param_typeOfDesign: Parameter Description: Type of Design

param_typeOfDesignR Documentation

Parameter Description: Type of Design


Parameter Description: Type of Design



The type of design. Type of design is one of the following: O'Brien & Fleming ("OF"), Pocock ("P"), Wang & Tsiatis Delta class ("WT"), Pampallona & Tsiatis ("PT"), Haybittle & Peto ("HP"), Optimum design within Wang & Tsiatis class ("WToptimum"), O'Brien & Fleming type alpha spending ("asOF"), Pocock type alpha spending ("asP"), Kim & DeMets alpha spending ("asKD"), Hwang, Shi & DeCani alpha spending ("asHSD"), user defined alpha spending ("asUser"), no early efficacy stop ("noEarlyEfficacy"), default is "OF".

rpact documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 5:08 p.m.