Defines functions sRDA print.sRDA

Documented in sRDA sRDA

#        *         *         *         *         *         *         *         #
# Metadata                                                                  ####
# Title:    sparese RDA
# meta:     sparese RDA
# code by:  Attila Csala
# place:    Amsterdam
# date:     2016-11
#        *         *         *         *         *         *         *         #

#' @title Sparse Redundancy Analysis
#' @description
#' Sparse Redundancy Analysis (sRDA) to express the maximum variance in the
#' predicted data set by a linear combination of variables (latent variable)
#' of the predictive data set. Elastic net penalization (with its variants, UST,
#' Ridge and Lasso penalization) is implemented for sparsity and smoothness
#' with a  built in cross validation procedure to obtain the optimal
#' penalization parameters. It is possible to obtain multiple latent variables
#' which are orthogonal to each other, thus each explaining a different protion
#' of variance in the predicted data set. sRDA is implemented in a Partial Least
#' Squares framework, for more details see Csala et al. (2017).
#' @param predictor
#' The n*p matrix of the predictor data set
#' @param predicted
#' The n*q matrix of the predicted data set
#' @param penalization
#' The penalization method applied during the analysis (none, enet or ust)
#' @param ridge_penalty
#' The ridge penalty parameter of the predictor set's latent variable used
#' for enet (an integer if cross_validate = FALSE, a list otherwise)
#' @param nonzero
#' The number of non-zero weights of the predictor set's latent variable used
#' for enet or ust (an integer if cross_validate = FALSE, a list otherwise)
#' @param max_iterations
#' The maximum number of iterations of the algorithm (integer)
#' @param tolerance
#' Convergence criteria (number, a small positive tolerance)
#' @param cross_validate
#' K-fold cross validation to find best optimal penalty parameters
#' (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param parallel_CV
#' Run the cross validation parallel (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param nr_subsets
#' Number of subsets for k-fold cross validation (integer, the value for k)
#' @param multiple_LV
#' Obtain multiple latent variable pairs (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param nr_LVs
#' Number of latent variable pairs (components) to be obtained (integer)
#' @return An object of class \code{"sRDA"}.
#' @return \item{XI}{
#' Predictor set's latent variable scores}
#' @return \item{ETA}{
#' Predictive set's latent variable scores}
#' @return \item{ALPHA}{
#' Weights of the predictor set's latent variable}
#' @return \item{BETA}{
#' Weights of the predicted set's latent variable}
#' @return \item{nr_iterations}{
#' Number of iterations ran before convergence (or max number of iterations)}
#' @return \item{SOLVE_XIXI}{
#' Inverse of the predictor set's latent variable variance matrix}
#' @return \item{iterations_crts}{
#' The convergence criterion value (a small positive tolerance)}
#' @return \item{sum_absolute_betas}{
#' Sum of the absolute values of beta weights}
#' @return \item{ridge_penalty}{
#' The ridge penalty parameter used for the model}
#' @return \item{nr_nonzeros}{
#' The number of nonzero alpha weights in the model}
#' @return \item{nr_latent_variables}{
#' The number of latient variable pairs (components) in the model}
#' @return \item{CV_results}{
#' The detailed results of cross validations (if cross_validate is TRUE)}
#' @author Attila Csala
#' @keywords Redundancy RDA
#' @references
#' Csala A., Voorbraak F.P.J.M., Zwinderman A.H., and Hof M.H. (2017) Sparse
#' redundancy analysis of high-dimensional genetic and genomic data.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, \bold{33}, pp.3228-3234.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx374}
#' @import elasticnet
#' @import foreach
#' @import Matrix
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom stats cor rnorm runif
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # generate data with few highly correlated variahbles
#' dataXY <- generate_data(nr_LVs = 2,
#'                            n = 250,
#'                            nr_correlated_Xs = c(5,20),
#'                            nr_uncorrelated_Xs = 250,
#'                            mean_reg_weights_assoc_X =
#'                              c(0.9,0.5),
#'                            sd_reg_weights_assoc_X =
#'                              c(0.05, 0.05),
#'                            Xnoise_min = -0.3,
#'                            Xnoise_max = 0.3,
#'                            nr_correlated_Ys = c(10,15),
#'                            nr_uncorrelated_Ys = 350,
#'                            mean_reg_weights_assoc_Y =
#'                              c(0.9,0.6),
#'                            sd_reg_weights_assoc_Y =
#'                              c(0.05, 0.05),
#'                            Ynoise_min = -0.3,
#'                            Ynoise_max = 0.3)
#' # seperate predictor and predicted sets
#' X <- dataXY$X
#' Y <- dataXY$Y
#' # run sRDA
#' RDA.res <- sRDA(predictor = X, predicted = Y, nonzero = 5,
#' ridge_penalty = 1, penalization = "ust")
#' # check first 10 weights of X
#' RDA.res$ALPHA[1:10]
#' # run sRDA with cross-validation to determine best penalization parameters
#' RDA.res <- sRDA(predictor = X, predicted = Y, nonzero = c(5,10,15),
#' ridge_penalty = c(0.1,1), penalization = "enet", cross_validate = TRUE,
#' parallel_CV = TRUE)
#' # check first 10 weights of X
#' RDA.res$ALPHA[1:10]
#' # check the Ridge parameter and the number of nonzeros included in the model
#' RDA.res$ridge_penalty
#' RDA.res$nr_nonzeros
#' # check how much time the cross validation did take
#' RDA.res$CV_results$stime
#' # obtain multiple latent variables (components)
#' RDA.res <- sRDA(predictor = X, predicted = Y, nonzero = c(5,10,15),
#' ridge_penalty = c(0.1,1), penalization = "enet", cross_validate = TRUE,
#' parallel_CV = TRUE, multiple_LV = TRUE, nr_LVs = 2, max_iterations = 5)
#' # check first 20 weights of X in first two component
#' RDA.res$ALPHA[[1]][1:20]
#' RDA.res$ALPHA[[2]][1:20]
#' # components are orthogonal to each other
#' t(RDA.res$XI[[1]]) %*% RDA.res$XI[[2]]

