>%
SiteName = as.factor(SiteName),
data_type_id = as.factor(data_type_id)
) %>%
dplyr::select(!c(max_Age, min_Age)) %>%
# Multiply by 1000 just keep it in right units
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = Age*1000, Age_err = Age_err*1000)
data_grid <- data_grid %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age = Age*1000)
if(cross_val == TRUE){
# Test set
test_set <- test_set %>%
dplyr::mutate(test_set = "test_set")
# Joining my test set with the data_grid to do a pred vs true plot
data_grid <- rbind(data_grid,test_set) %>% dplyr::arrange(Age)
data_grid <- data_grid %>%
dplyr::select(-c(Region,Site)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age_err = ifelse(,0,Age_err),
RSL_err = ifelse(,0,RSL_err)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
.direction = "downup")
if(include_linear_rate == TRUE){
data_grid <- data_grid %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
.direction = "downup")
data_grid <- data_grid
data_grid <- data_grid
# Including Age_BP column in the data_grid dataframe:
if (input_age_type == "BP") {
data_grid <- data_grid %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age_BP = 1950 - Age,
Age_type = "BP")
data <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Age_BP = 1950 - Age,
Age_type = "BP")
#dplyr::mutate(Age_BP = ifelse(,1950 - Age,Age_BP)) %>%
#dplyr::mutate(Age_type = ifelse(,"BP",Age_type))
# Class the output depending on if the data is detrended or not
if (detrend_data == TRUE) {
input_data <- base::list(
data = data,
data_grid = data_grid,
prediction_grid_res = prediction_grid_res,
detrend_data_un_box = detrend_data_un_box
class(input_data) <- c("reslr_input", "detrend_data")
} else {
input_data <- base::list(
data = data,
data_grid = data_grid,
prediction_grid_res = prediction_grid_res
class(input_data) <- "reslr_input"
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