
Defines functions myTarGetCampaignList

Documented in myTarGetCampaignList

#' Get campaign list from 'MyTarget'
#' @inheritParams myTarAuth 
#' @inheritParams myTarGetAdList 
#' @return Data frame with campaigns list
#' @seealso \href{https://target.my.com/doc/api/ru/resource/Campaigns}{MyTarget API ocumentation}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myTargetCampaign <- myTarGetCampaignList(myTargetAuth)
#' }
myTarGetCampaignList <-
  function(auth = NULL, 
           login = getOption('rmytarget.login'), 
           token_path = myTarTokenPath(),
		       request_speed = 1.2){
    if (is.null(auth)) {
      auth <- myTarAuth(login = login, token_path = token_path)
    if ( request_speed %in% c("slow", "normal", "fast")) {
		  request_speed <- switch(EXPR     = request_speed,
								  "slow"   = 2,
								  "normal" = 1.2,
								  "fast"   = 0.8)
    limit  <- 50
    offset <- 0
    count  <- NULL
    result <- list()
    packageStartupMessage("Loading |",appendLF = F)
    while ( is.null(count) || count > offset ) {
      camp <- GET(stringr::str_interp("${getOption('rmytarget.url')}api/v2/campaigns.json?fields=id,name,status,mixing,created,date_start,date_end,utm&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}"),add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ",auth$access_token)))
      campRaw <- content(camp, "parsed", "application/json")
      if ( ! myTarCheckLimits(campRaw) ) stop("Limit error")
      result <- append(result, campRaw$items)
      packageStartupMessage("=",appendLF = F)
      count  <- campRaw$count
      offset <- offset + limit
    campList <- map_df(result, flatten)
    packageStartupMessage("| Done",appendLF = T)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rmytarget documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.