
Defines functions cloudClient getCurrentProjectId

# Docs: https://build.posit.it/job/hostedapps/job/lucid-pipeline/job/main/API/

getCurrentProjectId <- function(service, authInfo) {
  currentApplicationId <- Sys.getenv("LUCID_APPLICATION_ID")
  if (currentApplicationId != "") {
    path <- paste0("/applications/", currentApplicationId)
    current_application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

cloudClient <- function(service, authInfo) {

    status = function() {
      GET(service, authInfo,  "/internal/status")

    service = function() {

    currentUser = function() {
      GET(service, authInfo, "/users/current/")

    accountsForUser = function(userId) {
      path <- "/accounts/"
      query <- ""
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "accounts")

    getAccountUsage = function(accountId, usageType = "hours", applicationId = NULL,
                               from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/accounts/", accountId, "/usage/", usageType, "/")
      query <- list()
      if (!is.null(applicationId))
        query$application <- applicationId
      if (!is.null(from))
        query$from <- from
      if (!is.null(until))
        query$until <- until
      if (!is.null(interval))
        query$interval <- interval
      GET(service, authInfo, path, queryString(query))

    getBundle = function(bundleId) {
      path <- paste0("/bundles/", bundleId)
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    updateBundleStatus = function(bundleId, status) {
      path <- paste0("/bundles/", bundleId, "/status")
      json <- list()
      json$status <- status
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    createBundle = function(application, content_type, content_length, checksum) {
      json <- list()
      json$application <- application
      json$content_type <- content_type
      json$content_length <- content_length
      json$checksum <- checksum
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, "/bundles", json)

    listApplications = function(accountId, filters = list()) {
      path <- "/applications/"
      query <- paste(filterQuery(
        c("account_id", "type", names(filters)),
        c(accountId, "connect", unname(filters))
      ), collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "applications")

    getApplication = function(outputOrApplicationId, deploymentRecordVersion) {
      # The IDE doesn't know whether the id is for a content or an application, so we
      # support both.
      if (is.na(deploymentRecordVersion)) {
        # In pre-versioned dcf files, outputOrApplicationId is the id of the application.
        # TODO: consider removing support for this case a year after the release of 1.0.0
        path <- paste0("/applications/", outputOrApplicationId)
        application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        output_id <- application$output_id %||% application$content_id

        path <- paste0("/outputs/", output_id)
        output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
      } else if (deploymentRecordVersion == "unknown") {
        handleError <- function(err) {
          path <- paste0("/applications/", outputOrApplicationId)
          application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

          output_id <- application$output_id %||% application$content_id

          path <- paste0("/outputs/", output_id)
          output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

          list(application = application, output = output)
        applicationAndOutput <- tryCatch(
            path <- paste0("/outputs/", outputOrApplicationId)
            output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

            path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
            application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

            list(application = application, output = output)
          rsconnect_http_403 = handleError,
          rsconnect_http_404 = handleError
        application <- applicationAndOutput$application
        output <- applicationAndOutput$output
      } else {
        # from dcf version >= 1, outputOrApplicationId is the id of the output.
        path <- paste0("/outputs/", outputOrApplicationId)
        output <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
        application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

      # if the output is trashed or archived, restore it to the active state
      if (output$state == "trashed" || output$state == "archived") {
        json <- list()
        json$state <- "active"
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", output$id), json)

      # Each redeployment of a static output creates a new application. Since
      # those applications can be deleted, it's more reliable to reference
      # outputs by their own id instead of the applications'.
      application$application_id <- application$id
      application$id <- output$id
      application$url <- output$url
      application$name <- output$name

    getApplicationMetrics = function(applicationId, series, metrics, from = NULL, until = NULL, interval = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/metrics/", series, "/")
      query <- list()
      m <- paste(lapply(metrics, function(x) { paste("metric", urlEncode(x), sep = "=") }), collapse = "&")
      if (!is.null(from))
        query$from <- from
      if (!is.null(until))
        query$until <- until
      if (!is.null(interval))
        query$interval <- interval
      GET(service, authInfo, path, paste(m, queryString(query), sep = "&"))

    getLogs = function(applicationId, entries = 50) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/logs")
      query <- paste0("count=", entries, "&tail=0")
      GET(service, authInfo, path, query)

    createApplication = function(name, title, template, accountId, appMode, contentCategory = NULL, spaceId = NULL) {
      json <- list()
      json$name <- name
      json$application_type <- if (appMode %in% c("rmd-static", "quarto-static", "static")) "static" else "connect"
      if (appMode %in% c("rmd-static", "quarto-static")) {
        json$render_by <- "server"

