
Defines functions accountUsage showMetrics showUsage

Documented in accountUsage showMetrics showUsage

#' Show Application Usage
#' Show application usage of a currently deployed application
#' @param appName Name of application
#' @param appDir Directory containing application. Defaults to
#'   current working directory.
#' @inheritParams deployApp
#' @param usageType Use metric to retreive (for example: "hours")
#' @param from Date range starting timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param until Date range ending timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param interval Summarization interval. Data points at intervals less then this
#'   will be grouped. (Relative time delta e.g. "120s" or "1h" or "30d").
#' @note This function only works for ShinyApps servers.
#' @export
showUsage <- function(appDir = getwd(), appName = NULL, account = NULL, server = NULL,
                      usageType = "hours", from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {

  accountDetails <- accountInfo(account, server)

  api <- clientForAccount(accountDetails)

  # resolve application
  if (is.null(appName))
    appName <- basename(appDir)
  application <- resolveApplication(accountDetails, appName)

  # get application usage
  data <- api$getAccountUsage(accountDetails$accountId,

  if (length(data$points) < 1) {
    stop("No data.", call. = FALSE)

  # get data points
  points <- data$points[[1]]
  points <- lapply(points, function(X) {
    X[[1]] <- X[[1]] / 1000 # convert from milliseconds to seconds

  # convert to data frame
  df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(points), nrow = length(points), byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(df) <- c("timestamp", usageType)

#' Show Application Metrics
#' Show application metrics of a currently deployed application.
#' This function only works for ShinyApps servers.
#' @param metricSeries Metric series to query. Refer to the
#'   [shinyapps.io documentation](<https://docs.posit.co/shinyapps.io/metrics.html#ApplicationMetrics>)
#'   for available series.
#' @param metricNames Metric names in the series to query. Refer to the
#'   [shinyapps.io documentation](<https://docs.posit.co/shinyapps.io/metrics.html#ApplicationMetrics>)
#'   for available metrics.
#' @inheritParams deployApp
#' @param from Date range starting timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param until Date range ending timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param interval Summarization interval. Data points at intervals less then this
#'   will be grouped. (Relative time delta e.g. "120s" or "1h" or "30d").
#' @export
showMetrics <- function(metricSeries,
                        appDir = getwd(),
                        appName = NULL,
                        account = NULL,
                        server = "shinyapps.io",
                        from = NULL,
                        until = NULL,
                        interval = NULL) {

  accountDetails <- accountInfo(account, server)
  api <- clientForAccount(accountDetails)

  # resolve application
  if (is.null(appName))
    appName <- basename(appDir)
  application <- resolveApplication(accountDetails, appName)

  # get application usage
  data <- api$getApplicationMetrics(application$id,

  if (length(data$points) < 1) {
    stop("No data.", call. = FALSE)

  points <- lapply(data$points, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  points <- do.call(rbind, points)
  points$time <- .POSIXct(points$time / 1000)

#' Show Account Usage
#' Show account usage
#' @inheritParams deployApp
#' @param usageType Use metric to retreive (for example: "hours")
#' @param from Date range starting timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param until Date range ending timestamp (Unix timestamp or relative time
#'   delta such as "2d" or "3w").
#' @param interval Summarization interval. Data points at intervals less then this
#'   will be grouped. (Number of seconds or relative time delta e.g. "1h").
#' @note This function only works for ShinyApps servers.
#' @export
accountUsage <- function(account = NULL, server = NULL, usageType = "hours",
                         from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {
  accountDetails <- accountInfo(account, server)

  api <- clientForAccount(accountDetails)

  # get application usage
  data <- api$getAccountUsage(accountDetails$accountId,

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rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.