Man pages for ribiosUtils
Utilities from and Interface to the Bioinfo-C (BIOS) Library

allIdenticalTesting whether several objects are all identical with each...
asNumMatrixConvert string-valued data frame or matrix into a numeric...
assertColumnNameAssert whether the required column names exist
assertContrastCheck dimensionality of contrast matrix
assertDesignCheck dimensionality of design matrix
assertDesignContrastCheck dimensionality of both design and contrast matrix
bedaInfoPrint BEDA project information
biomicsPstorePath2URLTranslate BiOmics-Pathology pstore path to URL
checkFileCheck whether file(s) exist
chosenFewPrint the chosen few items of a long vector
closeLoggerConnectionsClose connections to all loggers This function closes all...
columnOverlapCoefficientPairwise jaccard/overlap coefficient can be calculated...
compTwoVecsCompare two vectors by set operations
countTokensCount tokens by splitting strings
createDirCreate a directory if it does not exist, and then make sure...
cumJaccardIndexCumulative Jaccard Index
cumOverlapCoefficientCumulative overlap coefficient
cumsumpropProportion of cumulative sum over sum
cutIntervalCut a vector of numbers into interval factors.
dfFactorGet a factor vector for a data.frame
dfFactor2StrConvert factor columns in a data.frame into character strings
extnameGet the base and extension(s) of file name(s)
fixWidthStrShorten strings to strings with a fix width of characters
getDefaultFontFamilyGet default font family
haltifnotEnsure the Truth of R Expressions and Print Defined Error...
headheadhead/tail function for matrix or data.frame
headtailPrint head and tail elements of a vector
identicalMatrixTest whether two matrices are identical by values and by dim...
identicalMatrixValueTest whether two matrices have the same numerica values given...
imatchCase-insensitive match and pmatch
isDirChecks existing directory
isErrorTell whether an object is an error
isRocheCompoundIDTell whether a character string is a Roche compound ID
jaccardIndexCalculate the Jaccard Index between two vectors
libordieLoad a library mutedly and quit (die) in case of failing
list2dfTransform a list of character strings into a data.frame
listOverlapCoefficientPairwise overlap coefficient of lists
longdf2matrixConvert a long-format data frame into matrix
matchColumnMatch a column in data.frame to a master vector
matchColumnNameMatch a given vector to column names of a data.frame or...
matrix2longdfTransform a matrix into a long-format data.frame
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumpropMerge infrequent levels by setting the threshold of the...
midenticalMultiple identical
mmatchMultiple matching
munionOperations for multiple sets
na.falseReplace NA with FALSE
naivePairwiseDistCalculate pairwise distances between each pair of items in a...
ofactorOrdered factor
openFileDeviceOpen a device as a file preparing for plotting in the file
overlapCoefficientOverlap coefficient, also known as Szymkiewicz-Simpson...
pAbsLog10ScoreTransform p-values to continuous scores with the...
pairwiseJaccardIndexCalculate pairwise Jaccard Indices between each pair of items...
pairwiseOverlapDistanceCalculate pairwise overlap coefficients between each pair of...
percentagePrint a decimal number in procent format
pQnormScoreTransform p-values to continuous scores with the quantile...
print.BEDAinfoPrint BEDAinfo object
pScoreTransform p-values to continuous scores
putColsFirstRearrange columns to put some columns to far left
pwdecodeDecode password with function implemented with pwencode
pwencodeEncode a password
qqmsgQuitely Quit with Messages
qsystemQuietly runs a system command
refactorNumSort numeric factor levels by values
registerLogThe functions 'registerLog' and 'doLog' provide a simple...
relevelsRelevel a factor by a named or unnamed vector.
relevelsByNamedVecRelevel a factor by a named vector.
relevelsByNotNamedVecRelevel a factor by a unnamed vector.
reloadReload a package
removeColumnsRemove columns
removeInvarColRemove invariable columns from a data frame or matrix
replaceColumnNameReplace column names in data.frame
ribiosTempdirA temporary directory which (1) every machine in the cluster...
ribiosTempfileA temporary file which (1) every machine in the cluster has...
rmatRemove temporary files at a specified time interval from now
rocheCoreExtract core identifiers from Roche compound IDs
rowscaleS3 method for row-scaling
rowscale.matrixScale a matrix by row
rsetdiffReverse setdiff
scriptInitPrepare R for an interactive script
setDebugFunctions for command-line Rscript debugging
shortenStrShorten strings to a given number of characters
silencioKeep silent by suppressing warnings and messages
sortAndFilterByCumsumpropSort a numeric vector and filter by a threshold of cumsumprop
sortByColSort data.frame rows by values in specified columns
sortByDimnamesSort matrix by dim names
strtokenTokenize strings by character
stubborngcRepeat garbage-collecting until all resource is freed
subsetByColumnNameSubset a data.frame by column name, allowing differences in...
summarizeRowsSummarizing rows/columns by a factor
trimTrim leading and tailing spaces from string
uniqueLengthLength of unique elements in a vector
uniqueNonNAMake a vector free of NA and unique
verbosePrint messages conditional on the verbose level
whoamiSystem user name
writeLogWrite text as log to a connection
ribiosUtils documentation built on March 13, 2020, 2:54 a.m.