
Defines functions gads_get_account_hierarchy

Documented in gads_get_account_hierarchy

#' Get Google Ads Manager Account Hierarchy
#' @param manager_customer_id ID of the manager account whose hierarchy you want to get.
#' @param include_drafts logical, Incliding drafts child account.
#' @param login_customer_id Ypor top-level manager account id.
#' @return tibble with data of all the child accounts
#' @seealso \href{https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/account-management/get-account-hierarchy}{Get Account Hierarchy API documentation}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' acc_hier <- gads_get_account_hierarchy(
#'     manager_customer_id = '111-111-1111',
#'     login_customer_id   = '000-000-0000')
#' }
gads_get_account_hierarchy <- function(
  manager_customer_id = getOption('gads.login.customer.id'),
  include_drafts      = FALSE,
  login_customer_id   = getOption('gads.login.customer.id')
) {

  # remove - from manager_customer id
  manager_customer_id <- str_replace_all(manager_customer_id, '-', '')

  # build GAQL Query
  gaql_query <- gads_make_query(
    resource = 'customer_client',
    fields = c( 'customer_client.applied_labels',
      ),date_from = NULL, date_to = NULL, during = NULL,
    parameters = ifelse(include_drafts, 'include_drafts=true', 'include_drafts=false')

  body <- list(query = gaql_query) %>%
          toJSON(auto_unbox = T, pretty = T)

  # send query
  out <- gads_make_request(
    http_method = "POST",
    body = body,
    api_method = str_glue('customers/{manager_customer_id}/googleAds:searchStream')

  # parse answer
  tibble(data = out) %>%
    unnest_wider('data') %>%
    select('results') %>%
    unnest_longer('results') %>%
    unnest_wider('results') %>%
    unnest_wider('customer') %>%
    unnest_wider('customerClient', names_sep = "_") %>%
    rename_with(getOption('gads.column.name.case.fun')) -> res

  # success msg
  cli_alert_success('Success! Loaded {nrow(res)} rows!')

  # return result


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rgoogleads documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:57 p.m.