

test_that("output has the correct format", 
  x <- 1:5
  y <- CUSUM(x)
  X <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)
  Y <- CUSUM(X)
  expect_equal(length(y), 1)
  expect_equal(length(Y), 1)
  expect_error(CUSUM(x, control = list(b_n = 0)))

test_that("CUSUM test statistic is computed correctly", 
  x <- 1:5
  n <- length(x)
  y <- psi(x)

  CUSUM2 <- function(X)
    N <- length(X)
    numerator <- cumsum(X) - (1:N) * mean(X)
  cx <- CUSUM(x, control = list(b_n = 2))
  attributes(cx) <- NULL
  cy <- CUSUM(y, control = list(b_n = 2))
  attributes(cy) <- NULL
  expect_equal(cx, max(abs(CUSUM2(x))) / 
                 sqrt(lrv(x, control = list(kFun = "TH", b_n = 2)) * n))
  expect_equal(cy, max(abs(CUSUM2(y))) / 
                 sqrt(lrv(y, control = list(kFun = "TH", b_n = 2)) * n))
  m <- 3
  X <- matrix(rnorm(9), ncol = m)
  Y <- psi(X)
  sigma <- lrv(Y)
  teststat <- apply(Y, 2, CUSUM2)
  mchol <- modifChol(sigma)
  swaps <- attr(mchol, "swaps")
  mchol.inv <- chol2inv(modifChol(sigma))
  ## swap-function
  sapply(m:1, function(i)
    if(i != swaps[i] + 1)
      ## rows
      temp <- mchol.inv[i, ]
      mchol.inv[i, ] <<- mchol.inv[swaps[i] + 1, ]
      mchol.inv[swaps[i] + 1, ] <<- temp
      ## columns
      temp <- mchol.inv[, i]
      mchol.inv[, i] <<- mchol.inv[, swaps[i] + 1]
      mchol.inv[, swaps[i] + 1] <<- temp
  g.inv <- ginv(sigma)
  res1 <- max(apply(teststat, 1, function(x) t(x) %*% mchol.inv %*% x)) / nrow(Y)
  res2 <- max(apply(teststat, 1, function(x) t(x) %*% g.inv %*% x)) / nrow(Y)
  Ychol <- CUSUM(Y, inverse = "Cholesky")
  attributes(Ychol) <- NULL
  Yginv <- CUSUM(Y, inverse = "generalized")
  attributes(Yginv) <- NULL
  expect_equal(res1, Ychol, tolerance = 1e-5)
  expect_equal(res2, Yginv, tolerance = 1e-5)
  # correct change point location
  x <- rnorm(100)
  x[50:100] <- x[50:100] + 10
  expect_equal(attr(CUSUM(x), "cp-location"), 50, tolerance = 1)

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