
#' @title Log to Redis Database
#' @description
#' [AppenderRedis] writes log messages to a Redis data base.
#' This [lgr::Appender] is created internally by [RushWorker] when logger thresholds are passed via [rush_plan()].
#' @param config ([redux::redis_config])\cr
#' Redis configuration options.
#' @param key (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Key of the list holding the log messages in the Redis data store.
#' @param threshold (`integer(1)` | `character(1)`)\cr
#' Threshold for the log messages.
#' @param layout ([lgr::Layout])\cr
#' Layout for the log messages.
#' @param buffer_size (`integer(1)`)\cr
#' Size of the buffer.
#' @param flush_threshold (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Threshold for flushing the buffer.
#' @param flush_on_exit (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Flush the buffer on exit.
#' @param flush_on_rotate (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Flush the buffer on rotate.
#' @param should_flush (`function`)\cr
#' Function that determines if the buffer should be flushed.
#' @param filters (`list`)\cr
#' List of filters.
#' @return Object of class [R6::R6Class] and `AppenderRedis` with methods for writing log events to Redis data bases.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This example is not executed since Redis must be installed
#' \donttest{
#'    config_local = redux::redis_config()
#'    rush_plan(
#'      config = config_local,
#'      n_workers = 2,
#'      lgr_thresholds = c(rush = "info"))
#'    rush = rsh(network_id = "test_network")
#'    rush
#' }
AppenderRedis = R6::R6Class("AppenderRedis",
  inherit = lgr::AppenderMemory,
  cloneable = FALSE,
  public = list(

    #' @description
    #' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
    initialize = function(
      threshold = NA_integer_,
      layout = lgr::LayoutJson$new(),
      buffer_size = 0,
      flush_threshold = "error",
      flush_on_exit = TRUE,
      flush_on_rotate = TRUE,
      should_flush = NULL,
      filters = NULL
      require_namespaces(c("redux", "data.table"))
      assert_class(config, "redis_config")
      private$.connector = redux::hiredis(config)
      private$.key = assert_string(key)

      # appender

      # buffer

      # flush conditions

    #' @description
    #' Sends the buffer's contents to the Redis data store, and then clears the buffer.
    flush = function() {
      lo =  get(".layout", envir = private)
      buffer = get("buffer_events", envir = self)
      r = get(".connector", envir = private)
      key = get(".key", envir = private)

      # convert event to JSON and push to Redis
      cmds = map(buffer, function(event) {
        json_event = lo$format_event(event)
        c("RPUSH", key, json_event)
      r$pipeline(.commands = cmds)

      assign("insert_pos", 0L, envir = private)
      private$.buffer_events <- list()

  private = list(
    .connector = NULL,
    .key = NULL

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rush documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.