
Defines functions rockr.file_upload rockr.file_download

Documented in rockr.file_download rockr.file_upload

#' Download a file
#' Download a file or a folder from the Rocker R session working directory.
#' @family file functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param source Path to the file in the R server file system.
#' @param destination Path to the file to be written. If omitted, file with same name in the working directory will be written.
#' Any non-existing parent directories will be created.
#' @param overwrite Overwrite the destination file if TRUE. Default is FALSE.
#' @param temp Logical to specify whether the root folder is the R session's home or the temporary folder. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Void
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' conn <- rockr.connect(username='user', password='password',
#'                       url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' rockr.open(conn)
#' # download a file
#' rockr.file_download(conn, 'data.csv')
#' # download, create destination folder and rename file
#' rockr.file_download(conn, 'DatabaseTest.sav', 'spss/test.sav')
#' rockr.close(conn)
#' }
#' @export
rockr.file_download <- function(conn, source, destination=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, temp = FALSE) {
  path <- ifelse(is.null(destination), source, destination)
  parent <- dirname(path)
  if (!dir.exists(parent)) {
    dir.create(parent, recursive = TRUE)
  r <- GET(.url(conn, "r", "session", conn$session$id, "_download"), query=list(path=source, temp=temp), httr::write_disk(path, overwrite=overwrite),
           add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle=conn$handle, .verbose())
  if (r$status>=300) {
    headers <- httr::headers(r)
    msg <- http_status(r)$message
    content <- .getContent(conn, r)
    if (!is.null(content) && "message" %in% names(content)) {
      msg <- content$message
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

#' Upload a file
#' Upload a file into the Rocker R session working directory.
#' @family file functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param source Path to the file in the local file system.
#' @param destination Path of the destination file in the Rocker R session. Root folder is the session's home or temporary folder (see 'temp' parameter).
#' If empty (default behavior), the destination file name will be the same as the source one.
#' @param overwrite Overwrite the destination file if TRUE. Default is FALSE.
#' @param temp Logical to specify whether the root folder is the R session's home or the temporary folder. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Void
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' conn <- rockr.connect(username='user', password='password',
#'                       url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' rockr.open(conn)
#' # upload a file
#' rockr.file_upload(conn, 'data.csv')
#' # download, create destination folder and rename file
#' rockr.file_upload(conn, 'DatabaseTest.sav', '/spss/test.sav')
#' # upload a folder
#' rockr.file_upload(conn, 'input')
#' rockr.close(conn)
#' }
#' @export
rockr.file_upload <- function(conn, source, destination=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, temp = FALSE) {
  r <- POST(.url(conn, "r", "session", conn$session$id, "_upload"), body=list(file=httr::upload_file(source), path=destination, overwrite=overwrite, temp=temp),
       encode = "multipart", content_type("multipart/form-data"), accept("application/json"),
       add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle=conn$handle, .verbose())
  if (r$status>=300) {
    .handleError(conn, r)

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rockr documentation built on March 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m.