
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, size = "small")

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(rjwsacruncher)
#  # Directory where to save the JWSACruncher:
#  directory <- tempdir()
#  download_cruncher(directory)
#  # for JDemetra+ 3.x.y versions :
#  download_cruncher(directory, v3 = TRUE)

## ----echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
refresh_policy <- structure(list(`Option on JDemetra+` = c("Fixed model", 
"Estimate regression coefficients", 
"Estimate regression coefficients + Arima parameters", 
"Estimate regression coefficients + Last outliers", 
"Estimate regression coefficients + all outliers", 
"Estimate regression coefficients + Arima model", 
"Concurrent"), `Option for the JWSACruncher` = c("current", "fixedparameters (or fixed)", 
"parameters (by default)", "lastoutliers", "outliers", 
"stochastic", "complete (or concurrent)"),
Description = c("The ARIMA model, outliers and other regression parameters are not re-identified and the values of all parameters are fixed. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"The ARIMA model, outliers and other regression parameters are not re-identified. The coefficients of the ARIMA model are fixed, other coefficients are re-estimated. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"The ARIMA model, outliers and other regression parameters are not re-identified. All parameters of the RegARIMA model are re-estimated. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"The ARIMA model, outliers (except from the outliers in the last year of the sample) and other regression parameters are not re-identified. All parameters of the RegARIMA model are re-estimated. The outliers in the last year of the sample are re-identified. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"The ARIMA model and regression parameters, except from outliers) are not re-identified. All parameters of the RegARIMA model are re-estimated. All outliers are re-identified. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"Re-identification of the ARIMA model, outliers and regression variables, except from the calendar variables. The transformation type remains unchanged.", 
"Re-identification of the whole RegARIMA model.")),
.Names = c("Option on JDemetra+", 
"Option for the JWSACruncher", "Description"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -7L))

refresh_policy[1:6, 1] <-  paste("Partial concurrent adjustment ->", refresh_policy[1:6, 1])
kable(refresh_policy, caption = "Refresh policies",
      booktabs = TRUE)

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  # To get the default parameters
#  getOption("default_matrix_item")
#  # To change the default parameters to, for example, only export
#  # the information criteria:
#  options(default_matrix_item = c("likelihood.aic",
#                                  "likelihood.aicc",
#                                  "likelihood.bic",
#                                  "likelihood.bicc"))

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  # To get the default parameters
#  getOption("default_tsmatrix_series")
#  # To change the default parameters to, for example, only export
#  # the seasonally adjusted series and its forecasts:
#  options(default_tsmatrix_series = c("sa", "sa_f"))

## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
export_dir <- tempdir()
# To create the file parameters.params in the directory export_dir with
# the refresh policy "lastoutliers" and the others default parameters:
create_param_file(dir_file_param = export_dir,
                  policy = "lastoutliers")

# If the options "default_matrix_item" and "default_tsmatrix_series" were
# changed to only export the information criteria, the seasonally adjusted series and its forecasts, the previous code is equivalent to:
create_param_file(dir_file_param = export_dir,
                  policy = "lastoutliers",
                  matrix_item = c("likelihood.aic", "likelihood.aicc",
                                  "likelihood.bic", "likelihood.bicc"),
                  tsmatrix_series = c("sa", "sa_f"))

## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------
param_f <- read_param_file(file.path(export_dir, "parameters.param"))

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(cruncher_bin_directory = "D:/jdemetra-cli-2.2.2/bin/")

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  # The following code updates the workspace "workspace", that is under the folder D:/,
#  # with the refresh policy "lastoutliers". Others parameters are the default ones of create_param_file().
#  # In particular, the exported parameters are those of the options
#  # "default_matrix_item" options and "default_tsmatrix_series" and the results
#  # will be under D:/workspace/Output/.
#  cruncher_and_param(workspace = "D:/workspace.xml",
#                     policy = "lastoutliers")
#  # Use the parameter "outpout" to change the folder that will contains the results
#  cruncher_and_param(workspace = "D:/workspace.xml",
#                     output = "D:/Results/",
#                     policy = "lastoutliers")
#  # To change the names of the folders containing the outputs so that they are equal
#  # to the names of the multi-documents displayed in JDemetra+, use the parameter
#  # "rename_multi_documents = TRUE". The parameter "delete_existing_file = TRUE"
#  # allows to delete any existing folders with the same name as the multi-documents.
#  cruncher_and_param(workspace = "D:/workspace.xml",
#                     rename_multi_documents = TRUE,
#                     delete_existing_file = TRUE,
#                     policy = "lastoutliers")
#  # To see the other parameters:
#  ?cruncher_and_param

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rjwsacruncher documentation built on Oct. 5, 2023, 5:09 p.m.