# rm(list=ls())
# library(testthat)
# test_file("tests/testthat/test-utils.R")
if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) return()
# units.val ------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("units.val - works", {
expect_is(units.val("mg/l", "o2"), "character")
expect_is(units.val("ml", "vol"), "character")
expect_is(units.val("mg", "mass"), "character")
expect_is(units.val("mg", "o1"), "character")
expect_equal(units.val("mg/l", "o2"), "mg/L.o2")
expect_equal(units.val("ml", "vol"), "mL.vol")
expect_equal(units.val("mg", "mass"), "mg.mass")
expect_equal(units.val("mg", "o1"), "mg.o2")
# time
test_that("units.val - time inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
# we want all these to be recognised
sec.vars = c('seconds', 'second', 'sec', 'secs', 's',
'Seconds', 'Second', 'Sec', 'Secs', 'S')
min.vars = c('minutes', 'minute', 'min', 'mins', 'm',
'Minutes', 'Minute', 'Min', 'Mins', 'M')
hour.vars = c('hours', 'hour', 'hr', 'hrs', 'h',
'Hours', 'Hour', 'Hr', 'Hrs', 'H')
day.vars = c('days', 'day', 'dy', 'dys', 'd',
'Days', 'Day', 'Dy', 'Dys', 'D')
sapply(sec.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "time"),
sapply(min.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "time"),
sapply(hour.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "time"),
sapply(day.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "time"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("secon", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'secon' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("mi", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'mi' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("ours", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'ours' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("Da", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'Da' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - volume inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
uL.vars = c("uL.vol","ul","uL","microlitre","microliter",
"micro litre","micro liter")
mL.vars = c("mL.vol","ml","mL","millilitre","milli litre","milliliter",
"milli liter")
L.vars = c("L.vol","l","L","liter","litre","Litre","Liter")
sapply(uL.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "vol"),
sapply(mL.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "vol"),
sapply(L.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "vol"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("micro", "vol"),
"units.val: unit 'micro' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("mil", "vol"),
"units.val: unit 'mil' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("lit", "vol"),
"units.val: unit 'lit' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - mass inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
ug.vars <- c('ug.mass','ug','UG','ugram','microgram','microgramme','micro gram','micro gramme')
mg.vars <- c('mg.mass','mg','MG','mgram','milligram','milligramme','milli gram','milli gramme')
g.vars <- c('g.mass','g','G','gram','gramme')
kg.vars <- c('kg.mass','kg','KG','kilogram','kilogramme','kilo gram','kilo gramme','kgram')
sapply(ug.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "mass"),
sapply(mg.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "mass"),
sapply(g.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "mass"),
sapply(kg.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "mass"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("microg", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'microg' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("mi", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'mi' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("amme", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'amme' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("kilo", "time"),
"units.val: unit 'kilo' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - o2 inputs are parsed correctly", {
# error with old % input
perc.vars <- c("%", "perc", "percent","percentage")
sapply(perc.vars, function(z) expect_error(units.val(z, "o2"),
"units.val: unit \"%\" has been deprecated. Please use \"%Air\" or \"%Oxy\" instead. See unit_args()."))
