
Defines functions as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_geocode_result as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_location as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_bbox validate_dims as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_tile_coordinates as.mz_tile_coordinates mz_tile_coordinates deg2num

Documented in as.mz_tile_coordinates as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_bbox as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_geocode_result as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_location as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_tile_coordinates mz_tile_coordinates

deg2num <- function(pt, zoom){
    # http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#R
    lat_deg <- pt[["lat"]]
    lon_deg <- pt[["lon"]]
    lat_rad <- lat_deg * pi /180
    n <- 2.0 ^ zoom
    xtile <- floor((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
    ytile = floor((1.0 - log(tan(lat_rad) + (1 / cos(lat_rad))) / pi) / 2.0 * n)
    return( c(xtile, ytile))

#' Specify tile coordinates
#' \code{\link{mz_vector_tiles}} requires tile coordinates or some other
#' specification of the region that is to be drawn. \code{\link{mz_vector_tiles}}
#' will automatically convert its inputs to vector tiles, so you generally won't
#' need to use this function directly.
#' @param x integer vector of x-coordinates
#' @param y integer vector of y-coordinates
#' @param z integer between 0 and 19 specifying the zoom level
#' @param obj An object that can be converted to tile coordinates
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to methods
#' @param height Height in pixels
#' @param width Width in pixels
#' @examples
#' mz_tile_coordinates(19293, 24641, 16)
#' ## can specify multiple contiguous tiles:
#' mz_tile_coordinates(19293:19294, 24641:24642, 16)
#' ## a rectangular bounding box can be converted to tile coordinates:
#' as.mz_tile_coordinates(mz_rect(min_lon = -122.2856,
#'                                min_lat = 37.73742,
#'                                max_lon = -122.1749,
#'                                max_lat = 37.84632))
#' ## zoom level is calculated based on desired pixel dimensions of the map:
#' as.mz_tile_coordinates(mz_rect(min_lon = -122.2856,
#'                                min_lat = 37.73742,
#'                                max_lon = -122.1749,
#'                                max_lat = 37.84632), height = 750, width = 1000)
#' ## a bounding box can also be calculated:
#' as.mz_tile_coordinates(mz_bbox(oakland_public))
#' @seealso \code{\link{mz_vector_tiles}}, \code{\link{mz_bbox}}
#' @name mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
mz_tile_coordinates <- function(x, y, z) {
    assert_that(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(y), is.count(z))
    x <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), by = 1)
    y <- seq(from = min(y), to = max(y), by = 1)

    df <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y, z = z)

    res <- Map(function(.x, .y, .z) {
        list(x = .x, y = .y, z = .z)
    }, df$x, df$y, df$z)

        class = c("mz_tile_coordinates", "list")

#' @rdname mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
as.mz_tile_coordinates <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("as.mz_tile_coordinates")

#' @rdname mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_tile_coordinates <- function(obj, ...) obj

validate_dims <- function(height, width, zoom) {
    # default
    if (is.null(height) && is.null(width) && is.null(zoom))
        return(list(height = 375, width = 500, z = NULL))

    if (!is.null(height) && !is.null(width) && !is.null(zoom))
        stop("`height`, `width`, and `z` cannot all be non-NULL.",
             call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(zoom)) {
        if (!is.null(height))
            warning("`height` will be ignored because `z` was provided.")
        if (!is.null(width))
            warning("`width` will be ignored because `z` was provided.")
        return(list(height = NULL, width = NULL, z = zoom))

    if (is.null(height) || is.null(width))
        stop("`height` and `width` must both be non-NULL.", call. = FALSE)

    list(height = height, width = width, z = NULL)

#' @rdname mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_bbox <- function(obj, ..., z = NULL,
                                           height = NULL, width = NULL) {
    # given a bounding box defined by bottom left and top right corners,
    # convert to vector tile coordinates (x, y, zoom)
    dims <- validate_dims(height, width, zoom = z)

    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/13274361
    getBoundsZoomLevel <- function(bounds, mapDim) {
        WORLD_DIM <- list( height = 256, width= 256 )
        ZOOM_MAX <- 20;

        latRad <- function(lat) {
            sin = sin(lat * pi / 180)
            radX2 = log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) / 2
            pmax(pmin(radX2, pi), -pi) / 2

        zoom <- function(mapPx, worldPx, fraction) {
            floor(log(mapPx / worldPx / fraction) / log(2))

        latFraction = (latRad(bounds[["max_lat"]]) - latRad(bounds[["min_lat"]])) / pi

        lngDiff = bounds[["max_lon"]] - bounds[["min_lon"]]
        if (lngDiff < 0)
            lngFraction <- lngDiff + 360
        else lngFraction <- lngDiff
        lngFraction <- lngFraction / 360

        latZoom <- zoom(mapDim$height, WORLD_DIM$height, latFraction)
        lngZoom <- zoom(mapDim$width, WORLD_DIM$width, lngFraction)

        pmin(latZoom, lngZoom, ZOOM_MAX)
    if (!is.null(dims$z))
        zoom <- dims$z
    else zoom <- getBoundsZoomLevel(obj, list(height = dims$height,
                                              width = dims$width))

    # tile for bottom left corner:
    ll <- deg2num(mz_location(
        lat = obj[["min_lat"]],
        lon = obj[["min_lon"]]
    ), zoom = zoom)

    # for top right:
    ur <- deg2num(mz_location(
        lat = obj[["max_lat"]],
        lon = obj[["max_lon"]]
    ), zoom = zoom)

    xs <- unique(c(ll[1], ur[1]))
    ys <- unique(c(ll[2], ur[2]))

    mz_tile_coordinates(x = xs, y = ys, z = zoom)

#' @rdname mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_location <- function(obj, ...,
                                               z = 15L) {
    xy_coords <- deg2num(obj, zoom = z)
    mz_tile_coordinates(x = xy_coords[1], y = xy_coords[2], z = z)

#' @rdname mz_tile_coordinates
#' @export
as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_geocode_result <- function(obj, ...,
                                                     z = 15L) {
    obj <- as.mz_location(obj)
    as.mz_tile_coordinates.mz_location(obj, z = z)

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rmapzen documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 5:06 p.m.