Man pages for s20x
Functions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 Data Analysis

airpass.dfInternational Airline Passengers
apples.dfApples Data
arousal.dfChanges in Pupil Size with Emotional Arousal
autocorPlotAutocorrelation Plot
beer.dfUS Beer Production
body.dfBody Image and Ethnicity
books.dfBooks Data
boxqqBox plots and normal quantile-quantile plots
bursary.dfBursary Results for Auckland Secondary Schools
butterfat.dfButterfat Data
camplake.dfAge and Length of Camp Lake Bluegills
chalk.dfChalk Data
ciRegConfidence Intervals for Regression models
computer.dfComputer Questionnaire
cooks20xCook's distance plot
course2way.dfExam Mark, Gender and Attendance for Stats 20x Summer School...
course.dfStats 20x Summer School Data
crossFactorsCrossed Factors
crosstabsCrosstabulation of two variables
diamonds.dfPrices and Weights of Diamonds
displayPairsDisplay within-level pairwise comparisons for saturated...
eovcheckTesting for equality of variance plot
estimateContrastsContrast Estimates
fire.dfFire Damage and Distance from the Fire Station
freq1wayAnalysis of 1-dimensional frequency tables
fruitfly.dfFruitfly Data
getVersions20x pacakge version number
house.dfSale and Advertised Prices of Houses
incomes.dfMean Family Incomes
interactionPlotsInteractions Plot for Two-way Analysis of Variance
lakemary.dfAges and Lengths of Lake Mary Bluegills
larain.dfLos Angeles Rainfall
levene.testLevene test for the ANOVA Assumption
mazda.dfYear and Price of Mazda Cars
mening.dfMonthly Notifications of Meningococcal Disease
mergers.dfMerger Days
modcheckModel checking plots
modelcheckModel checking plots Compact layout for model checking plots.
mozart.dfLength of Mozart's Movements
multipleCompMultiple Comparisons
nail.dfNail Polish Data
normcheckTesting for normality plot
onewayPlotOne-way Analysis of Variance Plot
oysters.dfOyster Abundances over Different Sites
pairs20xPairwise Scatter Plots with Histograms and Correlations
peru.dfPeruvian Indians
predict20xModel Predictions for a Linear Model
predictCountPredicted Counts for a Generalized Linear Model
predictGLMPredictions for Generalized Linear Models
propslsd.newLSD-Display Intervals
rain.dfCloud Seeding and Levels of Rainfall
residPlotFitted values versus residuals plot
rowdistrRow distributions from a cross-tabulation of two variables
rrRead Data
s20x-packages20x: Functions for University of Auckland Course STATS...
seeds.dfSeeds Data
sheep.dfSheep Data
skewnessSkewness Statistic
skulls.dfSkulls Data
snapper.dfSnapper Weight Data
soyabean.dfSoya Bean Yields
stripqqStrip charts and normal quantile-quantile plots
summary1wayOne-way Analysis of Variance Summary
summary2wayTwo-way Analysis of Variance Summary
summaryStatsSummary Statistics
teach.dfComparison of Three Teaching Methods
technitron.dfTechnitron Salary Information
thyroid.dfEffect of a New Drug on Thyroid Weights
toothpaste.dfCrest Toothpaste
trendscatterTrend and scatter plot
zoo.dfZoo Attendance during an Advertising Campaign
s20x documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:07 p.m.