
#' Convert to a reveal.js presentation
#' Format for converting from R Markdown to a reveal.js presentation.
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::pdf_document
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::html_document
#' @param center \code{TRUE} to vertically center content on slides
#' @param slide_level Level of heading to denote individual slides. If 
#'   \code{slide_level} is 2 (the default), a two-dimensional layout will be 
#'   produced, with level 1 headers building horizontally and level 2 headers 
#'   building vertically. It is not recommended that you use deeper nesting of 
#'   section levels with reveal.js.
#' @param theme Visual theme ("simple", "sky", "beige", "serif", "solarized", 
#'   "blood", "moon", "night", "black", "league" or "white").
#' @param transition Slide transition ("default", "none", "fade", "slide", 
#'   "convex", "concave" or "zoom")
#' @param background_transition Slide background-transition ("default", "none", 
#'   "fade", "slide", "convex", "concave" or "zoom")
#' @param reveal_options Additional options to specify for reveal.js (see 
#'   \href{https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#configuration}{https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#configuration}
#'    for details).
#' @param reveal_plugins Reveal plugins to include. Available plugins include
#'   "notes", "search", "zoom", "chalkboard", and "menu". Note that
#'   \code{self_contained} must be set to \code{FALSE} in order to use Reveal
#'   plugins.
#' @param template Pandoc template to use for rendering. Pass "default" to use 
#'   the rmarkdown package default template; pass \code{NULL} to use pandoc's 
#'   built-in template; pass a path to use a custom template that you've 
#'   created. Note that if you don't use the "default" template then some 
#'   features of \code{revealjs_presentation} won't be available (see the 
#'   Templates section below for more details).
#' @param extra_dependencies Additional function arguments to pass to the base R
#'   Markdown HTML output formatter [rmarkdown::html_document_base()].
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return R Markdown output format to pass to \code{\link{render}}
#' @details
#' In reveal.js presentations you can use level 1 or level 2 headers for slides.
#' If you use a mix of level 1 and level 2 headers then a two-dimensional layout
#' will be produced, with level 1 headers building horizontally and level 2 
#' headers building vertically.
#' For additional documentation on using revealjs presentations see 
#' \href{https://github.com/rstudio/revealjs}{https://github.com/rstudio/revealjs}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rmarkdown)
#' library(revealjs)
#' # simple invocation
#' render("pres.Rmd", revealjs_presentation())
#' # specify an option for incremental rendering
#' render("pres.Rmd", revealjs_presentation(incremental = TRUE))
#' }
#' @export
revealjs_presentation <- function(incremental = FALSE,
                                  center = FALSE,
                                  slide_level = 2,
                                  fig_width = 8,
                                  fig_height = 6,
                                  fig_retina = if (!fig_caption) 2,
                                  fig_caption = FALSE,
                                  smart = TRUE,
                                  self_contained = TRUE,
                                  theme = "simple",
                                  transition = "default",
                                  background_transition = "default",
                                  reveal_options = NULL,
                                  reveal_plugins = NULL,
                                  highlight = "default",
                                  mathjax = "default",
                                  template = "default",
                                  css = NULL,
                                  includes = NULL,
                                  keep_md = FALSE,
                                  lib_dir = NULL,
                                  pandoc_args = NULL,
                                  extra_dependencies = NULL,
                                  ...) {
  # function to lookup reveal resource
  reveal_resources <- function() {
                package = "revealjs")
  # base pandoc options for all reveal.js output
  args <- c()
  # template path and assets
  if (identical(template, "default")) {
    default_template <- system.file(
      package = "revealjs"
    args <- c(args, "--template", pandoc_path_arg(default_template))
  } else if (!is.null(template)) {
    args <- c(args, "--template", pandoc_path_arg(template))
  # incremental
  if (incremental)
    args <- c(args, "--incremental")
