
Defines functions rollply

Documented in rollply

# rollply: split-apply-combine strategy for moving-window computations.
# Originally written by Alexandre Genin, 2014
# Note: sometimes parallel computing warns that "..." is used in an
#   incorrect context. This is probably related to [1] and is unfixed at th
#   moment.
# [1] https://github.com/hadley/plyr/issues/203
#' @title Rollply
#' @description Applies a function in a moving window then combines the results 
#'   in a data.frame.
#' @param .data \code{data.frame} to be processed
#' @param .rollvars a formula of the form \code{~ a + b + ... | c} describing over
#'   which variables the window should move. \code{a} and \code{b} denote the 
#'   variables used for the rolling window and \code{c} an optional grouping 
#'   variable.
#' @param fun function to apply 
#' @param wdw.size window size
#' @param grid data.frame of points at which the computation is done. If
#'   \code{NULL} then a grid is generated using \code{grid_npts} and 
#'   \code{grid_type}.
#' @param grid_npts if grid is unspecified, the number of points of the 
#'   grid to build.
#' @param grid_type The type of grid to generate (one of "squaretile", 
#'   "identical", "ahull_crop", "ahull_fill").
#' @param grid_opts A list of named options to be passed to the grid-generating
#'   function.
#' @param padding padding policy at the edges of the dataset, one of 'none',
#'                'outside', 'inside', or a numeric value
#' @param .parallel whether to use parallel processing (see \code{\link{ddply}}
#'                  for more information on parallelism).
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{ddply}} and \code{fun}
#' @details
#' rollply applies a function in a window moving over one or more variables. It
#' is built upon \code{\link{ddply}} so it inherits many of its useful options
#' 'such as \code{.parallel} or \code{.progress}.
#' Rollply uses internally a grid spanning the coordinates specified in the
#' formula. For each point of this grid, it then selects the corresponding
#' subset of the data frame within \code{wdw.size}, and pass it to the
#' function \code{fun}. The return values of \code{fun} are then combined into 
#' a data frame.
#' If specified, the grid should have column names matching the ones provided 
#'   in the left-hand side of the formula. If the grid is unspecified, then 
#'   rollply automatically computes an appropriate grid depending on the option 
#'   \code{grid_type}: 
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item "identical" Creates a grid with an identical number of points on 
#'       each dimension. 
#'     \item "squaretile" Creates a grid with square tiles (points are 
#'       equidistant on all dimensions)
#'     \item "ahull_crop" Creates a grid with square tiles, then crop the 
#'       result to the alpha hull of the set of points
#'     \item "ahull_fill" Same as above, but iteratively tries to return a grid 
#'       with a number of points similar to what was requests using 
#'       \code{grid_npts}
#'    }
#' Each of these grid types correspond to a function with prefix 
#'   \code{build_grid}. Some of them have options that can be passed by 
#'   providing a named list as argument \code{grid_opts}.
#' The padding policy indicates what to do at the edges of the dataset. A 
#'   value of "inside" indicates that no value will be computed when the window
#'   is not entirely contained within the range of the dataset. This parameter
#'   does not apply for ahull-based grids.
#' @return
#' A data.frame with the function results at each grid point. Make sure the 
#'   function results are fit for merging into a data.frame (i.e. that they can 
#'   be merged using \code{\link[plyr]{rbind.fill}}).
#' @seealso build_grid_identical, build_grid_squaretile, build_grid_ahull_crop, 
#'   build_grid_ahull_fill
#' @examples
#' # see also vignette("rollply") for a visual introduction
#' library(plyr)
#' # 1D example: make a trendline for a time-series
#' dat <- data.frame(time     = seq.int(1000),
#'                   position = cumsum(rnorm(1000,0,10)))
#' rollav <- rollply(dat, ~ time, wdw.size=10,
#'                   summarise, position=mean(position))
#' plot(position ~ time, data = dat, pch = 20)
#' lines(rollav, col = 'red', lwd = 3)
#' # 2D example
#' # Generate three 2D random walks
#' dat <- ddply(data.frame(person = c('francois','nicolas','jacques')), 
#'              ~ person,
#'              summarise, time = seq.int(1000),
#'                         x    = cumsum(rnorm(1000,0,1)),
#'                         y    = cumsum(rnorm(1000,0,1)))
#' # Smoothed trajectory over ten time-steps
#' rollav <- rollply(dat, ~ time | person, wdw.size = 10, grid_res = 1000,
#'                   summarise, x = mean(x), y = mean(y))
#' if ( require(ggplot2) ) {
#'   ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, color = person)) +
#'     geom_point(alpha = .5, shape = '+') +
#'     geom_path(data = rollav)
#' }
#' # Where did people spend their time ?
#' # we pregenerate the grid to fix it across groups
#' fixed_grid <- build_grid_squaretile(dat[ ,c('x','y')], 2000) 
#' rollav <- rollply(dat, ~ x + y | person, wdw.size = 2, grid = fixed_grid,
#'                   summarise, time.spent = length(time))
#' if ( require(ggplot2) ) {
#'   ggplot(subset(rollav, time.spent > 0)) +
#'     geom_point(aes(x, y, color = person, size = time.spent), alpha = .5) +
#'     facet_grid(~person)
#' }
#' @useDynLib rollply
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @export
rollply <- function(.data,
                    grid = NULL,
                    grid_npts = NULL,
                    grid_type = 'identical', # identical, proportional, ahull_crop, ahull_fill
                    grid_opts = NULL,
                    padding   = 'none', # outside/inside/none or value
                    .parallel = FALSE,
                    ...) {  # passed to ddply/fun

  vars <- parse_formula(.rollvars, enclos=parent.frame())

  check_args(vars, .data, grid, grid_type, wdw.size)

  # Handle groups: if we provide groups, then we call rollply within each
  # groups using ddply.
  if ( ! is.na(vars[["groups"]]) ) {
    # Build new argument list
    args.grps <- as.list(match.call(), expand.dots=TRUE)
    # Pass the group argument of the formula as the group to ddply and delete
    # it in the original formula
    args.grps[['.variables']] <- vars[["groups"]] # .variable is ddply's arg
    vars[["groups"]] <- NA
    args.grps[['.rollvars']]  <- vars
    # Call ddply
    return( do.call(plyr::ddply, args.grps, envir=parent.frame()) )

  # We extract variables used for computing and build a matrix
  # <!todo!> Add check that variables used for rolling windows are numeric!
  coords <- plyr::eval.quoted(vars[["coords"]],
  coords <- do.call(cbind, coords)

  # Set the number of points for the grid
  if ( is.null(grid_npts) ) {
    coords_span <- apply(coords, 2, function(x) diff(range(x)))
    grid_npts <- floor(max(coords_span / wdw.size ^ ncol(coords)) )

  # Check for NAs, zero area, etc
  check_coords(coords, grid)

  # Determine sides policy
  if (!is.numeric(padding)) {
    padding <- switch(padding,
                      outside = wdw.size / 2,
                      inside  = - wdw.size / 2,
                      none    = 0)

  # Build output grid
  if (is.null(grid)) {
    grid <- build_grid(grid_type, coords, grid_npts, padding, grid_opts)
  } else if ( ! is.data.frame(grid)) {
    grid <- as.data.frame(grid)

  # Do the work
  # Note: we use ddply here as it has a more robust behaviour than adply,
  # (most notably when the inner function returns a data.frame with multiple
  # lines).
  result <- plyr::ddply(grid, names(grid),
                        do_rollply, coords, wdw.size, .data, fun,


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rollply documentation built on May 30, 2017, 8:07 a.m.