
Defines functions sinaica_station_data

Documented in sinaica_station_data

#' Get air quality data from a single measuring station
#' Download data from a single station by specifying a parameter and a date range
#' @param station_id the numeric code corresponding to each station. See
#' \code{\link{stations_sinaica}} for a list of stations and their ids.
#' @param parameter type of parameter to download
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"BEN"}{ - Benceno}
#'  \item{"CH4"}{ - Metano}
#'  \item{"CN"}{ - Carbono negro}
#'  \item{"CO"}{ - Monóxido de carbono}
#'  \item{"CO2"}{ - Dióxido de carbono}
#'  \item{"DV"}{ - Dirección del viento}
#'  \item{"H2S"}{ - Acido Sulfhídrico}
#'  \item{"HCNM"}{ - Hidrocarburos no metánicos}
#'  \item{"HCT"}{ - Hidrocarburos Totales}
#'  \item{"HR"}{ - Humedad relativa}
#'  \item{"HRI"}{ - Humedad relativa interior}
#'  \item{"IUV"}{ - Índice de radiación ultravioleta}
#'  \item{"NO"}{ - Óxido nítrico}
#'  \item{"NO2"}{ - Dióxido de nitrógeno}
#'  \item{"NOx"}{ - Óxidos de nitrógeno}
#'  \item{"O3"}{ - Ozono}
#'  \item{"PB"}{ - Presión Barométrica}
#'  \item{"PM10"}{ - Partículas menores a 10 micras}
#'  \item{"PM2.5"}{ - Partículas menores a 2.5 micras}
#'  \item{"PP"}{ - Precipitación pluvial}
#'  \item{"PST"}{ - Partículas Suspendidas totales}
#'  \item{"RS"}{ - Radiación solar}
#'  \item{"SO2"}{ - Dióxido de azufre}
#'  \item{"TMP"}{ - Temperatura}
#'  \item{"TMPI"}{ - Temperatura interior}
#'  \item{"UVA"}{ - Radiación ultravioleta A}
#'  \item{"VV"}{ - Radiación ultravioleta B}
#'  \item{"XIL"}{ - Xileno}
#' }
#' @param type The type of data to download. One of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Crude"}{ - Crude data that has not been validated}
#'  \item{"Validated"}{ - data which has undergone a validation process during which
#'  it was cleaned, verified, and validated}
#'  \item{"Manual"}{ - Manually collected data that is sent to an external
#'  lab for analysis (may no be collected daily). Mostly used for suspend particles collected by
#'  pushing air through a filter which is later sent to a lab to be weighted}
#' }
#' @param start_date start of range in YYYY-MM-DD format
#' @param end_date end of range from which to download data in YYYY-MM-DD format
#' @param remove_extremes whether to remove extreme values. For O3 all values above .2 are set to NA,
#' for PM10 those above 600, for PM2.5 above 175, for NO2 above .21, for SO2 above .2, and for CO
#' above 15. This is done so that the values match exactly those of the SINAICA website, but it is
#' recommended that you use a more complicated statistical procedure to remove outliers.
#' @return data.frame with air quality data. Care should be taken when working with hourly data since
#' each station has their own timezone (available in the \code{\link{stations_sinaica}} data.frame)
#' and some stations reported the timezome in which they are located erroneously.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom httr POST http_error http_type content status_code add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_extract
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @seealso Crude data comes from \url{https://sinaica.inecc.gob.mx/data.php},
#' validated data from \url{https://sinaica.inecc.gob.mx/data.php?tipo=V}, and
#' manual data from \url{https://sinaica.inecc.gob.mx/data.php?tipo=M}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stations_sinaica[which(stations_sinaica$station_name == "Xalostoc"), 1:5]
#' df <- sinaica_station_data(271, "O3", "2015-09-11", "2015-09-11", "Crude")
#' head(df)
sinaica_station_data <- function(station_id,
                            type = "Crude",
                            remove_extremes = FALSE
                            ) {
  if (missing(station_id))
    stop(paste0("argument station_id is missing, please provide it. The",
                " data.frame",
                " `stations_sinaica` contains a list of all station ids",
                " and names"), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.integer2(station_id))
    stop(paste0("argument station_id must be an integer The",
                " data.frame",
                " `stations_sinaica` contains a list of all station ids",
                " and names"), call. = FALSE)

