
Defines functions myTarGetInAppStats

Documented in myTarGetInAppStats

# cran check
conversion_type <- NULL

#' Returns statistics on mobile app events attributed with advertising impressions myTarget by campaigns and banners
#' @param date_from Start date
#' @param date_to End date
#' @param object_type API object type, character value, apply one of campaigns, banners, users
#' @param object_id ID of API object (id campaign or any object)
#' @param attribution Attributing by event time or impression time. Available options: conversion, impression
#' @param conversion_type Conversion type: postclick - postclick, postview - postview, total - total.
#' @param auth R auth object
#' @param token_path Path to directory where you save credential data
#' @param login Your login, or client name in MyTarget account
#' @return tibble with fast statistics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rt_stat <- myTarGetFastStats()
#' }
myTarGetInAppStats <- 
  function(date_from       = Sys.Date() - 7,
           date_to         = Sys.Date(), 
           object_type     = "campaigns",
           object_id       = NULL, 
           attribution     = c("conversion", "impression"),
           conversion_type = c("postview", "postclick", "total"),
           auth            = NULL,
           login       = getOption('rmytarget.login'), 
           token_path  = myTarTokenPath()
  ) {
    start_time <- Sys.time()
    if (is.null(auth)) {
      auth <- myTarAuth(login = login, token_path = token_path)
    # if null obj id
    if ( is.null(object_id)) {
      message("Loading object list.")
      # define function
      f <- switch(object_type,
                  "campaigns" = "myTarGetCampaignList",
                  "banners"   = "myTarGetAdList",
                  "users"     = "myTarGetClientList")
      # load obj
      objects <- do.call(f,
                         list(login = login,
                              token_path = token_path))
      object_id <- objects$id
    ans <- GET(url = str_interp("https://target.my.com/api/v2/statistics/inapp/${object_type}/day.json"),
               query = list(id              = paste0(object_id, collapse = ","),
                            date_from       = date_from,
                            date_to         = date_to,
                            attribution     = attribution,
                            conversion_type = conversion_type),
               add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ",auth$access_token)))
    # get answer content
    temp_all_data <- content(ans, as = "parsed")
    # check for error
    if ( !is.null(temp_all_data$error) ) {
      stop( temp_all_data$error$code, ": ", temp_all_data$error$message)
    res <- tibble(data = temp_all_data$items) %>%
      unnest_wider('data') %>%
      unnest_longer('rows') %>%
    if ( 'inapps' %in% names(res) ) {
      res <- res %>%
        unnest_longer('inapps') %>%
        unnest_wider('inapps') %>%
        select(-'total') %>% 
        filter( !is.na(conversion_type) )
    } else {
      warning('You dont have any data by your query')

Try the rmytarget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rmytarget documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.