
Defines functions multiroot

Documented in multiroot

## =============================================================================
## multiroot.1D: root of multiple nonlinear equations
## resulting by discretizing (partial) differential equations
## =============================================================================

multiroot.1D <- function (f, start, maxiter = 100,
       rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-8, ctol = 1e-8, nspec = NULL,
       dimens = NULL, verbose = FALSE, positive = FALSE, names = NULL, 
       parms = NULL, ...)  {
  N        <- length(start)
  if (!is.numeric(start))
    stop("start conditions should be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(maxiter))
    stop("`maxiter' must be numeric")
  if (as.integer(maxiter) < 1)
    stop ("maxiter must be >=1")
  if (!is.numeric(rtol))
    stop("`rtol' must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(atol))
    stop("`atol' must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(ctol))
    stop("`ctol' must be numeric")
  if (length(atol) > 1 && length(atol) != N)
    stop("`atol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `start'")
  if (length(rtol) > 1 && length(rtol) != N)
    stop("`rtol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
  if (length(ctol) > 1)
    stop("`ctol' must be a scalar")

  initfunc <- NULL
  if (is.list(f)) {            
     initfunc <- f$initfunc
     f <- f$func
  # Fun <- ... to avoid 'note' that Fun is declared multiple times with different arguments
  if (! is.compiled(f) & is.null(parms)) {
    Fun1 <- function (time = 0, x, parms = NULL)
    Fun <- Fun1
  } else if (! is.compiled(f)) {
    Fun2 <- function (time = 0, x, parms = parms)
      list(f(x, parms, ...))
    Fun <- Fun2
  } else {
    Fun3 <- f   
      f <- function (x, ...)  #n, t, x, f, rpar, ipar
        Fun3(n = length(start), t = 0, x, f = rep(0, length(start)), 1, 1)$f
    Fun <- Fun3
    x <- steady.1D(y = start, time = 0, func = Fun, 
                   parms = parms, atol = atol,
              initfunc = initfunc, rtol = rtol, ctol = ctol,
              positive = positive, method = "stode",
              nspec = nspec, dimens = dimens, names = names,
              cyclicBnd = NULL)
    precis <- attr(x,"precis")

    x        <- unlist(x)
    if (is.null(parms))
      reffx    <- f(x,...)
      reffx    <- f(x, parms, ...)
    i        <- length(precis)

  names(x) <- names(start)

  return(list(root = x, f.root = reffx, iter = i, estim.precis = precis[length(precis)]))


## =============================================================================
## multiroot: root of multiple simultaneous nonlinear equations
## =============================================================================

multiroot <- function(f, start, maxiter = 100, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-8, ctol = 1e-8,
                      useFortran = TRUE, positive = FALSE,
                      jacfunc = NULL, jactype = "fullint", verbose = FALSE,
                      bandup = 1, banddown = 1, parms = NULL, ...)  {

  initfunc <- NULL
  if (is.list(f)) {            
      if (!is.null(jacfunc) & "jacfunc" %in% names(f))
         stop("If 'f' is a list that contains jacfunc, argument 'jacfunc' should be NULL")
     jacfunc <- f$jacfunc
     initfunc <- f$initfunc
     f <- f$func
  N        <- length(start)
  if (!is.numeric(start))
    stop("start conditions should be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(maxiter))
    stop("`maxiter' must be numeric")
  if (as.integer(maxiter) < 1)
    stop ("maxiter must be >=1")
  if (!is.numeric(rtol))
    stop("`rtol' must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(atol))
    stop("`atol' must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(ctol))
    stop("`ctol' must be numeric")
  if (length(atol) > 1 && length(atol) != N)
    stop("`atol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `start'")
  if (length(rtol) > 1 && length(rtol) != N)
    stop("`rtol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
  if (length(ctol) > 1)
    stop("`ctol' must be a scalar")

  # Fun <- ... to avoid 'note' that Fun is declared multiple times with different arguments

  if (useFortran) {
    if (! is.compiled(f) & is.null(parms)) {
      Fun1 <- function (time = 0, x, parms = NULL)
      Fun <- Fun1  
    } else if (! is.compiled(f)) {
      Fun2 <- function (time = 0, x, parms)
        list(f(x, parms, ...))
      Fun <- Fun2  
    } else  {
      Fun <- f
      f <- function (x, ...)  #n, t, x, f, rpar, ipar
        Fun(n = length(start), t = 0, x, f = rep(0, length(start)), 1, 1)$f  
    JacFunc <- jacfunc
    if (!is.null (jacfunc))
      if (! is.compiled(JacFunc) & is.null(parms))
        JacFunc <-  function (time = 0, x, parms=parms)
      else if (! is.compiled(JacFunc))
        JacFunc <-  function (time=0,x,parms=parms)
           jacfunc(x, parms, ...)
        JacFunc <- jacfunc     
    method <- "stode"
    if (jactype=="sparse") {
      method <- "stodes"
      if (! is.null (jacfunc)) stop("jacfunc can not be used when jactype='sparse'")
      x <- stodes(y = start, time = 0, func = Fun, atol = atol, positive = positive,
              rtol = rtol, ctol = ctol, maxiter = maxiter, verbose = verbose, 
              parms = parms, initfunc = initfunc)
      x <- steady(y = start, time = 0, func = Fun,
              atol = atol, positive = positive,
              rtol = rtol, ctol = ctol, maxiter = maxiter, method = method,
              jacfunc = JacFunc, jactype = jactype, verbose = verbose,
              parms = parms, initfunc = initfunc, 
              bandup = bandup, banddown = banddown)
    precis <- attr(x,"precis")

    x        <- unlist(x)
    if (is.null(parms))
      reffx    <- f(x,...)
      reffx    <- f(x, parms, ...)   
    i        <- length(precis)
  } else {  # simple R-implementation - ignores the Jacobian settings

    if (is.compiled(f))
      stop("cannot combine compiled code with R-implemented solver")
    precis   <- NULL

    x        <- start
    jacob    <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=N,data=0)
    if (is.null(parms))
      reffx    <- f(x,...)     # function value,
      reffx    <- f(x, parms, ...)
    if (length (reffx) != N)
      stop("'f', function must return as many function values as elements in start")

    for (i in 1:maxiter) {
      refx   <- x
      pp     <- mean(abs(reffx)) # check convergence...
      precis <- c(precis,pp)
      ewt    <- rtol*abs(x)+atol
      if (max(abs(reffx/ewt))<1) break

      # estimate jacobian
      delt   <- perturb(x)

      for (j in 1:N) {
        x[j] <- x[j]+delt[j]   # Perturb the state variables one by one
        if (is.null(parms))
          fx   <-  f(x,...)      # recalculate function value
          fx   <-  f(x, parms, ...)
        # impact of the current state var on rate of change of all state vars
        jacob [,j] <- (fx-reffx)/delt[j]

        x[j] <- refx[j]   # restore

   # new estimate 
      relchange <- as.numeric(solve(jacob,-1*reffx))
      if (max(abs(relchange)) < ctol) break
      x  <- x + relchange
      if (is.null(parms))
        reffx  <- f(x,...)     # function value,
        reffx  <- f(x, parms, ...)
    } # end for
  } # end fortran/R
  names(x) <- names(start)

  return(list(root = x, f.root = reffx, iter = i,
      estim.precis = precis[length(precis)]))
}  # end multiroot

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rootSolve documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.