# variations
percair.vars <- c("%Air.o2",
"%air","%Air","% air","%.air", "%_air", "%A","%a","percair","percentair",
"percentageair", "percent air","percentage air")
percoxy.vars <- c("%Oxy.o2",
"perc oxygen","percent.oxygen","percentage_oxygen",
"perc.o2","percent o2","percentage_o2",
ugperloxy.vars <- c("ug/L.o2",
"ug/L","ug/l","ug / L","ug / l","ugL-1",
"ugl-1","ug L-1","ug l -1","ug per liter","ug per litre",
"ugO2/L","ugO2/l","ugO2 / L","ugO2 / l","ugO2L-1",
"ugO2l-1","ugO2 L-1","ugO2 l -1","ugO2 per liter","ugO2 per litre",
"ugO2 per l")
mgperloxy.vars <- c("mg/L.o2",
"mg/L","mg/l","mg / L","mg / l","mgL-1",
"mgl-1","mg L-1","mg l -1","mg per liter","mg per litre",
"mgO2/L","mgO2/l","mgO2 / L","mgO2 / l","mgO2L-1",
"mgO2l-1","mgO2 L-1","mgO2 l -1","mgO2 per liter","mgO2 per litre",
"mgO2 per l")
molperloxy.vars <- c("mol/L.o2",
"mol/L","mol/l","mol / L","mol / l","molL-1",
"moll-1","mol L-1","mol l -1","mol per liter","mol per litre",
"molel-1","mole L-1","mole l -1","mole per liter","mole per litre",
"molO2/L","molO2/l","molO2 / L","molO2 / l","molO2L-1",
"molO2l-1","molO2 L-1","molO2 l -1","molO2 per liter","molO2 per litre",
"molO2 per l")
mmolperloxy.vars <- c("mmol/L.o2",
"mmol/L","mmol/l","mmol / L","mmol / l","mmolL-1",
"mmoll-1","mmol L-1","mmol l -1","mmol per liter","mmol per litre",
"mmolel-1","mmole L-1","mmole l -1","mmole per liter","mmole per litre",
"mmolO2/L","mmolO2/l","mmolO2 / L","mmolO2 / l","mmolO2L-1",
"mmolO2l-1","mmolO2 L-1","mmolO2 l -1","mmolO2 per liter","mmolO2 per litre",
"mmolO2 per l")
umolperloxy.vars <- c("umol/L.o2",
"umol/L","umol/l","umol / L","umol / l","umolL-1",
"umoll-1","umol L-1","umol l -1","umol per liter","umol per litre",
"umolel-1","umole L-1","umole l -1","umole per liter","umole per litre",
"umolO2/L","umolO2/l","umolO2 / L","umolO2 / l","umolO2L-1",
"umolO2l-1","umolO2 L-1","umolO2 l -1","umolO2 per liter","umolO2 per litre",
"umolO2 per l")
nmolperloxy.vars <- c("nmol/L.o2",
"nmol/L","nmol/l","nmol / L","nmol / l","nmolL-1",
"nmoll-1","nmol L-1","nmol l -1","nmol per liter","nmol per litre",
"nmolel-1","nmole L-1","nmole l -1","nmole per liter","nmole per litre",
"nmolO2/L","nmolO2/l","nmolO2 / L","nmolO2 / l","nmolO2L-1",
"nmolO2l-1","nmolO2 L-1","nmolO2 l -1","nmolO2 per liter","nmolO2 per litre",
"nmolO2 per l")
pmolperloxy.vars <- c("pmol/L.o2",
"pmol/L","pmol/l","pmol / L","pmol / l","pmolL-1",
"pmoll-1","pmol L-1","pmol l -1","pmol per liter","pmol per litre",
"pmolel-1","pmole L-1","pmole l -1","pmole per liter","pmole per litre",
"pmolO2/L","pmolO2/l","pmolO2 / L","pmolO2 / l","pmolO2L-1",
"pmolO2l-1","pmolO2 L-1","pmolO2 l -1","pmolO2 per liter","pmolO2 per litre",
"pmolO2 per l")
mlperloxy.vars <- c("mL/L.o2",
"mLL-1","mlL-1","ml / L","mL / L","mL / l","ml / l",
"ml l-1","mL l-1","mL L-1","ml L-1","ml per l","mL per L",
"ml per L",
"mLO2L-1","mlO2L-1","mlO2 / L","mLO2 / L","mLO2 / l","mlO2 / l",
"mlO2 l-1","mLO2 l-1","mLO2 L-1","mlO2 L-1","mlO2 per l","mLO2 per L",
"mlO2 per L")
cm3perloxy.vars <- c("cm3/L.o2",
"cm3L-1","cm3L-1","cm3 / L","cm3 / L","cm3 / l","cm3 / l",
"cm3 l-1","cm3 l-1","cm3 L-1","cm3 L-1","cm3 per l","cm3 per L",
"cm3 per L",
"cm3O2L-1","cm3O2L-1","cm3O2 / L","cm3O2 / L","cm3O2 / l","cm3O2 / l",
"cm3O2 l-1","cm3O2 l-1","cm3O2 L-1","cm3O2 L-1","cm3O2 per l","cm3O2 per L",
"cm3O2 per L",
"cm^3/L","cm^3O2 per L",
"ccL-1","ccL-1","cc / L","cc / L","cc / l","cc / l",
"cc l-1","cc l-1","cc L-1","cc L-1","cc per l","cc per L",
"cc per L",
"cubiccm/L","cubic cmO2/L","cubic cmO2/l","cubic cmO2/l","cubic cmO2l-1","cubic cmO2l-1",
"cubic cmO2L-1","cubic cmO2L-1","cubic cmO2 / L","cubic cmO2 / L","cubic cmO2 / l","cubic cmO2 / l",