  if (missing(start_date))
    stop("You need to specify a start_date YYYY-MM-DD", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(start_date) != 1)
    stop("start_date should be a date in YYYY-MM-DD format", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.Date(start_date))
    stop("start_date should be in YYYY-MM-DD format", call. = FALSE)

  if (missing(end_date))
    stop("You need to specify an end_date in YYYY-MM-DD format", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(end_date) != 1)
    stop("end_date should be an end_date in YYYY-MM-DD format", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.Date(end_date))
    stop("end_date should be in YYYY-MM-DD format", call. = FALSE)

                  valid = c("BEN", "CH4", "CN", "CO", "CO2", "DV",
                            "H2S", "HCNM", "HCT",
                            "HR", "HRI", "IUV", "NO", "NO2",
                            "O3", "PB", "PM10",
                            "PM2.5", "PP", "PST", "RS", "SO2",
                            "TMP", "TMPI", "UVA", "UVB",
                            "VV", "XIL"),
                  valid = c("Crude", "Validated", "Manual"),

  if (as.Date(end_date) > .increase_month(start_date))
    stop("The maximum amount of data you can download is 1 month",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (start_date > end_date)
    stop("start_date should be less than or equal to end_date")
  if ( type == "Manual" & end_date == start_date)
    stop(paste0("for type 'Manual' data you can only request",
                " a range longer than a day"),
         call. = FALSE)
  type <- switch(type,
                 "Crude"     = "",
                 "Validated" = "V",
                 "Manual"    = "M"

  url <- "https://sinaica.inecc.gob.mx/pags/datGrafs.php"
  fd <- list(
    estacionId  = station_id,
    param       = parameter,
    fechaIni    = start_date,
    rango       = ndays_to_range(start_date, end_date),
    tipoDatos   = type

      result <- POST(url,
                     add_headers("user-agent" =
                     body = fd,
                     encode = "form")
      if (http_error(result))
        stop(sprintf("The request to <%s> failed [%s]",
        ), call. = FALSE)
      if (http_type(result) != "text/html")
        stop(paste0(url, " did not return text/html", call. = FALSE))
      json_text <- content(result, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
      df <- fromJSON(str_replace_all(str_extract(json_text,
                                                 "var dat = \\[(.|\n)*?\\];"),
                                     "var dat = |;",
      if (!length(df))
        return(data.frame(station_id =  integer(),
                          station_name =  character(),
                          date =  character(),
                          hour = integer(),
                          valid = integer(),
                          unit =  character(),
                          value = numeric(),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      df$bandO <- NULL
      names(df) <- c("id", "date", "hour", "value", "valid")
      df$value <- as.numeric(df$value)
      df$unit <- .recode_sinaica_units(parameter)
      df$station_id <- as.integer(station_id)
      df$hour <- as.integer(df$hour)
      df$valid <- as.integer(df$valid)

      ## If you look at the source of https://sinaica.inecc.gob.mx/data.php
      ## they filter values above certain limits
      if (identical(remove_extremes, TRUE)) {
        lim_perm <- switch(parameter,
                           PM10 = 600,
                           PM2.5 = 175,
                           NO2 = .21,
                           SO2 = .2,
                           CO = 15,
                           O3 = .2,
        df$value[which(df$value > lim_perm)] <- NA_real_
      df$value[which(df$value < 0)] <- NA_real_
      data("stations_sinaica", package = "rsinaica", envir = environment())
      df <- left_join(df, stations_sinaica[, c("station_id", "station_name")],
                      by = "station_id")
      df <- filter(df, date <= end_date)
      ## As not to overload the server wait a random value before the next call
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = .5))
      df[, c("station_id",  "station_name", "date", "hour",
             "valid", "unit", "value")]
    error = function(cond) {
      message("An error occurred downloading data from SINAICA:")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsinaica documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:03 a.m.