
context("fastLasso - simple regression")

## load packages
library("lars", quietly=TRUE)
library("robustHD", quietly=TRUE)

## set seed for reproducibility

## generate data for tests
n <- 20                        # number of observations
beta <- 1                      # true coefficient
x <- as.matrix(rnorm(n))       # predictor matrix
y <- c(x %*% beta + rnorm(n))  # response

## run tests

test_that("special case for no penalty yields LS solution", {

  ## compute LS solution and extract coefficients
  fitLS <- lm(y~x)
  coefLS <- unname(coef(fitLS))

  ## fit models with fastLasso() and extract coefficients
  fitFastLasso <- robustHD:::fastLasso(x, y, lambda=0)
  coefFastLasso <- coef(fitFastLasso)

  ## test whether coefficients are equal
  expect_equal(coefLS, coefFastLasso)

test_that("different values for lambda yield correct solution", {

  ## fit lasso with lars() as reference solution
  fitLars <- lars(x, y, type="lasso")

  ## extract lambda according to parametrization in robustHD
  lambda <- 2 * fitLars$lambda / n

  ## choose different values of lambda (larger, equal to, and smaller than the
  ## value for the LARS step) and check solutions
  lambda <- c(lambda * 1.5, lambda, max(0.01, lambda * 0.5), 0.00001)

  ## extract coefficients from solution computed via lars()
  coefLars <- sapply(n*lambda/2, function(l) {
    beta <- coef(fitLars, s=l, mode="lambda")
    alpha <- fitLars$mu - beta * fitLars$meanx
    c(alpha, beta)

  ## fit models with fastLasso() and extract coefficients
  coefFastLasso <- sapply(lambda, function(l) {
    fitFastLasso <- robustHD:::fastLasso(x, y, lambda=l)

  ## test whether coefficients are equal
  expect_equal(coefLars, coefFastLasso)

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robustHD documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:06 a.m.