
##' An Interface to the Open Tree of Life API
##' The Open Tree of Life is an NSF funded project that is generating
##' an online, comprehensive phylogenetic tree for 1.8 million
##' species. \code{rotl} provides an interface that allows you to
##' query and retrieve the parts of the tree of life that is of
##' interest to you.
##' \code{rotl} provides function to most of the end points the API
##' provides. The documentation of the API is available at:
##' \url{https://github.com/OpenTreeOfLife/opentree/wiki/Open-Tree-of-Life-APIs}
##' @section Customizing API calls:
##'     All functions that use API end points can take 2 arguments to
##'     customize the API call and are passed as \code{...} arguments.
##'     \itemize{
##'     \item{ \code{otl_v} } { This argument controls which version
##'     of the API your call is using. The default value for this
##'     argument is a call to the non-exported function
##'     \code{otl_version()} which returns the current version of the
##'     Open Tree of Life APIs (v2).}
##'     \item{ \code{dev_url} } { This argument controls whether to use
##'     the development version of the API. By default, \code{dev_url}
##'     is set to \code{FALSE}, using \code{dev_url = TRUE} in your
##'     function calls will use the development version.}
##'     }
##'     For example, to use the development version of the API, you
##'     could use: \code{tnrs_match_names("anas", dev_url=TRUE)}
##'     Additional arguments can also be passed to the
##'     \code{\link[httr]{GET}} and \code{\link[httr]{POST}} methods.
##' @section Acknowledgments:
##'     This package was started during the Open Tree of Life Hackathon
##'     organized by the OpenTree of Life, the NESCent Hackathon
##'     Interoperability Phylogenetic group, and Arbor.
##' @name rotl
##' @docType package
##' @import ape

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rotl documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:37 p.m.