
Defines functions commonSubexpressions numberOfCommonSubexpressions normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions NCSdist sizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions SNCSdist differingSubexpressions numberOfDifferingSubexpressions sizeWeightedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions trivialMetric normInducedTreeDistance normInducedFunctionDistance customDist exprChildrenOrEmptyList exprLabel

Documented in commonSubexpressions customDist differingSubexpressions exprChildrenOrEmptyList exprLabel NCSdist normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions normInducedFunctionDistance normInducedTreeDistance numberOfCommonSubexpressions numberOfDifferingSubexpressions sizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions sizeWeightedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions SNCSdist trivialMetric

## similarity.R
##   - Similarity and distance measures for R functions and expressions
## RGP - a GP system for R
## 2010 Oliver Flasch (oliver.flasch@fh-koeln.de)
## with contributions of Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Patrick Koch, Olaf Mersmann and Joerg Stork
## released under the GPL v2

##' Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
##' These functions implement several similarity and distance measures for R functions
##' (i.e. their body expressions).
##' TODO check and document measure-theoretic properties of each measure defined here
##' TODO these distance measures are metrics, some of them are norm-induced metrics
##' \code{commonSubexpressions} returns the set of common subexpressions of \code{expr1}
##' and \code{expr2}. This is not a metric by itself, but can be used to implement
##' several subtree-based similarity metrics.
## '\code{numberOfcommonSubexpressions} returns the number of common subexpressions
##' of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2}.
##' \code{sizeWeightedNumberOfcommonSubexpressions} returns the number of common
##' subexpressions of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2}, weighting the size of each common
##' subexpression. Note that for every expression \emph{e},
##' \code{sizeWeightedNumberOfcommonSubexpressions(} \emph{e} \code{, } \emph{e}
##' \code{) == exprVisitationLength(} \emph{e} \code{)}.
##' \code{normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions} returns the ratio of the number of
##' common subexpressions of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2} in relation to the number
##' of subexpression in the larger expression of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2}.
##' \code{normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfcommonSubexpressions} returns the ratio of
##' the size-weighted number of common subexpressions of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2}
##' in relation to the visitation length of the larger expression of \code{expr1} and
##' \code{expr2}.
##' \code{NCSdist} and \code{SNCSdist} are distance metrics derived from
##' \code{normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions} and
##' \code{normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions} respectively.
##' \code{differingSubexpressions}, and code{numberOfDifferingSubexpressions}
##' are duals of the functions described above, based on counting the number of
##' differing subexpressions of \code{expr1} and \code{expr2}. The possible functions
##' "normalizedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions" and
##' "normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions" where ommited because they
##' are always equal to \code{NCSdist} and \code{SNCSdist} by definition.
##' \code{trivialMetric} The "trivial" metric M(a, b) that is 0 iff a == b, 1 otherwise.
##' \code{normInducedTreeDistance} Uses a norm on expression trees and a metric on tree
##' node labels to induce a metric M on expression trees A and B: If both A and B are empty
##' (represented as \code{NULL}), M(A, B) := 0. If exactly one of A or B is empty, M(A, B) :=
##' "the norm applied to the non-empty tree". If neither A or B is empty, the difference
##' of their root node labels (as measured by \code{labelDistance}) is added to the sum of
##' the differences of the children. The children lists are padded with empty trees to
##' equalize their sizes. The summation operator can be changed via \code{distanceFoldOperator}.
##' \code{normInducedFunctionDistance} Is wrapper that applies \code{normInducedTreeDistance}
##' to the bodies of the given functions.
##' @param expr1 An R expression.
##' @param expr2 An R expression.
##' @param a An R object.
##' @param b An R object.
##' @param norm A norm to derive a tree distance metric from.
##' @param labelDistance A metric for measuring distances of tree node labels, i.e. function
##'   names or constants.
##' @param distanceFoldOperator The operator used by \code{normInducedTreeDistance} to combine
##'   the measures subtree distances, defaults to `+`.
##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
commonSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2)
  intersect(subexpressions(expr1), subexpressions(expr2))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
numberOfCommonSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2)
  length(commonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2)
  numberOfCommonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2) / max(exprSize(expr1), exprSize(expr2))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
NCSdist <- function(expr1, expr2)
  1 - normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2)

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
sizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2) {
  weightedCommonSubexpressions <- sapply(commonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2), exprSize)
  if (identical(weightedCommonSubexpressions, list())) 0 else sum(weightedCommonSubexpressions)

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2) {
  largerExpr <- if (exprSize(expr1) >= exprSize(expr2)) expr1 else expr2
  sizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2) / exprVisitationLength(largerExpr)

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
SNCSdist <- function(expr1, expr2)
  1 - normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions(expr1, expr2)