"cubic cmO2 l-1","cubic cmO2 l-1","cubic cmO2 L-1","cubic cmO2 L-1","cubic cmO2 per l","cubic cmO2 per L",
"cubic cmO2 per L")
mgperkgoxy.vars <- c("mg/kg.o2",
"Mgkg-1","mgkg-1","mg / kg","Mg / kg","Mg / kg","mg / kg",
"mg Kg-1","Mg Kg-1","Mg kg-1","mg kg-1","mg per kg","Mg per kg",
"mg per kg",
"MgO2kg-1","mgO2kg-1","mgO2 / kg","MgO2 / kg","MgO2 / kg","mgO2 / kg",
"mgO2 Kg-1","MgO2 Kg-1","MgO2 kg-1","mgO2 kg-1","mgO2 per kg","MgO2 per kg",
"mgO2 per kg")
ugperkgoxy.vars <- c("ug/kg.o2",
"Ugkg-1","ugkg-1","ug / kg","Ug / kg","Ug / kg","ug / kg",
"ug Kg-1","Ug Kg-1","Ug kg-1","ug kg-1","ug per kg","Ug per kg",
"ug per kg",
"UgO2kg-1","ugO2kg-1","ugO2 / kg","UgO2 / kg","UgO2 / kg","ugO2 / kg",
"ugO2 Kg-1","UgO2 Kg-1","UgO2 kg-1","ugO2 kg-1","ugO2 per kg","UgO2 per kg",
"ugO2 per kg")
mlperkgoxy.vars <- c("mL/kg.o2",
"mLKG-1","mlKG-1","ml / KG","mL / KG","mL / kg","ml / kg",
"ml kg-1","mL kg-1","mL KG-1","ml KG-1","ml per kg","mL per KG",
"ml per KG",
"mLO2KG-1","mlO2KG-1","mlO2 / KG","mLO2 / KG","mLO2 / kg","mlO2 / kg",
"mlO2 kg-1","mLO2 kg-1","mLO2 KG-1","mlO2 KG-1","mlO2 per kg","mLO2 per KG",
"mlO2 per KG")
molperkgoxy.vars <- c("mol/kg.o2",
"moleKG-1","molKG-1","mol / KG","mole / KG","mole / kg","mol / kg",
"mol kg-1","mole kg-1","mole KG-1","mol KG-1","mol per kg","mole per KG",
"mol per KG",
"moleO2KG-1","molO2KG-1","molO2 / KG","moleO2 / KG","moleO2 / kg","molO2 / kg",
"molO2 kg-1","moleO2 kg-1","moleO2 KG-1","molO2 KG-1","molO2 per kg","moleO2 per KG",
"molO2 per KG")
mmolperkgoxy.vars <- c("mmol/kg.o2",
"mmoleKG-1","mmolKG-1","mmol / KG","mmole / KG","mmole / kg","mmol / kg",
"mmol kg-1","mmole kg-1","mmole KG-1","mmol KG-1","mmol per kg","mmole per KG",
"mmol per KG",
"mmoleO2KG-1","mmolO2KG-1","mmolO2 / KG","mmoleO2 / KG","mmoleO2 / kg","mmolO2 / kg",
"mmolO2 kg-1","mmoleO2 kg-1","mmoleO2 KG-1","mmolO2 KG-1","mmolO2 per kg","mmoleO2 per KG",
"mmolO2 per KG")
umolperkgoxy.vars <- c("umol/kg.o2",
"umoleKG-1","umolKG-1","umol / KG","umole / KG","umole / kg","umol / kg",
"umol kg-1","umole kg-1","umole KG-1","umol KG-1","umol per kg","umole per KG",
"umol per KG",
"umoleO2KG-1","umolO2KG-1","umolO2 / KG","umoleO2 / KG","umoleO2 / kg","umolO2 / kg",
"umolO2 kg-1","umoleO2 kg-1","umoleO2 KG-1","umolO2 KG-1","umolO2 per kg","umoleO2 per KG",
"umolO2 per KG")
nmolperkgoxy.vars <- c("nmol/kg.o2",
"nmoleKG-1","nmolKG-1","nmol / KG","nmole / KG","nmole / kg","nmol / kg",
"nmol kg-1","nmole kg-1","nmole KG-1","nmol KG-1","nmol per kg","nmole per KG",
"nmol per KG",
"nmoleO2KG-1","nmolO2KG-1","nmolO2 / KG","nmoleO2 / KG","nmoleO2 / kg","nmolO2 / kg",
"nmolO2 kg-1","nmoleO2 kg-1","nmoleO2 KG-1","nmolO2 KG-1","nmolO2 per kg","nmoleO2 per KG",
"nmolO2 per KG")
pmolperkgoxy.vars <- c("pmol/kg.o2",
"pmoleKG-1","pmolKG-1","pmol / KG","pmole / KG","pmole / kg","pmol / kg",
"pmol kg-1","pmole kg-1","pmole KG-1","pmol KG-1","pmol per kg","pmole per KG",
"pmol per KG",
"pmoleO2KG-1","pmolO2KG-1","pmolO2 / KG","pmoleO2 / KG","pmoleO2 / kg","pmolO2 / kg",
"pmolO2 kg-1","pmoleO2 kg-1","pmoleO2 KG-1","pmolO2 KG-1","pmolO2 per kg","pmoleO2 per KG",
"pmolO2 per KG")
torroxy.vars <- c("Torr.o2p", "torr","TORR","Torr","Tor","tor","torrO2","TORRO2","TorrO2","TorO2","torO2")
hpaoxy.vars <- c("hPa.o2p",
kpaoxy.vars <- c("kPa.o2p",
mmHgoxy.vars <- c("mmHg.o2p",
"mmHg","mm Hg","mmhg","mm hg","MMHG","MM HG",
"millimeter of mercury","mm mercury",
"mmHgO2","mm HgO2","mmhgO2","mm hgO2","MMHGO2","MM HGO2",
"millimeter of mercuryO2","mm mercuryO2")
inHgoxy.vars <- c("inHg.o2p",
"inHg","in Hg","inhg","in hg","inchHG","inches HG",
"inches of mercury","in mercury",
"inHgO2","in HgO2","inhgO2","in hgO2","INHGO2","IN HGO2",
"inches of mercuryO2","in mercuryO2")
