
Defines functions uploadBundle uploadCloudBundle isContentType filterQuery listApplicationsRequest listRequest clientForAccount

clientForAccount <- function(account) {
  serverInfo <- serverInfo(account$server)
  account$certificate <- serverInfo$certificate
  serverUrl <- parseHttpUrl(serverInfo$url)

  if (isShinyappsServer(account$server)) {
    shinyAppsClient(serverUrl, account)
  } else if (isPositCloudServer(account$server)) {
    cloudClient(serverUrl, account)
  } else {
    connectClient(serverUrl, account)

# Appropriate when the list API includes "count" and "total" fields in the response JSON and the API
# supports pagination with the query arguments count=PAGE_SIZE&offset=STARTING_POINT.
listRequest <- function(service, authInfo, path, query, listName, page = 100,
                       max = NULL) {

  # accumulate multiple pages of results
  offset <- 0
  results <- list()

  repeat {
    # add query params
    queryWithList <- paste(query, "&count=", page, "&offset=", offset, sep = "")

    # make request and append the results
    response <- GET(service, authInfo, path, queryWithList)
    results <- append(results, response[[listName]])

    # update the offset
    offset <- offset + response$count

    # get all results if no max was specified
    if (is.null(max)) {
      max <- response$total

    # exit if we've got them all
    if (length(results) >= response$total || length(results) >= max)


# /__api__/applications response with { applications: [], count: M, total: N, continuation: "CONTINUATION" }
# To paginate, use the query arguments cont=CONTINUATION&start=START&count=MAX
listApplicationsRequest <- function(service, authInfo, path, query, listName, page = 100,
                       max = NULL) {

  # accumulate multiple pages of results
  start <- 0
  cont <- ""
  results <- list()

  repeat {
    # add query params
    queryWithList <- paste(query,
                           "&count=", page,
                           "&start=", start,
                           "&cont=", cont,
                           sep = "")

    # make request and append the results
    response <- GET(service, authInfo, path, queryWithList)
    results <- append(results, response[[listName]])

    # update the starting point for the next request
    start <- start + response$count
    cont <- response$continuation

    # get all results if no max was specified
    if (is.null(max)) {
      max <- response$total

    # exit if we've got them all
    if (length(results) >= response$total || length(results) >= max)


filterQuery <- function(param, value, operator = NULL) {
  if (is.null(operator)) {
    op <- ":"
  } else {
    op <- paste(":", operator, ":", sep = "")
  q <- paste("filter=", param, op, value, sep = "")

isContentType <- function(x, contentType) {
  grepl(contentType, x, fixed = TRUE)

uploadCloudBundle <- function(client,
                              verbose = FALSE) {
  # Step 1. Create presigned URL and register pending bundle.
  bundleSize <- file.info(bundlePath)$size
  bundle <- client$createBundle(
    content_type = "application/x-tar",
    content_length = bundleSize,
    checksum = fileMD5(bundlePath)

  # Step 2. Upload Bundle to presigned URL
  logger <- verboseLogger(verbose)
  logger("Starting upload now")
  if (!uploadBundle(bundle, bundleSize, bundlePath)) {
    stop("Could not upload file.")
  logger("Upload complete")

  # Step 3. Upload revise bundle status.
  response <- client$updateBundleStatus(bundle$id, status = "ready")

  # Step 4. Retrieve updated bundle post status change

uploadBundle <- function(bundle, bundleSize, bundlePath) {

  presigned_service <- parseHttpUrl(bundle$presigned_url)

  headers <- list()
  headers$`Content-Type` <-  "application/x-tar"
  headers$`Content-Length` <-  bundleSize

  # AWS requires a base64 encoded hash
  headers$`Content-MD5` <-  bundle$presigned_checksum

  # AWS seems very sensitive to additional headers (likely becauseit was not included and signed
  # for when the presigned link was created). So the lower level library is used here.
  http <- httpFunction()
  response <- http(

  response$status == 200

Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.