#' @title Rush Worker
#' @description
#' [RushWorker] evaluates tasks and writes results to the data base.
#' The worker inherits from [Rush].
#' @note
#' The worker registers itself in the data base of the rush network.
#' @template param_network_id
#' @template param_config
#' @template param_remote
#' @template param_worker_id
#' @template param_heartbeat_period
#' @template param_heartbeat_expire
#' @template param_lgr_thresholds
#' @template param_lgr_buffer_size
#' @template param_seed
#' @return Object of class [R6::R6Class] and `RushWorker` with worker methods.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This example is not executed since Redis must be installed
#' \donttest{
#' config_local = redux::redis_config()
#' rush = rsh(network_id = "test_network", config = config_local)
#' fun = function(x1, x2, ...) list(y = x1 + x2)
#' rush$start_local_workers(fun = fun)
#' rush$stop_workers()
#' }
RushWorker = R6::R6Class("RushWorker",
inherit = Rush,
public = list(
#' @field worker_id (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Identifier of the worker.
worker_id = NULL,
#' @field remote (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether the worker is on a remote machine.
remote = NULL,
#' @field heartbeat (`r_process``)\cr
#' Background process for the heartbeat.
heartbeat = NULL,
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
initialize = function(
config = NULL,
worker_id = NULL,
heartbeat_period = NULL,
heartbeat_expire = NULL,
lgr_thresholds = NULL,
lgr_buffer_size = 0,
seed = NULL
) {
super$initialize(network_id = network_id, config = config, seed = seed)
self$remote = assert_flag(remote)
self$worker_id = assert_string(worker_id %??% uuid::UUIDgenerate())
r = self$connector
# setup heartbeat
if (!is.null(heartbeat_period)) {
assert_numeric(heartbeat_period, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_numeric(heartbeat_expire, null.ok = TRUE)
heartbeat_expire = heartbeat_expire %??% heartbeat_period * 3
# set heartbeat key
r$SET(private$.get_worker_key("heartbeat"), heartbeat_period)
# start heartbeat process
heartbeat_args = list(
network_id = self$network_id,
config = self$config,
worker_id = self$worker_id,
heartbeat_period = heartbeat_period,
heartbeat_expire = heartbeat_expire,
pid = Sys.getpid()
self$heartbeat = callr::r_bg(heartbeat, args = heartbeat_args, supervise = TRUE)
# wait until heartbeat process is able to work
# setup logger
if (!is.null(lgr_thresholds)) {
assert_vector(lgr_thresholds, names = "named")
# add redis appender
appender = AppenderRedis$new(
config = self$config,
key = private$.get_worker_key("events"),
buffer_size = lgr_buffer_size
root_logger = lgr::get_logger("root")
# restore log levels
for (package in names(lgr_thresholds)) {
logger = lgr::get_logger(package)
threshold = lgr_thresholds[package]
# register worker ids
r$SADD(private$.get_key("worker_ids"), self$worker_id)
r$SADD(private$.get_key("running_worker_ids"), self$worker_id)
# if worker is started with a heartbeat, monitor with heartbeat, otherwise monitor with pid
if (!is.null(self$heartbeat)) {
r$SADD(private$.get_key("heartbeat_keys"), private$.get_worker_key("heartbeat"))
} else if (!self$remote) {
r$SADD(private$.get_key("local_workers"), self$worker_id)
# register worker info in
"HSET", private$.get_key(self$worker_id),
"worker_id", self$worker_id,
"pid", Sys.getpid(),
"remote", self$remote,
"hostname", rush::get_hostname(),
"heartbeat", if (is.null(self$heartbeat)) NA_character_ else private$.get_worker_key("heartbeat")))
# remove from pre-started workers
r$SREM(sprintf("%s:pre_worker_ids", self$network_id), self$worker_id)
#' @description
#' Push a task to running tasks without queue.
#' @param xss (list of named `list()`)\cr
#' Lists of arguments for the function e.g. `list(list(x1, x2), list(x1, x2)))`.
#' @param extra (`list`)\cr
#' List of additional information stored along with the task e.g. `list(list(timestamp), list(timestamp)))`.
#' @return (`character()`)\cr
#' Keys of the tasks.
push_running_tasks = function(xss, extra = NULL) {
assert_list(xss, types = "list")
assert_list(extra, types = "list", null.ok = TRUE)
r = self$connector
lg$debug("Pushing %i running task(s).", length(xss))
keys = self$write_hashes(xs = xss, xs_extra = extra, worker_extra = list(list(pid = Sys.getpid(), worker_id = self$worker_id)))
r$command(c("SADD", private$.get_key("running_tasks"), keys))
r$command(c("RPUSH", private$.get_key("all_tasks"), keys))
#' @description
#' Pop a task from the queue.
#' Task is moved to the running tasks.
#' @param timeout (`numeric(1)`)\cr
#' Time to wait for task in seconds.
#' @param fields (`character()`)\cr
#' Fields to be returned.
pop_task = function(timeout = 1, fields = "xs") {
r = self$connector
key = r$command(c("BLMPOP", timeout, 2, private$.get_worker_key("queued_tasks"), private$.get_key("queued_tasks"), "RIGHT"))[[2]][[1]]
if (is.null(key)) return(NULL)
self$write_hashes(worker_extra = list(list(pid = Sys.getpid(), worker_id = self$worker_id)), keys = key)
# move key from queued to running
r$command(c("SADD", private$.get_key("running_tasks"), key))
task = self$read_hash(key = key, fields = fields)
task$key = key
#' @description
#' Pushes results to the data base.
#' @param keys (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Keys of the associated tasks.
#' @param yss (named `list()`)\cr
#' List of lists of named results.
#' @param extra (named `list()`)\cr
#' List of lists of additional information stored along with the results.
push_results = function(keys, yss, extra = NULL) {
assert_list(yss, types = "list")
assert_list(extra, types = "list", null.ok = TRUE)
r = self$connector
# write results to hashes
ys = yss,
ys_extra = extra,
keys = keys)
# move key from running to finished
# keys of finished tasks are stored in a list i.e. the are ordered by time
# each rush instance only needs to record how many results it has already seen
# to cheaply get the latest results and cache the finished tasks
# under some conditions a set would be more advantageous e.g. to check if a task is finished,
# but at the moment a list seems to be the better option
r$pipeline(.commands = list(
c("SREM", private$.get_key("running_tasks"), keys),
c("RPUSH", private$.get_key("finished_tasks"), keys)
#' @description
#' Mark the worker as terminated.
#' Last step in the worker loop before the worker terminates.
set_terminated = function() {
r = self$connector
lg$debug("Worker %s terminated", self$worker_id)
r$pipeline(.commands = list(
c("SMOVE", private$.get_key("running_worker_ids"), private$.get_key("terminated_worker_ids"), self$worker_id),
c("SREM", private$.get_key("local_workers"), self$worker_id),
c("SREM", private$.get_key("heartbeat_keys"), private$.get_worker_key("heartbeat")
active = list(
#' @field terminated (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to shutdown the worker.
#' Used in the worker loop to determine whether to continue.
terminated = function() {
r = self$connector
#' @field terminated_on_idle (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to shutdown the worker if no tasks are queued.
#' Used in the worker loop to determine whether to continue.
terminated_on_idle = function() {
r = self$connector
as.logical(r$EXISTS(private$.get_key("terminate_on_idle"))) && !as.logical(self$n_queued_tasks)
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