sapply(percair.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(percoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(ugperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mgperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(molperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mmolperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(umolperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(nmolperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(pmolperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mlperloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(cm3perloxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mgperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(ugperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mlperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(molperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mmolperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(umolperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(nmolperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(pmolperkgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(torroxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(hpaoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(kpaoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(mmHgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
sapply(inHgoxy.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o2"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("%ai", "o2"),
"units.val: unit '%ai' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("_%air", "o2"),
"units.val: unit '_%air' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("%oxyg", "o2"),
"units.val: unit '%oxyg' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("ugO2 per lit", "o2"),
"units.val: unit 'ugO2 per lit' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("mgO2 per lit", "o2"),
"units.val: unit 'mgO2 per lit' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("molO2 per lit", "o2"),
"units.val: unit 'molO2 per lit' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
expect_error(units.val("mmolO2 per lit", "o2"),
"units.val: unit 'mmolO2 per lit' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - area inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
mm.vars <- c('mm2.area','mmsq','mm2','MM2','millimetre2')
cm.vars <- c('cm2.area','cmsq','cm2','CM2','centimetre2')
m.vars <- c('m2.area','msq','m2','M2','metre2')
km.vars <- c('km2.area','kmsq','km2','KM2','kilometre2')
sapply(mm.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "area"),
sapply(cm.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "area"),
sapply(m.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "area"),
sapply(km.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "area"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("millim", "area"),
"units.val: unit 'millim' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - o1 inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
mg.vars <- c('mg.o2','mgo2','mgO2','mg','Milligram','milligramme','milligrams','milligrammes')
ug.vars <- c('ug.o2','ugo2','ugO2','ug','microgram','microgramme','micrograms','microgrammes')
mol.vars <- c('mol.o2','molo2','molO2','mol','mole')
mmol.vars <- c('mmol.o2','mmolo2','mmolO2','mmol','millimol','millimole')
umol.vars <- c('umol.o2','umolo2','umolO2','umol','micromol','micromole')
nmol.vars <- c('nmol.o2','nmolo2','nmolO2','nmol','nanomol','nanomole')
pmol.vars <- c('pmol.o2','pmolo2','pmolO2','pmol','picomol','picomole')
ml.vars <- c('mL.o2','mlo2','mlO2','ml','mLo2','mLO2','mL',
cm3.vars <- c('cm3.o2','cm3o2','cm3.O2','cm3O2','cm3',
