
Defines functions metadata_create

Documented in metadata_create

#' @title Create a metadata table
#' @description Create a metadata table from the survey data files.
#' @details A data frame like tibble ojbect is returned. 
#' In case you are working with a list of surveys (waves), call 
#' \code{\link{metadata_waves_create}}, which is a wrapper around 
#' a list of  \code{\link{metadata_create}} calls.
#' The structure of the returned tibble:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{filename}{The original file name; if present; \code{missing}, if a non-\code{\link{survey}} data frame is used as input \code{survey}.}
#'   \item{id}{The ID of the survey, if present; \code{missing}, if a non-\code{\link{survey}} data frame is used as input \code{survey}.}
#'   \item{var_name_orig}{The original variable name in SPSS.}
#'   \item{class_orig}{The original variable class after importing with\code{\link[haven]{read_spss}}.}
#'   \item{label_orig}{The original variable label in SPSS.}
#'   \item{labels}{A list of the value labels.}
#'   \item{valid_labels}{A list of the value labels that are not marked as missing values.}
#'   \item{na_labels}{A list of the value labels that refer to user-defined missing values.}
#'   \item{na_range}{An optional range of a continuous missing range, if present in the vector.}
#'   \item{n_labels}{Number of categories or unique levels, which may be different from the sum of missing and category labels.}
#'   \item{n_valid_labels}{Number of categories in the non-missing range.}
#'   \item{n_na_labels}{Number of categories of the variable, should be the sum of the former two.}
#'   \item{na_levels}{A list of the user-defined missing values.}
#' }
#' @param survey A survey data frame.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join mutate case_when group_by
#' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest
#' @importFrom labelled na_values na_range val_labels var_label
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @family metadata functions
#' @return A nested data frame with metadata and the range of 
#' labels, na_values and the na_range itself.
#' @examples
#' metadata_create (
#'  survey = read_rds (
#'           system.file("examples", "ZA7576.rds",
#'                       package = "retroharmonize")
#'           )
#' )
#' @export

metadata_create <- function( survey ) {

              msg = "Parameter 'survey' must be of s3 class survey. See ?is.survey.")
  filename <- attr(survey, "filename")
  if (is.null(filename)) filename <- "unknown"
  id <- attr(survey, "id")
  if (is.null(id)) id <- "missing"
  if( ncol(survey) == 0) {
    # Special case when file could not be read and survey is empty
    return(metadata_initialize(filename = filename, id = paste0(filename, " could not be read.")))
  label_orig  <- lapply ( survey, labelled::var_label )
  class_orig <- vapply( survey, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1))
  metadata <- tibble::tibble (
    filename = filename, 
    id = id,
    var_name_orig = names(survey), 
    class_orig =  class_orig, 
    label_orig = ifelse ( vapply(label_orig, is.null, logical(1)), 
                          unlist(label_orig)) %>%
      as.character() %>%
  fn_valid_range <- function(x) {
    labelled::val_labels(x)[!labelled::val_labels(x) %in% labelled::na_values(x)]
  na_labels <- function(x) {
    # labels that refer to na_values
    labs <- labelled::val_labels(x)
  labs[labs == labelled::na_values(x)]
  to_list_column <- function(.f = "na_values") {
    x <- dplyr::case_when ( 
      .f == "na_labels" ~ sapply ( survey, na_labels), 
      .f == "na_range"  ~ sapply ( survey, labelled::na_range), 
      .f == "valid_range"  ~ sapply ( survey, fn_valid_range),
      .f == "labels" ~ sapply ( survey, labelled::val_labels))
    x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA_character_
    names(x) <- names(survey)
    #df <- purrr::map(x, list)
    #names(df) <- rep(.f, length(df))
  range_df  <- tibble::tibble (
    var_name_orig = names(survey),
    labels = to_list_column(.f = "labels"),
    valid_labels = to_list_column(.f = "valid_range"),
    na_labels = to_list_column(.f = "na_labels"),
    na_range = to_list_column (.f = "na_range")
  label_length <- function(x) {
    ifelse ( is.na(x[[1]])[1] | length(x[[1]]) ==0,
             0, length(x[[1]]) )
  range_df$n_labels <- vapply(1:nrow(range_df), function(x) label_length(range_df$labels[x]), numeric(1))
  range_df$n_valid_labels <- vapply(1:nrow(range_df), function(x) label_length(range_df$valid_labels[x]), numeric(1))
  range_df$n_na_labels <- vapply(1:nrow(range_df), function(x) label_length(range_df$na_labels[x]), numeric(1))

  return_df <- metadata %>%
    dplyr::left_join ( range_df %>% 
                         dplyr::group_by ( .data$var_name_orig ) %>%
                         tidyr::nest() , 
                       by = "var_name_orig") %>%
    tidyr::unnest ( cols = "data" )  %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate ( n_na_labels = as.numeric(.data$n_na_labels), 
             n_valid_labels = as.numeric(.data$n_valid_labels), 
             n_labels = as.numeric(.data$n_labels)) %>%
  change_label_to_empty <- function() {
    "none" = NA_real_
  ## Avoid the accidental creation of empty CHARACTER lists, because they do not bind with 
  ## numeric lists. 
  return_df$label_type <- vapply(return_df$labels, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1))
  return_dflabels <- ifelse (return_df$label_type == "character" & return_df$n_labels ==0 , 
                             yes = change_label_to_empty(), 
                             no =  return_df$labels )
  return_df$valid_labels <- ifelse (return_df$label_type == "character" & return_df$n_labels ==0 , 
                                   yes = change_label_to_empty(), 
                                   no =  return_df$valid_labels )
  return_df$na_labels <- ifelse (return_df$label_type == "character" & return_df$n_labels == 0 , 
                                yes = change_label_to_empty(), 
                                no =  return_df$na_labels )
  return_df %>%
    select ( -.data$label_type )

#' @title Create a metadata table from several surveys
#' @rdname metadata_create
#' @param survey_list A list containing surveys of class survey.
#' @family metadata functions
#' @examples
#' examples_dir <- system.file( "examples", package = "retroharmonize")
#' my_rds_files <- dir( examples_dir)[grepl(".rds", 
#'                                         dir(examples_dir))]
#' example_surveys <- read_surveys(file.path(examples_dir, my_rds_files))
#' metadata_waves_create (example_surveys)
#' @export

metadata_waves_create <- function ( survey_list ) {
  validate_survey_list( survey_list)
  metadata_list <- lapply ( survey_list, metadata_create )

  do.call ( rbind, metadata_list )

#' @title Initialize a metadata data frame
#' @inheritParams metadata_create
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @return A nested data frame with metadata and the range of 
#' labels, na_values and the na_range itself.
#' @keywords internal
metadata_initialize <- function (filename, id ){
  tibble::tibble ( 
    filename = filename, 
    id = id, 
    class_orig = NA_character_,
    var_name_orig = NA_character_, 
    label_orig   = NA_character_, 
    labels       = NA_character_, 
    valid_labels = list("none" = NA_real_),
    na_labels = list("none" = NA_real_),
    na_range = list("none" = NA_real_),
    n_labels = 0,
    n_valid_labels = 0,
    n_na_labels = 0 )  

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retroharmonize documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 1:07 a.m.