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
differingSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2) {
  expr1subs <- subexpressions(expr1)
  expr2subs <- subexpressions(expr2)
  setdiff(union(expr1subs, expr2subs), intersect(expr1subs, expr2subs))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
numberOfDifferingSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2)
  length(differingSubexpressions(expr1, expr2))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
sizeWeightedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions <- function(expr1, expr2) {
  weightedDifferingSubexpressions <- sapply(differingSubexpressions(expr1, expr2), exprSize)
  if (identical(weightedDifferingSubexpressions, list())) 0 else sum(weightedDifferingSubexpressions)

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
trivialMetric <- function(a, b) if (a == b) 0 else 1

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
normInducedTreeDistance <- function(norm, labelDistance = trivialMetric, distanceFoldOperator = NULL) {
  if (is.null(distanceFoldOperator)) distanceFoldOperator <- `+` # ...to make Roxygen happy
  M <- function(expr1, expr2)
    if (is.null(expr1) && is.null(expr2)) { # both trees are empty
    } else if (is.null(expr1)) { # one tree is empty, apply the norm
    } else if (is.null(expr2)) { # - " -
    } else { # none of the trees are empty, recurse
      labelDistance <- trivialMetric(exprLabel(expr1), exprLabel(expr2))
      childrenOfExpr1 <- exprChildrenOrEmptyList(expr1)
      childrenOfExpr2 <- exprChildrenOrEmptyList(expr2)
      maxExprWidth <- max(length(childrenOfExpr1), length(childrenOfExpr2))
      # "pad" the children lists with "NULL" to equalize their lengths
      nullPaddedChildrenOfExpr1 <-
        append(childrenOfExpr1, replicate(maxExprWidth - length(childrenOfExpr1), NULL))
      nullPaddedChildrenOfExpr2 <-
        append(childrenOfExpr2, replicate(maxExprWidth - length(childrenOfExpr2), NULL))
      childrenDistances <- Map(M, nullPaddedChildrenOfExpr1, nullPaddedChildrenOfExpr2)
                           Reduce(distanceFoldOperator, childrenDistances, 0))

##' @rdname expressionSimilarityMeasures
##' @export
normInducedFunctionDistance <- function(norm, labelDistance = trivialMetric, distanceFoldOperator = NULL) {
  treeM <- normInducedTreeDistance(norm, labelDistance, distanceFoldOperator)
  function(fun1, fun2) treeM(body(fun1), body(fun2))

##' A \code{dist} function that supports custom metrics
##' This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the given metric
##' to compute the distances between the rows of a data list or vector. Note that in contrast
##' to \code{\link{dist}}, \code{x} has to be a vector and the the distance \code{metric}
##' is an arbitrary function that must be symmetric and definite.
##' @seealso \code{\link{dist}}
##' @param x A vector or list of objects.
##' @param metric A metric, i.e. a function of two arguments that returns a numeric. Note
##' that a metric must be definite and symmetric, otherwise the results will be undefined.
##' @param diag \code{TRUE} iff the diagonal of the distance matrix should be printed by
##' \code{print.dist}.
##' @param upper \code{TRUE} iff the upper triangle of the distance matrix should be printed
##' by \code{print.dist}.
##' @return A distance matrix.
##' @rdname customDist
##' @export
customDist <- function(x, metric, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE) {
  xlen <- length(x)
  dm <- matrix(nrow = xlen, ncol = xlen)
  for (j in 1:(xlen-1)) for (i in j:(xlen-1)) dm[i+1,j] <- metric(x[[i+1]], x[[j]])
  as.dist(dm, upper = upper, diag = diag)

##' Return the Children of an Expression or the Empty List if there are None
##' Internal tool function that returns the children expressions of an R expression or the
##' empty list if there are no children, i.e. if the expression is atomic or \code{NULL}.
##' If the expression is a "function" expression, i.e. an expression that would evaluate
##' to a function, \code{exprChildrenOrEmptyList} will return the function body expression
##' as the only child.
##' @param expr The expression to return the children for.
##' @return The expression's children as a list, or the empty list if there are none.
exprChildrenOrEmptyList <- function(expr)
  if (inherits(expr, "call") && expr[[1]] == as.name("function")) { # a function expression
    list(expr[[3]]) # third element is the "body" of the function expression
  } else if (inherits(expr, "call")) { # a call
  } else list() # an atom

##' Return the "label" at the Root Node of an Expression Tree
##' Internal tool function that returns the function name if \code{expr} is a call,
##' or otherwise just \code{expr} itself.
##' @param expr The expression to return the root label for.
##' @return The expression's root label.
exprLabel <- function(expr) if (inherits(expr, "call")) expr[[1]] else expr

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