sapply(mg.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(ug.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(mol.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(mmol.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(umol.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(nmol.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(pmol.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(ml.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
sapply(cm3.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "o1"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("micro", "o1"),
"units.val: unit 'micro' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - flow inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
ulpersec.vars <- c("ul/S.flow",
"ul/Sec","ul/secs","ul / second","ul / s","ulS-1",
"uls-1","ul sec-1","ul secs -1","ul per second","ul per Seconds",
"UL.S","UL/s","UL / S","UL / s","ULS-1",
"microlitre s-1","Microlitre SEC-1","microliters_secs -1","Microliter per second","UL per seconds",
"Ul per s")
mlpersec.vars <- c("ml/S.flow",
"ml/Sec","ml/secs","ml / second","ml / s","mlS-1",
"mls-1","ml sec-1","ml secs -1","ml per second","ml per Seconds",
"ML.S","ML/s","ML / S","ML / s","MLS-1",
"millilitre s-1","Millilitre SEC-1","milliliters_secs -1","Milliliter per second","ML per seconds",
"Ml per s")
lpersec.vars <- c("l/S.flow",
"L/Sec","l/secs","l / second","L / s","lS-1",
"ls-1","l sec-1","l secs -1","l per second","l per Seconds",
"L.S","L/s","L / S","L / s","LS-1",
"litre s-1","Litre SEC-1","liters_secs -1","Liter per second","L per seconds",
"l per s")
ulpermin.vars <- c("ul/M.flow",
"ul/Min","ul/mins","ul / minute","ul / m","ulM-1",
"ulm-1","ul min-1","ul mins -1","ul per minute","ul per Minutes",
"UL.M","UL/m","UL / M","UL / m","ULM-1",
"microlitre m-1","Microlitre MIN-1","microliters_mins -1","Microliter per minute","UL per minutes",
"Ul per m")
mlpermin.vars <- c("ml/M.flow",
"ml/Min","ml/mins","ml / minute","ml / m","mlM-1",
"mlm-1","ml min-1","ml mins -1","ml per minute","ml per Minutes",
"ML.M","ML/m","ML / M","ML / m","MLM-1",
"millilitre m-1","Millilitre MIN-1","milliliters_mins -1","Milliliter per minute","ML per minutes",
"Ml per m")
lpermin.vars <- c("l/M.flow",
"L/Min","l/mins","l / minute","L / m","lM-1",
"lm-1","l min-1","l mins -1","l per minute","l per Minutes",
"L.M","L/m","L / M","L / m","LM-1",
"litre m-1","Litre MIN-1","liters_mins -1","Liter per minute","L per minutes",
"l per m")
ulperhr.vars <- c("ul/H.flow",
"ul/Hr","ul/hour","ul / hour","ul / h","ulH-1",
"ulh-1","ul hr-1","ul hrs -1","ul per hour","ul per Hours",
"UL.H","UL/h","UL / H","UL / h","ULH-1",
"microlitre h-1","Microlitre HR-1","microliters_hrs -1","Microliter per hour","UL per hours",
"Ul per h")
mlperhr.vars <- c("ml/H.flow",
"ml/Hr","ml/hour","ml / hour","ml / h","mlH-1",
"mlh-1","ml hr-1","ml hrs -1","ml per hour","ml per Hours",
"ML.H","ML/h","ML / H","ML / h","MLH-1",
"millilitre h-1","Millilitre HR-1","milliliters_hrs -1","Milliliter per hour","ML per hours",
"Ml per h")
lperhr.vars <- c("l/H.flow",
"L/Hr","l/hour","l / hour","L / h","lH-1",
"lh-1","l hr-1","l hrs -1","l per hour","l per Hours",
"L.H","L/h","L / H","L / h","LH-1",
"litre h-1","Litre HR-1","liters_hrs -1","Liter per hour","L per hours",
"l per h")
ulperday.vars <- c("ul/D.flow",
"ul/D","ul/day","ul / day","ul / d","ulD-1",
"uld-1","ul day-1","ul days -1","ul per day","ul per Days",
"UL.D","UL/d","UL / D","UL / d","ULD-1",
"microlitre d-1","Microlitre D-1","microliters_days -1","Microliter per day","UL per days",
"Ul per d")
mlperday.vars <- c("ml/D.flow",
"ml/D","ml/day","ml / day","ml / d","mlD-1",
"mld-1","ml day-1","ml days -1","ml per day","ml per Days",
