
Defines functions occ_issues

Documented in occ_issues

#' Parse and examine further GBIF occurrence issues on a dataset.
#' @export
#' @param .data Output from a call to [occ_search()], [occ_data()], or
#' [occ_download_import()]. The data from `occ_download_import`
#' is just a regular data.frame so you can pass in a data.frame to this
#' function, but if it doesn't have certain columns it will fail.
#' @param ... Named parameters to only get back (e.g. cdround), or to
#' remove (e.g. -cdround).
#' @param mutate (character) One of:
#' - `split` Split issues into new columns.
#' - `expand` Expand issue abbreviated codes into descriptive names.
#' for downloads datasets, this is not super useful since the
#' issues come to you as expanded already.
#' - `split_expand` Split into new columns, and expand issue names.
#' For split and split_expand, values in cells become y ("yes") or n ("no")
#' @references
#' https://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/OccurrenceIssue.html
#' @details See also the vignette **Cleaning data using GBIF issues**
#' Note that you can also query based on issues, e.g.,
#' `occ_search(taxonKey=1, issue='DEPTH_UNLIKELY')`. However, I imagine
#' it's more likely that you want to search for occurrences based on a
#' taxonomic name, or geographic area, not based on issues, so it makes sense
#' to pull data down, then clean as needed using this function.
#' This function only affects the `data` element in the `gbif` class that is
#' returned from a call to [occ_search()]. Maybe in a future version
#' we will remove the associated records from the `hierarchy` and `media`
#' elements as they are removed from the `data` element.
#' You'll notice that we sort columns to make it easier to glimpse the important
#' parts of your data, namely taxonomic name, taxon key, latitude and longitude,
#' and the issues. The columns are unchanged otherwise.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # what do issues mean, can print whole table
#' head(gbif_issues())
#' # or just occurrence related issues
#' gbif_issues()[which(gbif_issues()$type %in% c("occurrence")),]
#' # or search for matches
#' iss <- c('cdround','cudc','gass84','txmathi')
#' gbif_issues()[ gbif_issues()$code %in% iss, ]
#' # compare out data to after occ_issues use
#' (out <- occ_search(limit=100))
#' out %>% occ_issues(cdround)
#' # occ_data
#' (out <- occ_data(limit=100))
#' out %>% occ_issues(cdround)
#' # Parsing output by issue
#' (res <- occ_data(
#'   geometry='POLYGON((30.1 10.1,40 40,20 40,10 20,30.1 10.1))',
#'   limit = 600))
#' ## or parse issues in various ways
#' ### include only rows with cdround issue
#' gg <- res %>% occ_issues(cdround)
#' NROW(res$data)
#' NROW(gg$data)
#' head(res$data)[,c(1:5)]
#' head(gg$data)[,c(1:5)]
#' ### remove data rows with certain issue classes
#' res %>% occ_issues(-cdround, -cudc)
#' ### split issues into separate columns
#' res %>% occ_issues(mutate = "split")
#' res %>% occ_issues(-cudc, -mdatunl, mutate = "split")
#' res %>% occ_issues(gass84, mutate = "split")
#' ### expand issues to more descriptive names
#' res %>% occ_issues(mutate = "expand")
#' ### split and expand
#' res %>% occ_issues(mutate = "split_expand")
#' ### split, expand, and remove an issue class
#' res %>% occ_issues(-cdround, mutate = "split_expand")
#' ## Or you can use occ_issues without %>%
#' occ_issues(res, -cdround, mutate = "split_expand")
#' # from GBIF downloaded data via occ_download_* functions
#' res <- occ_download_get(key="0000066-140928181241064", overwrite=TRUE)
#' x <- occ_download_import(res)
#' occ_issues(x, -txmathi)
#' occ_issues(x, txmathi)
#' occ_issues(x, gass84)
#' occ_issues(x, zerocd)
#' occ_issues(x, gass84, txmathi)
#' occ_issues(x, mutate = "split")
#' occ_issues(x, -gass84, mutate = "split")
#' occ_issues(x, mutate = "expand")
#' occ_issues(x, mutate = "split_expand")
#' # occ_search/occ_data with many inputs - give slightly different output
#' # format than normal 2482598, 2498387
#' xyz <- occ_data(taxonKey = c(9362842, 2492483, 2435099), limit = 300)
#' xyz
#' length(xyz) # length 3
#' names(xyz) # matches taxonKey values passed in
#' occ_issues(xyz, -gass84)
#' occ_issues(xyz, -cdround)
#' occ_issues(xyz, -cdround, -gass84)
#' }

occ_issues <- function(.data, ..., mutate = NULL) {
  .Deprecated(msg="rgbif::occ_issues() is deprecated since rgbif 3.7.8.")
  assert(.data, c("gbif", "gbif_data", "data.frame", "tbl_df"))

  check_issues(type = "occurrence", ...)

  handle_issues(.data, is_occ = TRUE, ..., mutate = mutate)

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rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.