      currentProjectId <- getCurrentProjectId(service, authInfo)
      # in case the source cloud project is a temporary copy, there is no
      # content id. The output will be published without a space id.
      if (!is.null(currentProjectId)) {
        json$project <- currentProjectId

        path <- paste0("/content/", currentProjectId)
        currentProject <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
        json$space <- currentProject$space_id

      json$content_category <- contentCategory

      if (is.null(currentProjectId) && !is.null(spaceId)) {
        json$space <- spaceId

      output <- POST_JSON(service, authInfo, "/outputs", json)
      path <- paste0("/applications/", output$source_id)
      application <- GET(service, authInfo, path)
        id = output$id,
        application_id = application$id,
        url = output$url

    listApplicationProperties = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/")
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    setApplicationProperty = function(applicationId, propertyName,
                                      propertyValue, force = FALSE) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/",
      v <- list()
      v$value <- propertyValue
      query <- paste0("force=", if (force) "1" else "0")
      PUT_JSON(service, authInfo, path, v, query)

    unsetApplicationProperty = function(applicationId, propertyName,
                                        force = FALSE) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/properties/",
      query <- paste0("force=", if (force) "1" else "0")
      DELETE(service, authInfo, path, query)

    uploadApplication = function(applicationId, bundlePath) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/upload")
        contentType = "application/x-gzip",
        file = bundlePath

    createRevision = function(application, contentCategory) {
        path <- paste0("/outputs/", application$id, "/revisions")
        json <- list(content_category = contentCategory)
        revision <- POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    deployApplication = function(application, bundleId = NULL, spaceId = NULL) {
      currentProjectId <- getCurrentProjectId(service, authInfo)
      if (!is.null(currentProjectId)) {
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", application$id), list(project = currentProjectId))

      if (!is.null(spaceId)) {
        PATCH_JSON(service, authInfo, paste0("/outputs/", application$id), list(space = spaceId))

      path <- paste0("/applications/", application$application_id, "/deploy")
      json <- list()
      if (length(bundleId) > 0 && nzchar(bundleId))
        json$bundle <- as.numeric(bundleId)
        json$rebuild <- FALSE
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    terminateApplication = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/terminate")
      POST(service, authInfo, path)

    purgeApplication = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/purge")
      POST(service, authInfo, path)

    inviteApplicationUser = function(applicationId, email,
                                     invite_email = NULL, invite_email_message = NULL) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users")
      json <- list()
      json$email <- email
      if (!is.null(invite_email))
        json$invite_email <- invite_email
      if (!is.null(invite_email_message))
        json$invite_email_message <- invite_email_message
      POST_JSON(service, authInfo, path, json)

    addApplicationUser = function(applicationId, userId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users/",
      PUT(service, authInfo, path, NULL)

    removeApplicationUser = function(applicationId, userId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users/",
      DELETE(service, authInfo, path)

    listApplicationAuthorization = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "authorization")

    listApplicationUsers = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/users")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "users")

    listApplicationGroups = function(applicationId) {
      path <- paste0("/applications/", applicationId, "/authorization/groups")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, NULL, "groups")

    listApplicationInvitations = function(applicationId) {
      path <- "/invitations/"
      query <- paste(filterQuery("app_id", applicationId), collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "invitations")

    listTasks = function(accountId, filters = NULL) {
      if (is.null(filters)) {
        filters <- vector()
      path <- "/tasks/"
      filters <- c(filterQuery("account_id", accountId), filters)
      query <- paste(filters, collapse = "&")
      listRequest(service, authInfo, path, query, "tasks", max = 100)

    getTaskInfo = function(taskId) {
      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId)
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    getTaskLogs = function(taskId) {
      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId, "/logs/")
      GET(service, authInfo, path)

    waitForTask = function(taskId, quiet = FALSE) {

      if (!quiet) {
        cat("Waiting for task: ", taskId, "\n", sep = "")

      path <- paste0("/tasks/", taskId)

      lastStatus <- NULL
      while (TRUE) {

        # check status
        status <- GET(service, authInfo, path)

        # display status to the user if it changed
        if (!identical(lastStatus, status$description)) {
          if (!quiet)
            cat("  ", status$status, ": ", status$description, "\n", sep = "")
          lastStatus <- status$description

        # are we finished? (note: this codepath is the only way to exit this function)
        if (status$finished) {
          if (identical(status$status, "success")) {
          } else {
            # always show task log on error
            cli::cat_rule("Begin Task Log", line = "#")
            taskLog(taskId, authInfo$name, authInfo$server, output = "stderr")
            cli::cat_rule("End Task Log", line = "#")
            stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)

        # wait for 1 second before polling again

Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.