  # centering
  jsbool <- function(value) ifelse(value, "true", "false")
  args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("center", jsbool(center)))
  # slide level
  args <- c(args, "--slide-level", as.character(slide_level))
  # theme
  theme <- match.arg(theme, revealjs_themes())
  if (identical(theme, "default"))
    theme <- "simple"
  else if (identical(theme, "dark"))
    theme <- "black"
  if (theme %in% c("blood", "moon", "night", "black"))
    args <- c(args, "--variable", "theme-dark")
  args <- c(args, "--variable", paste("theme=", theme, sep=""))
  # transition
  transition <- match.arg(transition, revealjs_transitions())
  args <- c(args, "--variable", paste("transition=", transition, sep=""))
  # background_transition
  background_transition <- match.arg(background_transition, revealjs_transitions())
  args <- c(args, "--variable", paste("backgroundTransition=", background_transition, sep=""))
  # use history
  args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("history", "true"))
  # additional reveal options
  if (is.list(reveal_options)) {
    add_reveal_option <- function(option, value) {
      if (is.logical(value))
        value <- jsbool(value)
      else if (is.character(value))
        value <- paste0("'", value, "'")
      args <<- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg(option, value))
    for (option in names(reveal_options)) {
      # special handling for nested options
      if (option %in% c("chalkboard", "menu")) {
        nested_options <- reveal_options[[option]]
        for (nested_option in names(nested_options)) {
          add_reveal_option(paste0(option, "-", nested_option),
      # standard top-level options
      else {
        add_reveal_option(option, reveal_options[[option]])
  # reveal plugins
  if (is.character(reveal_plugins)) {
    # validate that we need to use self_contained for plugins
    if (self_contained)
      stop("Using reveal_plugins requires self_contained: false")
    # validate specified plugins are supported
    supported_plugins <- c("notes", "search", "zoom", "chalkboard", "menu")
    invalid_plugins <- setdiff(reveal_plugins, supported_plugins)
    if (length(invalid_plugins) > 0)
      stop("The following plugin(s) are not supported: ",
           paste(invalid_plugins, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
    # add plugins
    sapply(reveal_plugins, function(plugin) {
      args <<- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg(paste0("plugin-", plugin), "1"))
      if (plugin %in% c("chalkboard", "menu")) {
        extra_dependencies <<- append(extra_dependencies,
  # content includes
  args <- c(args, includes_to_pandoc_args(includes))
  # additional css
  for (css_file in css)
    args <- c(args, "--css", pandoc_path_arg(css_file))
  # pre-processor for arguments that may depend on the name of the
  # the input file (e.g. ones that need to copy supporting files)
  pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir,
                            output_dir) {
    # we don't work with runtime shiny
    if (identical(runtime, "shiny")) {
      stop("revealjs_presentation is not compatible with runtime 'shiny'", 
           call. = FALSE)
    # use files_dir as lib_dir if not explicitly specified
    if (is.null(lib_dir))
      lib_dir <- files_dir
    # extra args
    args <- c()
    # reveal.js
    revealjs_path <- system.file("reveal.js-", package = "revealjs")
    if (!self_contained || identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows"))
      revealjs_path <- relative_to(
        output_dir, render_supporting_files(revealjs_path, lib_dir))
      revealjs_path <- pandoc_path_arg(revealjs_path)
    args <- c(args, "--variable", paste0("revealjs-url=", revealjs_path))
    # highlight
    args <- c(args, pandoc_highlight_args(highlight, default = "pygments"))
    # return additional args
  # return format
    knitr = knitr_options_html(fig_width, fig_height, fig_retina, keep_md),
    pandoc = pandoc_options(to = "revealjs",
                            from = rmarkdown_format(ifelse(fig_caption, 
                            args = args),
    keep_md = keep_md,
    clean_supporting = self_contained,
    pre_processor = pre_processor,
    base_format = html_document_base(smart = smart, lib_dir = lib_dir,
                                     self_contained = self_contained,
                                     mathjax = mathjax,
                                     pandoc_args = pandoc_args, 
                                     extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,

revealjs_themes <- function() {

revealjs_transitions <- function() {

Try the revealjs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

revealjs documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:25 p.m.