
Defines functions get_dividends

Documented in get_dividends

#' Dividend payments history
#' @description This function downloads all available dividend payments history of a given company.
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @param symbol Specifies the ticker or symbol the user wants to download the data of, in the form of a string. Example: 'MSFT'
#' @param from Minimum date to get data from
#' @param to Maximum date to get data of
#' @param split_adjust Boolean deciding if data should adjusted with splits
#' @examples
#' dividends <- get_dividends('MSFT')
#' @rdname get_dividends
#' @export
get_dividends <- function(symbol, from = "1950-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), split_adjust = FALSE) {
    df_list <- list()
    cli::cli_progress_bar("Downloading dividends", total = length(symbol))
    for(s in symbol){
      handle <- get_handle()
      yahoo_url <- build_yahoo_url(symbol = s, from = date_to_unix(from), to = date_to_unix(to), interval = '1d', event = "div", handle = handle)
      dividends <- NULL
      try(dividends <- readr::read_csv(curl::curl(yahoo_url, handle = handle$session), col_types = readr::cols()), silent = TRUE)
        warning(glue::glue("... \n We didn't find any {symbol}. We'll skip this one"))
      colnames(dividends) <- c('date', 'dividends')
      # What to do if we can't find dividends for that company
      if(nrow(dividends) == 0){
        warning(glue::glue("No dividends found for '{s}'. It will be skipped"), call. = FALSE)
      # Adjust for splits
      if (split_adjust) dividends <- adjust_for_splits(dividends, s)
      dividends['name'] <- s
      df_list[[s]] <- 
        dividends[c('date', 'name', 'dividends')] %>% 

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rfinance documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 9:07 a.m.