param_selectArmsFunction: Parameter Description: Select Arms Function

param_selectArmsFunctionR Documentation

Parameter Description: Select Arms Function


Parameter Description: Select Arms Function



Optionally, a function can be entered that defines the way of how treatment arms are selected. This function is allowed to depend on effectVector with length activeArms, stage, "conditionalPower", "conditionalCriticalValue", "plannedSubjects/plannedEvents", "allocationRatioPlanned", "selectedArms", "thetaH1" (for means and survival), "stDevH1" (for means), "overallEffects", and for rates additionally: "piTreatmentsH1", "piControlH1", "overallRates", and "overallRatesControl".

rpact documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 5:08 p.m.