
Defines functions rtry_select_anc

Documented in rtry_select_anc

#' Select ancillary data in wide table format
#' This function selects one specified ancillary data together with the \code{ObservationID}
#' from the imported data and transforms it into a wide table format for further processing.
#' @param input Input data frame or data table.
#' @param \dots The IDs of the ancillary data (\code{DataID} in the TRY data) to be selected.
#' @param showOverview Default \code{TRUE} displays the dimension and column names of the selected data.
#' @return An object of the same type as the input data.
#' @references This function makes use of the \code{\link[base]{subset}} and \code{\link[dplyr]{distinct}} functions
#'             within the \code{base} and \code{dplyr} packages respectively. It also uses the functions
#'             \code{\link{rtry_select_col}} and \code{\link{rtry_remove_col}}, as well as the function
#'             \code{\link{rtry_join_outer}} to select and combine the extracted ancillary data with the \code{ObservationID}.
#' @examples
#' # Obtain a list of ObservationID and the corresponding ancillary data of interest
#' # using the specified DataID (e.g. DataID 60 for longitude and 59 for latitude) from
#' # the provided sample data (e.g. data_TRY_15160)
#' georef <- rtry_select_anc(data_TRY_15160, 60, 59)
#' # Expected message:
#' # dim:   98 3
#' # col:   ObservationID Longitude Latitude
#' # Obtain a list of ObservationID and one corresponding ancillary data of interest
#' # using the specified DataID (e.g. DataID 61 for altitude) from the provided sample
#' # data (e.g. data_TRY_15160)
#' alt <- rtry_select_anc(data_TRY_15160, 61)
#' # Expected message:
#' # dim:   23 2
#' # col:   ObservationID Altitude
#' @export
rtry_select_anc <- function(input, ..., showOverview = TRUE){
  # Bind the variables locally to the function
  ObservationID <- NULL
  DataID <- NULL
  DataName <- NULL
  StdValue <- NULL
  OrigValueStr <- NULL

  # If either of the arguments input or id is missing, show the message
  if(missing(input) || missing(...)){
    message("Please specify the input data and/or the id of ancillary data you would like to select.")
    # Loop through the list of IDs
    for (id in list(...)){
      # Add quotations around the ancillary id (DataID)
      anc_id <- deparse(substitute(id))

      # Select the necessary columns for extracting the unique ancillary data and the corresponding ObservationID
      input <- rtry_select_col(input, ObservationID, DataID, DataName, StdValue, OrigValueStr, showOverview = FALSE)

      # Extract the rows where the DataID equals to the desired ancillary data id (id)
      input_subset <- subset(input, DataID == anc_id)

      # Obtain the DataName for the given DataID
      anc_name <- unique(input_subset$DataName)

      # Check if the entire StdValue column has no value other than NA
        # Print message
        message("Since the 'StdValue' column has no value other than NA, the column 'OrigValueStr' is used instead.")

        # Change the column OrigValueStr into the name of the ancillary data (anc_name)
        colnames(input_subset)[which(names(input_subset) == "OrigValueStr")] <- anc_name

        # Delete the columns that are redundant
        input_subset <- rtry_remove_col(input_subset, DataID, DataName, StdValue, showOverview = FALSE)
        # Change the column StdValue into the name of the ancillary data (anc_name)
        colnames(input_subset)[which(names(input_subset) == "StdValue")] <- anc_name

        # Delete the columns that are redundant
        input_subset <- rtry_remove_col(input_subset, DataID, DataName, OrigValueStr, showOverview = FALSE)

      # Select only the unique rows from the input data frame
      input_subset <- dplyr::distinct(input_subset, ObservationID, .keep_all = TRUE)

      # Copy the unique combination of ObservationID and ancillary data into selectedAnc
        selectedAnc <- input_subset
        selectedAnc <- rtry_join_outer(selectedAnc, input_subset, baseOn = ObservationID, showOverview = FALSE)

    # If the argument showOverview is set to be TRUE, print the dimension and column names of the selected ancillary data
    if(showOverview == TRUE){
      message("dim:   ", paste0(dim(selectedAnc), sep = " "))
      message("col:   ", paste0(colnames(selectedAnc), sep = " "))

    # Return the ObservationID and the corresponding ancillary data (if any) in a wide table format

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rtry documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 1:07 a.m.