
Defines functions load_cfg

Documented in load_cfg

#' @title Load configuration data from JSON
#' @description Load the configuration information to the '.restatapi_env' from the JSON configuration file.
#' @param api_version  It can be either "old", "new", "test" or "current". The default value is "current" which defined by the DEFAULT_API_VERSION value of the config file.
#' @param cfg_file The location of the config file. It can be either "github" (the default value) or "local".
#' @param load_toc The default value \code{FALSE}, which means that the XML version of the Table of contents (TOC) will not be downloaded and 
#'        cached automatically in the '.restatapi_env' when the package is loaded.
#' @param parallel A boolean with the default value \code{TRUE}. If there are multiple cores/logical processors then part of the data 
#'        extraction is made in parallel reducing significantly the time needed for large datasets. If the value is \code{FALSE} the option \code{restatapi_cores} set to 1.
#' @param max_cores A boolean with the default value \code{FALSE}. If the parameter 'parallel' is \code{TRUE} then this parameter is taken into account otherwise it is ignored.
#'        If the value is \code{TRUE}, then the maximum minus one cores/logical processors are used for parallel computing. If the parameter \code{FALSE}, 
#'        then the default value of \code{getOption("mc.cores")} is used, if it is defined. If \code{mc.cores} is \code{NULL} then depending on the memory size and number of available cores/threads the \code{restatapi_cores} are set to 2 or 4 cores/logical processors. 
#'        Otherwise the parallel processing turned off by setting the option \code{restatapi_cores} to 1.
#'        The number of cores used for parallel computing can be changed any time with \code{options(restatapi_cores=...)}     
#' @param verbose  A boolean if the verbose message about the configuration to be showed or not. The default is \code{FALSE}. Can be set also with \code{options(restatapi_verbose=TRUE)} 
#' @return it returns 4 objects in the '.restatapi_env'  
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{cfg} a list with all the configuration data
#'  \item \code{rav} a character string with a number defining the API_VERSION from the configuration file to be used later. It is 
#'              determined based on the \code{api_version} parameter.   
#'  \item \code{cc} a list containing the 2 character country codes of the member states for different EU composition like EU15, EU28 or EA (Euro Area).   
#'  \item \code{dmethod} the download method to be used to access Eurostat database. If the 'libcurl' method exists under Windows then 
#'              it will be the default method for file download, otherwise it will be set 'auto'. The download method can be changed any time with \code{options(restatapi_dmethod=...)}
#'  } 
#' @export
#' @details Loads configuration data from a JSON file. The function first tries to load the configuration file from GitHub. 
#'          If it is not possible it loads from the file delivered with the package. By this way different version of the API can be tested. 
#'          Since in many cases there is http/https redirection in the download which can cause problems with the 'wininet' download method, the 'libcurl' method is used when it is available.
#'          This configuration code sets up the parallel processing to handle large XML files efficiently. By default if there is more then 4 cores/logical processors and at least 32 GB of RAM then
#'          4 cores are used for parallel computing. If there is more then 2 cores then 2 cores are used. This default configuration can be overwritten with \code{options(restatapi_cores=...)} or with the \code{max_cores=TRUE} parameter.
#'          In the second case part of the computation distributed over the maximum number minus one cores. By using the \code{max_cores=TRUE} option there is a higher probability that the program will run out off memory for larger datasets.  
#'          In addition, the list of country codes are loaded to the variable \code{cc} (country codes), based on the  \href{https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_NOM_DTL&StrNom=CL_GEO&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntPcKey=42277583&IntResult=1&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIC}{Eurostat standard code list}
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' options(timeout=2)
#' load_cfg(parallel=FALSE)
#' options(restatapi_dmethod="auto")
#' load_cfg(api_version="test",verbose=TRUE,max_cores=FALSE)
#' load_cfg()
#' eu<-get("cc",envir=.restatapi_env)
#' eu$EU28
#' eu$EA15
#' options(timeout=60)
#' }

  # .restatapi_env<-new.env()
  # assign(".restatapi_env",new.env(),envir=parent.env(parent.frame()))
  if (cfg_file=="github"){
      error = function(e) 
      {if (verbose) {warning("\nload_cfg - The configuration file could not be downloaded from GitHub, the preinstalled file in the package is used.")}
        cfg_source<-"the file installed locally"})
  } else if (cfg_file=="local"){
    if (verbose) {message("\nload_cfg - The preinstalled file in the package is used.")}
    cfg_source<-"the file installed locally"
  } else {
    message('Incorrect value for the cfg_file parameter. It should take the value either "github" or "local".')
  if (tbc) {
    if (api_version=="default") {
    if (api_version %in% c("old", "new", "test", "current")){
    } else {
      message('Incorrect value for the api_version parameter. It can take the value "old", "new", "test" or "current".')
  if (tbc) {
    if ((capabilities("libcurl")) & (Sys.info()[['sysname']]=='Windows')){
    if (load_toc){
      if (!is.null(toc)){
        msg_end<-"\n           - the Table of contents (TOC) successfully cached in '.restatapi_env'."
      } else{
        msg_end<-"\n           - the download and caching of the Table of contents (TOC) were unsuccessful."
    } else{
      msg_end<-"\n           - the Table of contents (TOC) was not pre-loaded into the deafult cache ('.restatapi_env')."
                                      Linux={tryCatch({as.numeric(system("awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo",intern=TRUE,ignore.stderr=TRUE))/1024},error=function(e){0},warning=function(w){0})}
    if (is.null(mem_size)|length(mem_size)==0){mem_size<-0}
    # if (Sys.info()[['sysname']]=='Windows'){parallel<-FALSE}
    if (parallel) {
      if (Sys.info()[['sysname']]=='Windows'){
      } else if (max_cores){
      } else {
        if (max(getOption("mc.cores"),Sys.getenv("MC_CORES"))>0){
        } else if (parallel::detectCores()>4){
          if (mem_size>30000){
          } else {
        } else if (parallel::detectCores()>2){
        } else {
    if (getOption("restatapi_cores")<2){
      parallel_text<-"no parallel computing."
    } else{
      parallel_text<-paste0(getOption("restatapi_cores")," from the ",parallel::detectCores()," cores are used for parallel computing, can be changed with 'options(restatapi_cores=...)'")    
    if (verbose) {packageStartupMessage("restatapi: - version ",getNamespaceVersion("restatapi"), 
                          "\n           - config file with the API version ",rav," loaded from ",cfg_source," (the 'current' API version number is ",cfg$API_VERSIONING$current,
                          ").\n           - ",parallel_text,
                          "\n           - '",getOption("restatapi_dmethod","auto"),"' method will be used for file download, can be changed with 'options(restatapi_dmethod=...)'",msg_end)

Try the restatapi package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

restatapi documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 5:08 p.m.