
Defines functions gboai gbif_oai_get_records gbif_oai_list_sets gbif_oai_list_metadataformats gbif_oai_list_records gbif_oai_list_identifiers gbif_oai_identify

Documented in gbif_oai_get_records gbif_oai_identify gbif_oai_list_identifiers gbif_oai_list_metadataformats gbif_oai_list_records gbif_oai_list_sets

#' GBIF registry data via OAI-PMH
#' @export
#' @name gbif_oai
#' @param prefix (character) A string to specify the metadata format in OAI-PMH
#' requests issued to the repository. The default (`"oai_dc"`) corresponds
#' to the mandatory OAI unqualified Dublin Core metadata schema.
#' @param from (character) string giving datestamp to be used as lower bound
#' for datestamp-based selective harvesting (i.e., only harvest records with
#' datestamps in the given range). Dates and times must be encoded using ISO
#' 8601. The trailing Z must be used when including time. OAI-PMH implies
#' UTC for data/time specifications.
#' @param until (character) Datestamp to be used as an upper bound, for
#' datestamp-based selective harvesting (i.e., only harvest records with
#' datestamps in the given range).
#' @param set (character) A set to be used for selective harvesting (i.e., only
#' harvest records in the given set).
#' @param token	(character) a token previously provided by the server to resume
#' a request where it last left off. 50 is max number of records returned.
#' We will loop for you internally to get all the records you asked for.
#' @param as (character) What to return. One of "df" (for data.frame;
#' default), "list" (get a list), or "raw" (raw text). For
#' `gbif_oai_get_records`, one of "parsed" or "raw"
#' @param id,ids (character) The OAI-PMH identifier for the record. Optional.
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to `httr::GET`
#' @return raw text, list or data.frame, depending on requested output via
#' \code{as} parameter
#' @details These functions only work with GBIF registry data, and do so
#' via the OAI-PMH protocol
#' (https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html)
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' gbif_oai_identify()
#' today <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d")
#' gbif_oai_list_identifiers(from = today)
#' gbif_oai_list_identifiers(set = "country:NL")
#' gbif_oai_list_records(from = today)
#' gbif_oai_list_records(set = "country:NL")
#' gbif_oai_list_metadataformats()
#' gbif_oai_list_metadataformats(id = "9c4e36c1-d3f9-49ce-8ec1-8c434fa9e6eb")
#' gbif_oai_list_sets()
#' gbif_oai_list_sets(as = "list")
#' gbif_oai_get_records("9c4e36c1-d3f9-49ce-8ec1-8c434fa9e6eb")
#' ids <- c("9c4e36c1-d3f9-49ce-8ec1-8c434fa9e6eb",
#'          "e0f1bb8a-2d81-4b2a-9194-d92848d3b82e")
#' gbif_oai_get_records(ids)
#' }
gbif_oai_identify <- function(...) {
  as.list(oai::id(url = gboai(), ...))

#' @export
#' @rdname gbif_oai
gbif_oai_list_identifiers <- function(prefix = "oai_dc", from = NULL,
  until = NULL, set = NULL, token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {

  oai::list_identifiers(url = gboai(), from = from, until = until,
        prefix = prefix, set = set, token = token, as = as, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname gbif_oai
gbif_oai_list_records <- function(prefix = "oai_dc", from = NULL, until = NULL,
  set = NULL, token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {

  oai::list_records(url = gboai(), from = from, until = until,
        prefix = prefix, set = set, token = token, as = as, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname gbif_oai
gbif_oai_list_metadataformats <- function(id = NULL, ...) {
  oai::list_metadataformats(url = gboai(), id = id, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname gbif_oai
gbif_oai_list_sets <- function(token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {
  oai::list_sets(url = gboai(), token = token, as = as, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname gbif_oai
gbif_oai_get_records <- function(ids, prefix = "oai_dc", as = "parsed", ...) {
  oai::get_records(ids = ids, prefix = prefix, url = gboai(), as = as, ...)

gboai <- function() file.path(gbif_base(), "oai-pmh/registry")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.