
Defines functions get_client_metadata

Documented in get_client_metadata

#' Get Metadata on Client Ids for a List of Product Ids
#' Returns metadata (what Revenera calls "properties") for every
#' Client Id installed during user-provided date range for all product
#' Ids in a list.
#' It is not recommended that your username be stored directly in your
#' code. There are various methods and packages available that are more
#' secure; this package does not require you to use any one in particular.
#' This API call can only return 200 Client Ids at a time. It will take a
#' long time to execute if you have many Client Ids, as the function will
#' submit requests to the API repeatedly; this may even result in a timeout
#' error from the server. In order to provide data for troubleshooting
#' this function will write a message to the console after each call.
#' It is recommended that you divert the console output to a text file.
#' You can do this in multiple ways, including with the sink function (see
#' example for how to do this).
#' For the same reason you are encouraged to break your request into
#' smaller chunks using the install dates and/or splitting up your
#' product Ids.
#' @param rev_product_ids A vector of Revenera product id's for which
#' you want active user data.
#' @param rev_session_id Session ID established by the connection to
#' Revenera API. This can be obtained with revenera_auth().
#' @param rev_username Revenera username.
#' @param product_properties_df Data frame with available properties
#' for all product ids. Can obtain with the get_product_properties function.
#' @param desired_properties The property names of the metadata you want
#' to collect.
#' @param installed_start_date Date object for the starting date of
#' product installations.
#' @param installed_end_date Date object for the ending date of
#' product installations.
#' @param chatty The function can be chatty, sending a message to the console
#' for every iteration through a product Id. Many API calls may be required
#' and the console may get very long and it may slow down the execution.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom purrr "map_dfr"
#' @importFrom purrr "map_dfc"
#' @import httr
#' @import jsonlite
#' @importFrom tidyselect "all_of"
#' @importFrom tidyr "pivot_longer"
#' @importFrom tibble "tibble"
#' @return Data frame with selected properties for each Client Id.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rev_user <- "my_username"
#' rev_pwd <- "super_secret"
#' product_ids_list <- c("123", "456", "789")
#' session_id <- revenera_auth(rev_user, rev_pwd)
#' product_properties <- get_product_properties(
#'   product_ids_list, session_id,
#'   rev_user
#' )
#' sink("output_filename.txt")
#' sink(stdout(), type = "message")
#' client_metadata <- get_client_metadata(
#'   product_ids_list, session_id,
#'   rev_user, product_properties, c("Property1", "Property2"),
#'   start_date, end_date
#' )
#' sink()
#' }
get_client_metadata <- function(rev_product_ids, rev_session_id, rev_username,
                                product_properties_df, desired_properties,
                                installed_start_date, installed_end_date,
                                chatty = FALSE) {
  product_df_base <- tibble(
    revenera_product_id = character(),
    client_id = character(), property_friendly_name =
      character(), property_value = character()

  get_one_product_metadata <- function(product_iter) {
    if (chatty) {
      message(paste0("Starting product id ", product_iter))

    custom_property_names <- product_properties_df %>%
        .data$revenera_product_id == product_iter,
        .data$property_friendly_name %in% desired_properties
      ) %>%
      select(.data$property_name) %>%

    custom_property_friendly_names <- product_properties_df %>%
        .data$revenera_product_id == product_iter,
        .data$property_friendly_name %in% desired_properties
      ) %>%
      select(.data$property_friendly_name) %>%

    i <- 0

    keep_going <- TRUE

    while (keep_going == TRUE) {
      if (chatty) {
        message(paste0("iteration ", i))

      i <- i + 1

      body <- paste0("{\"user\":\"", rev_username,
        ), auto_unbox = TRUE),
            auto_unbox = TRUE
          ), "}"
        sep = ""

      request <- httr::RETRY("POST",
        url = paste0(
        body = body,
        encode = "json",
        times = 4,
        pause_min = 10,
        terminate_on = NULL,
        terminate_on_success = TRUE,
        pause_cap = 5

      # nolint start
      # nolint end

      request_content <- httr::content(request, "text", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
      content_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(request_content, flatten = TRUE)
      if (chatty) {
        message(paste0("nextClientId = ", content_json$nextClientId))

      build_data_frame <- function(c) {
        properties <- as.data.frame(content_json$results[c])

      product_df <- purrr::map_dfc(
      names(product_df)[2:length(content_json$results)] <-
      product_df2 <- product_df %>%
          names_to = "property_friendly_name",
          values_to = "property_value"
        ) %>%
          property_value = dplyr::if_else(.data$property_value == "<NULL>" |
            .data$property_value == "",
          revenera_product_id = product_iter
        ) %>%
        rename(client_id = .data$clientId) %>%
          .data$revenera_product_id, .data$client_id,
          .data$property_friendly_name, .data$property_value
        ) %>%

      product_df_base <- dplyr::bind_rows(product_df2, product_df_base)

      keep_going <- ifelse(content_json$reachedEnd == "FALSE", TRUE, FALSE)


  all_products_df <- purrr::map_dfr(rev_product_ids, get_one_product_metadata)

Try the reveneraR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

reveneraR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.