
Defines functions residPlot

Documented in residPlot

#' Fitted values versus residuals plot
#' Plots a scatter plot for the variables of the residuals and fitted values
#' from the linear model, lmfit. A lowess smooth line for the underlying trend,
#' as well as one standard deviation error bounds for the scatter about this
#' trend, are added to this scatter plot. A test for a quadratic relationship
#' between the residuals and the fitted values is also computed.
#' @param lmfit an \code{lm} object, i.e. the output from \code{lm}.
#' @param f the smoother span. This gives the proportion of points in the plot
#' which influence the smooth at each value. Larger values give more
#' smoothness.
#' @return Returns the plot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{trendscatter}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @note This function is deprecated. It will be removed in future versions of the package.
#' @examples
#' # Peruvian Indians data
#' data(peru.df)
#' fit=lm(BP~age+years+weight+height, data = peru.df)
#' residPlot(fit)
#' @export residPlot
residPlot = function(lmfit, f = 0.5){
    yhat = fitted(lmfit)
    res = resid(lmfit)
    y = yhat + res
    QQ = qr.Q(lmfit$qr)
    RR = qr.R(lmfit$qr)
    xx = QQ %*% RR
    newdata = data.frame(y, yhat^2, xx[, -1])
    xnam = dimnames(newdata)[[2]][-1]
    form = as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(xnam, collapse = "+")))
    foo = lm(form, data = newdata)
    goo = summary(foo)
    curvp = goo$coefficients[dimnames(goo$coefficients)[[1]] == "yhat.2", 4]
    ## sort the data so we can fit it okay
    yhat.sort = sort(yhat, index = TRUE)
    newyhat = yhat.sort$x
    ix = yhat.sort$ix
    newres = res[ix]
    ## now get trend stuff from these sorted values
    trend = lowess(newyhat, newres, f)
    e = (newres - trend$y)^2
    scatter = lowess(newyhat, e, f)
    uplim = trend$y + sqrt(abs(scatter$y))
    lowlim = trend$y - sqrt(abs(scatter$y))
    plot(yhat, res, pch = 1, xlab = "Fitted Values", ylab = "Residuals", main = paste("Resids vs. Fitted ~ Test for Quadratic (p=", signif(curvp, 3), ")"))
    lines(trend, col = "Blue")
    lines(scatter$x, uplim, lty = 2, col = "Red")
    lines(scatter$x, lowlim, lty = 2, col = "Red")

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