#' @include utilities.R friedman_test.R
#' Friedman Test Effect Size (Kendall's W Value)
#'@description Compute the effect size estimate (referred to as \code{w}) for
#' Friedman test: \code{W = X2/N(K-1)}; where \code{W} is the Kendall's W
#' value; \code{X2} is the Friedman test statistic value; \code{N} is the sample
#' size. \code{k} is the number of measurements per subject.
#' The Kendall’s W coefficient assumes the value from 0 (indicating no
#' relationship) to 1 (indicating a perfect relationship).
#' Kendalls uses the Cohen’s interpretation guidelines of \code{0.1 - < 0.3} (small
#' effect), \code{0.3 - < 0.5} (moderate effect) and \code{>= 0.5} (large
#' effect)
#' Confidence intervals are calculated by bootstap.
#'@inheritParams friedman_test
#'@inheritParams wilcox_effsize
#'@param ... other arguments passed to the function \code{\link[stats]{friedman.test}()}
#'@return return a data frame with some of the following columns: \itemize{
#' \item \code{.y.}: the y variable used in the test. \item \code{n}: Sample
#' counts. \item \code{effsize}: estimate of the effect size. \item
#' \code{magnitude}: magnitude of effect size. \item \code{conf.low,conf.high}:
#' lower and upper bound of the effect size confidence interval.}
#'@references Maciej Tomczak and Ewa Tomczak. The need to report effect size
#' estimates revisited. An overview of some recommended measures of effect
#' size. Trends in Sport Sciences. 2014; 1(21):19-25.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' data("ToothGrowth")
#' df <- ToothGrowth %>%
#' filter(supp == "VC") %>%
#' mutate(id = rep(1:10, 3))
#' head(df)
#' # Friedman test effect size
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' df %>% friedman_effsize(len ~ dose | id)
#' @export
friedman_effsize <- function(data, formula, ci = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ci.type = "perc", nboot = 1000, ...){
args <- as.list(environment()) %>%
.add_item(method = "friedman_effsize")
results <- data %>%
.friedman_effsize, formula, ci = ci, conf.level = conf.level,
ci.type = ci.type, nboot = nboot, ...
results <- .friedman_effsize(
data, formula, ci = ci, conf.level = conf.level,
ci.type = ci.type, nboot = nboot, ...
results %>%
set_attrs(args = args) %>%
add_class(c("rstatix_test", "friedman_effsize"))
.friedman_effsize <- function(data, formula, ci = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ci.type = "perc", nboot = 1000, ...){
results <- kendall_w(data, formula, ...)
# Confidence interval of the effect size
if (ci == TRUE) {
# Paired data, bootstrap should be performed on wide data
vars <- get_friedman_vars(formula)
data.wide <- data %>%
select(!!!syms(c(vars$wid, vars$dv, vars$within))) %>%
spread(key = vars$within, value = vars$dv)
# Boot function
stat.func <- function(data.wide, subset) {
if(!is.null(subset)) data.wide <- data.wide[subset, ]
data.long <- data.wide %>%
mutate(!!vars$wid := 1:nrow(data.wide)) %>%
gather(key = !!vars$within, value = !!vars$dv, - !!vars$wid)
kendall_w(data.long, formula)$effsize
CI <- get_boot_ci(
data.wide, stat.func, conf.level = conf.level,
type = ci.type, nboot = nboot
results <- results %>%
add_columns(conf.low = CI[1], conf.high = CI[2], .after = "effsize")
results %>%
mutate(magnitude = get_kendall_w_magnitude(.data$effsize))
kendall_w <- function(data, formula, subset = NULL, ...){
if(!is.null(subset)) data <- data[subset, ]
res.f <- friedman_test(data, formula, ...)
x2 <- res.f$statistic
nb.samples <- res.f$n
k <- nrow(data)/nb.samples # number of measurements per sample
w <- x2 / (nb.samples * (k-1))
.y. = get_formula_left_hand_side(formula),
n = nb.samples,
effsize = w,
method = "Kendall W"
get_kendall_w_magnitude <- function(d){
magnitude.levels = c(0.3, 0.5, Inf)
magnitude = c("small","moderate","large")
d.index <- findInterval(abs(d), magnitude.levels)+1
magnitude <- factor(magnitude[d.index], levels = magnitude, ordered = TRUE)
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