"ML.D","ML/d","ML / D","ML / d","MLD-1",
"millilitre d-1","Millilitre D-1","milliliters_days -1","Milliliter per day","ML per days",
"Ml per d")
lperday.vars <- c("l/D.flow",
"L/D","l/day","l / day","L / d","lD-1",
"ld-1","l day-1","l days -1","l per day","l per Days",
"L.D","L/d","L / D","L / d","LD-1",
"litre d-1","Litre D-1","liters_days -1","Liter per day","L per days",
"l per d")
sapply(ulpersec.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(mlpersec.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(lpersec.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(ulpermin.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(mlpermin.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(lpermin.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(ulperhr.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(mlperhr.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(lperhr.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(ulperday.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(mlperday.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
sapply(lperday.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "flow"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("micro", "flow"),
"units.val: unit 'micro' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - pressure inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
kpa.vars <- c('kPa.p', 'kPa','kpa', 'KPA')
hpa.vars <- c('hPa.p', 'hPa','hpa', 'HPA')
pa.vars <- c('Pa.p', 'Pa','pa', 'PA')
ubar.vars <- c('uBar.p', 'ub', 'ubar', 'Ubar', 'UBAR', 'uBar', 'ubr', 'UBR')
mbar.vars <- c('mBar.p', 'mb', 'mbar', 'Mbar', 'MBAR', 'mBar', 'mbr', 'MBR')
bar.vars <- c('Bar.p', 'bar', 'bar', 'BAR', 'Bar', 'br', 'BR')
atm.vars <- c('atm.p', 'atm', 'Atm', 'ATM', 'Atmos', 'ATMOS')
torr.vars <- c('Torr.p', 'torr','TORR','Torr','Tor','tor')
mmhg.vars <- c('mmHg.p', 'mmHg','mm Hg','mmhg','mm hg','MMHG','MM HG')
inhg.vars <- c('inHg.p', 'inHg','in Hg','inhg','in hg','INHG','IN HG')
sapply(kpa.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(hpa.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(pa.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(ubar.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(mbar.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(bar.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(atm.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(torr.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(mmhg.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
sapply(inhg.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "pressure"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("micro", "flow"),
"units.val: unit 'micro' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
test_that("units.val - temperature inputs are parsed correctly", {
# variations
c.vars <- c('C','c', 'dgrc', 'DGRC', 'dgr c', 'DGR C',
'degrees c', 'DEGREES C',
'celsius', 'Celsius', 'CELSIUS',
'centigrade', 'Centigrade')
k.vars <- c('K','k', 'dgrk', 'DGRK', 'dgr k', 'DGR K',
'degrees k', 'DEGREES K',
'kelvin', 'Kelvin', 'KELVIN')
f.vars <- c('F','f', 'dgrf', 'DGRF', 'dgr f', 'DGR F',
'degrees f', 'DEGREES F',
'fahrenheit', 'Fahrenheit', 'FAHRENHEIT')
sapply(c.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "temperature"),
sapply(k.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "temperature"),
sapply(f.vars, function(z) expect_equal(units.val(z, "temperature"),
# partial matching should not work
expect_error(units.val("celc", "temperature"),
"units.val: unit 'celc' not recognised. Check it is valid for the input or output type.")
# StP units tests - o2 and mr
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