stop2 = function(...) {
a = lapply(list(...), toString)
a = append(a, list(call. = FALSE)), a)
`%||%` = function(x, y) {
if(is.null(x)) y else x
# Quick version of combn(., 2) for matrix output
comb2 = function(n, vec = length(n) > 1){
if(vec) {
v = n
n = length(v)
if (n < 2)
return(matrix(nrow = 0L, ncol = 2L))
if (n == 2) {
if(!vec) v = c(1L, 2L)
return(`dim<-`(v, c(1L, 2L)))
if (n == 3) {
x = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L)
if(vec) x = v[x]
return(`dim<-`(x, c(3L, 2L)))
x = - 1), (n - 1):1)
o = c(0, cumsum((n-2):1))
y = seq_along(x) + 1 - o[x]
cbind(v[x], v[y], deparse.level = 0)
cbind(x, y, deparse.level = 0)
# A safer version of base::sample
safe_sample <- function(x, ...) x[, ...)]
# Fast setdiff
.mysetdiff = function(x, y) unique.default(x[match(x, y, 0L) == 0L])
# Fast intersection. NB: assumes no duplicates in x!
.myintersect = function(x, y) y[match(x, y, 0L)]
# Fast sorting of short vectors
.mysort = function(x, by = x, decreasing = FALSE) {
len = length(x)
if(length(by) != len)
stop2("`x` and `by` must have the same length")
if(len == 1)
ord = .myorder(by, decreasing = decreasing)
.myorder = function(x, decreasing = FALSE) {
len = length(x)
if(len > 3)
return(order(x, decreasing = decreasing, method = "shell"))
ord = switch(len,
if(x[1] <= x[2]) 1:2 else 2:1,
{ # length 3
a = x[1]; b = x[2]; c = x[3]
ab = a <= b; ac = a <= c; bc = b <= c
if(ab) {
if(bc) c(1L,2L,3L)
else if(ac) c(1L,3L,2L)
else c(3L,1L,2L)
else {
if(ac) c(2L,1L,3L)
else if(bc) c(2L,3L,1L)
else c(3L,2L,1L)
ord = rev.default(ord)
# List pairs of IDs
.idPairs = function(v, self = FALSE, as = "character", returnList = TRUE) {
v = switch(as, character = as.character(v), integer = as.integer(v))
n = length(v)
sq = seq_along(v)
# 2-column matrix
if(self) {
mat = cbind(v[, times = n:1)],
v[unlist(lapply(sq, function(i) i:n))])
else {
mat = comb2(v, vec = TRUE)
lapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i) mat[i, ])
# Fast version of expand.grid
fast.grid = function(argslist, as.list = FALSE) {
nargs = length(argslist)
orep = nr = prod(lengths(argslist))
if (nargs == 0L || nr == 0L)
return(if(as.list) list() else matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0))
rep.fac = 1L
res = NULL
for (x in argslist) {
nx = length(x)
orep = orep/nx
res = c(res, x[,, nx)), orep)]) #this is res[, i]
rep.fac = rep.fac * nx
dim(res) = c(nr, nargs)
if (as.list)
res = lapply(seq_len(nr), function(r) res[r, ])
# Convert jacquard matrix to data frame
jmat2df = function(jmat, pairs, labs = NULL) {
ids = unlist(pairs, use.names = FALSE)
ids = labs[ids]
dim(ids) = c(2, length(pairs))
n = ncol(jmat)
res = c(list(ids[1,], ids[2,]), lapply(1:n, function(i) jmat[,i]))
names(res) = c("id1", "id2", paste0(if(n == 9) "D" else "d", 1:n))
# Inspired by "quickdf" by Hadley W
class(res) = "data.frame"
attr(res, "row.names") = .set_row_names(length(pairs))
# Add parents to selected founders
addFounderParents = function(x, ids, Xchrom = FALSE) {
ids = unique.default(as.character(ids))
idsFou = .myintersect(ids, founders(x))
# Founder inbreeding?
fouInb = founderInbreeding(x, idsFou, chromType = if(Xchrom) "X" else "autosomal")
if(any(fouInb > 0))
stop2("Cannot add parents to inbred founders")
# Add parents
for(id in idsFou)
x = addParents(x, id, verbose = FALSE)
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