
Defines functions rsmlToList

Documented in rsmlToList

#' Import a single RSML file into a List. Work only if the roots in the rsml file have properties associated with them.
#' @param rsml.path    The path to the .rsml file. Mandatory.
#' @keywords rsml
#' @import XML 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- "http://rootsystemml.github.io/images/examples/arabidopsis-simple.rsml"
#' pl.list <- rsmlToList(path) # import the file as a list
#' write.csv(pl.list$processed, "rsml-table.csv") # save it as a csv table

rsmlToList <- function(rsml.path){
  rsml <- xmlToList(xmlParse(rsml.path))
  plants <- rsml$scene
  # Get the properties used in this specific rsml file
  properties.list <- rsml$metadata$"property-definitions"
  properties.names <- vector(length = length(properties.list))
  for(i in 1:length(properties.list)){properties.names[i] <- properties.list[i]$"property-definition"$label}
  # Create the empty data frame
  rsml.summary <- data.frame(file_id = rsml.path,
                             plant_id = "-1",
                             root_id = "-1",
                             parent_id = "-1",
                             root_order = -1)
  for(p in properties.names) rsml.summary[[p]] <- -1
  rsml.summary$root_id <- as.character(rsml.summary$root_id)
  rsml.summary$plant_id <- as.character(rsml.summary$plant_id)
  rsml.summary$parent_id <- as.character(rsml.summary$parent_id)
  # Create the same data frame for temp storage
  template <- rsml.summary[1,]
  # Remove the data from the dataframe to have a clean start
  rsml.summary <- rsml.summary[!1,]
  # Get the data from the rsml structure
  k <- 1
  for(r0 in plants){
    for(r1 in r0){
      if("properties" %in% names(r1)){
        # Send data
        temp <- template
        temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- k
        if(!is.null(r0$.attr[1])) temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- r0$.attr[1]
        temp[["root_id"]][1] <- r1$.attr[1]
        temp[["root_order"]][1] <- 0
        for(p in properties.names){
          if(!is.null(r1$properties[[p]])){ temp[[p]][1] <- r1$properties[[p]]}
        rsml.summary <- rbind(rsml.summary, temp)
        if("root" %in% names(r1)){
          for(r2 in r1){  
            if("properties" %in% names(r2)){
              temp <- template
              temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- k
              if(!is.null(r0$.attr[1])) temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- r0$.attr[1]
              temp[["root_id"]][1] <- r2$.attr[1]
              temp[["parent_id"]][1] <- r1$.attr[1]
              temp[["root_order"]][1] <- 1
              for(p in properties.names){
                if(!is.null(r2$properties[[p]])){ temp[[p]][1] <- r2$properties[[p]]}
              rsml.summary <- rbind(rsml.summary, temp)
              if("root" %in% names(r2)){
                for(r3 in r2){
                  if("properties" %in% names(r3)){
                    temp <- template
                    temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- k
                    if(!is.null(r0$.attr[1])) temp[["plant_id"]][1] <- r0$.attr[1]
                    temp[["root_id"]][1] <- r3$.attr[1]
                    temp[["parent_id"]][1] <- r2$.attr[1]
                    temp[["root_order"]][1] <- 2
                    for(p in properties.names){
                      if(!is.null(r3$properties[[p]])){ temp[[p]][1] <- r3$properties[[p]] }
                    rsml.summary <- rbind(rsml.summary, temp)
    k <- k+1
  for(p in properties.names) rsml.summary[[p]] <- as.numeric(rsml.summary[[p]])
  rsml.data <- list()
  rsml.data$processed <- rsml.summary
  name <- tail(strsplit(rsml.path, "/")[[1]], n=1)
  rsml.data$files.list <- name  
  # Return the extended dataframe 

Try the rsml package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsml documentation built on May 30, 2017, 12:41 a.m.