
Defines functions jobList jobRunScript jobAddOutput jobSetState jobGetState jobSetStatus jobAddProgress jobSetProgress jobRemove jobAdd

Documented in jobAdd jobAddOutput jobAddProgress jobGetState jobList jobRemove jobRunScript jobSetProgress jobSetState jobSetStatus

#' Add a Job
#' Inform RStudio's Background Jobs pane that a job has been added.
#' @param name The background job's name.
#' @param status The initial status text for the job; optional.
#' @param progressUnits The integer number of units of work in the job; for
#' example, \code{100L} if the job's progress is expressed in percentages. Use
#' \code{0L} if the number of units of work is unknown.
#' @param actions A list of actions that can be performed on the job (see
#' Actions).
#' @param running Whether the job is currently running.
#' @param autoRemove Whether to remove the job from the Background Jobs pane 
#' when it's complete.
#' @param show Whether to show the job in the Jobs pane.
#' @return An ID representing the newly added job, used as a handle to provide
#' further updates of the job's status.
#' @section Actions:
#' The \code{actions} parameter is a named list of functions that the user can
#' invoke on the job; for example: \code{actions = list(stop = function(id) {
#' ... })}. The function will be passed a parameter named \code{id} with the
#' job ID that invoked it.
#' There are three special action names: \describe{ \item{stop}{If there is an
#' action named \code{stop}, then the job will have a Stop button in in the
#' Jobs pane, and pressing that button will invoke the \code{stop} action.}
#' \item{info}{If there is an action named \code{info}, then the job will have
#' an informational link in the Background Jobs pane rather than an output display, 
#' and clicking the link will invoke the \code{info} action.}
#' \item{replay}{If there is an action named \code{replay}, then the job will
#' have a Replay button that displays when the job has finished running. Clicking
#' the button will invoke the \code{replay} action.}}
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobAdd <- function(name, status = "", progressUnits = 0L, actions = NULL, running = FALSE,
                   autoRemove = TRUE, show = TRUE) {
    callFun("addJob", name          = name,
                      status        = status,
                      progressUnits = progressUnits,
                      actions       = actions,
                      running       = running,
                      autoRemove    = autoRemove,
                      show          = show)

#' Remove a Background Job
#' Remove a background job from RStudio's Background Jobs pane.
#' @param job The ID of the job to remove.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobRemove <- function(job) {
    callFun("removeJob", job = job)

#' Set Background Job Progress
#' Updates the progress for a background job.
#' @param job The ID of the job to set progress for.
#' @param units The integer number of total units of work completed so far.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobSetProgress <- function(job, units) {
    callFun("setJobProgress", job = job, units = units)

#' Add Background Job Progress
#' Adds incremental progress units to a background job.
#' @param job The ID of the job to update progress for.
#' @param units The integer number of new progress units completed.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobAddProgress <- function(job, units) {
    callFun("addJobProgress", job = job, units = units)

#' Set Background Job Status
#' Update a background job's informational status text.
#' @param job The ID of the job to update.
#' @param status Text describing job's new status.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobSetStatus <- function(job, status) {
    callFun("setJobStatus", job = job, status = status)

#' Get Background Job State
#' @param job The ID of the job.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobGetState <- function(job) {
    callFun("getJobState", job = job)

#' Set Background Job State
#' Changes the state of a background job.
#' @param job The ID of the job on which to change state.
#' @param state The new job state.
#' @section States:
#' The following states are supported: \describe{ \item{idle}{The job is
#' waiting to run.} \item{running}{The job is actively running.}
#' \item{succeeded}{The job has finished successfully.} \item{cancelled}{The
#' job was cancelled.} \item{failed}{The job finished but did not succeed.} }
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobSetState <- function(job, state = c("idle", "running", "succeeded", "cancelled", "failed")) {
    callFun("setJobState", job = job, state = state)

#' Add Background Job Output
#' Adds text output to a background job.
#' @param job The ID of the job that has emitted text.
#' @param output The text output emitted by the job.
#' @param error Whether the output represents an error.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobAddOutput <- function(job, output, error = FALSE) {
    callFun("addJobOutput", job = job, output = output, error = error)

#' Run R Script As Background Job
#' Starts an R script as a background job.
#' @param path The path to the R script to be run.
#' @param name A name for the background job. When \code{NULL} (the default),
#' the filename of the script is used as the job name.
#' @param encoding The text encoding of the script, if known.
#' @param workingDir The working directory in which to run the job. When
#' \code{NULL} (the default), the parent directory of the R script is used.
#' @param importEnv Whether to import the global environment into the job.
#' @param exportEnv The name of the environment in which to export the R
#' objects created by the job. Use \code{""} (the default) to skip export,
#' \code{"R_GlobalEnv"}` to export to the global environment, or the name of an
#' environment object to create an object with that name.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobRunScript <- function(path, name = NULL, encoding = "unknown", workingDir = NULL,
                         importEnv = FALSE, exportEnv = "") {
    path <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
    callFun("runScriptJob", path       = path,
                            name       = name,
                            encoding   = encoding,
                            workingDir = workingDir,
                            importEnv  = importEnv,
                            exportEnv  = exportEnv)

#' List Background Jobs
#' List any registered background jobs.
#' @family jobs
#' @export
jobList <- function() {

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