
Defines functions install_rnaturalearthhires check_rnaturalearthhires

Documented in check_rnaturalearthhires install_rnaturalearthhires

#' Check whether to install rnaturalearthhires and install if necessary
#' If the rnaturalearthhires package is not installed, install it from GitHub
#' using devtools. If it is not up to date, reinstall it.
#' @export
check_rnaturalearthhires <- function() {
  rnaturalearthhires_version <- ""
  if (!requireNamespace("rnaturalearthhires", quietly = TRUE)) {
    message("The rnaturalearthhires package needs to be installed.")
  } else if (
    utils::packageVersion("rnaturalearthhires") < rnaturalearthhires_version) {
    message("The rnaturalearthhires package needs to be updated.")

#' Install the naturalearthhires package after checking with the user
#' @export
install_rnaturalearthhires <- function() {
  instructions <- paste(
    " Please try installing the package for yourself",
    "using the following command: \n",
    "    devtools::install_github(\"ropensci/rnaturalearthhires\")"

  error_func <- function(e) {
      paste("Failed to install the rnaturalearthhires package.\n", instructions)

  # 23/2/17 changed to try install if not interactive to avoid winbuilder
  # warning
  input <- 1
  if (interactive()) {
    input <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"),
      title = "Install the rnaturalearthhires package?"

  if (input == 1) {
    message("Installing the rnaturalearthhires package.")
      error = error_func, warning = error_func
  } else {
      "The rnaturalearthhires package is necessary for that method.\n",

Try the rnaturalearth package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rnaturalearth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:31 a.m.