#                               Peanalized RDA                              ####
#+-------+                                                            +-------+
#|       |                                                            |       |
#|       |                                                            |       |
#|       |                                                            |       |
#|       |   ALPHA       +------+          +------+       BETA        |       |
#|       +--------------->      |          |      +------------------->       |
#|       |               |      |          |      |                   |       |
#|       |               |      |          |      |                   |       |
#|  X    +--------------->  XI  |          | ETA  +------------------->   Y   |
#|       |               |      +---------->      |                   |       |
#|       |               |      |          |      |                   |       |
#|       +--------------->      |          |      +------------------->       |
#|       |               +------+          +------+                   |       |
#|       |                                                            |       |
#|       |                                                            |       |
#|       |                                                            |       |
#+-------+                                                            +-------+

#Function for peanalized redundancy analysis
#input:     X             (n*p matrix     - predictor variables),
#           Y             (n*q matrix     - predicted variables),
#           ridge_penalty (integer        - factor for Ridge penalty)
#           nonzero       (integer        - factor for LASSO penalty)
#output:    ALPHA         p*1 vector      #ALPHA    - X-WEIGHTS
#           BETA,         q*1 vector      #BETA     - Y-WEIGHTS
#           XI,           n*1 vector      #XI       - latent variable for X
#           ETA           n*1 vector      #ETA      - latent variable for Y

sRDA <- function(predictor,
                 penalization = "enet",
                 ridge_penalty = 1,
                 nonzero = 1,
                 #stop criteruim in a form of maximum iterations
                 max_iterations = 100,
                 #stop criterium regarding to CRT
                 tolerance = 1*10^-20,
                 cross_validate = FALSE,
                 parallel_CV = FALSE,
                 nr_subsets = 10,
                 multiple_LV = FALSE,
                 nr_LVs = 1

  #0. ancillary functions
  #check for dependencies
  if (!requireNamespace("elasticnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("The elasticnet package is needed for this function to work.
             Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The stats package is needed for this function to work.
             Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  #Check input values for the function ****************************************#
  if( typeof(cross_validate) != "logical" ||
      typeof(parallel_CV)    != "logical" ||
      typeof(multiple_LV)    != "logical"){
    stop("Please provide logical (TRUE or FALSE) values for input variables
         cross_validate, parallel_CV and multiple_LV.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if( dim(predictor)[1] != dim(predicted)[1]){
    stop("The sample sizes for the predictor and for the predicted data sets
         differ. Please use data sets with equal sample sizes.",
         call. = FALSE)

  #if ust penalization, change ridge penalties to Inf
  if (penalization == "ust"){
    ridge_penalty <- rep(Inf, length(ridge_penalty))

  if (penalization == "none" && cross_validate) {
    stop("You do not need cross validation for a non penalized model
         (pelase change the penalization or cross_validate input variable)",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (penalization == "none" &&
      (dim(predictor)[2]>dim(predictor)[1] ||
      dim(predicted)[2]>dim(predicted)[1]) ) {
    stop("For high dimensional data sets (i.e. p >> n or q >> n), you need to
         select a penalization method (set input variable penalization to
         ust or enet).",
         call. = FALSE)

  #check for dependencies for parallel computing
  if (parallel_CV == TRUE){

    #check for dependencies
    if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("The parallel package is needed for this function to work.
             Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("The foreach package is needed for this function to work.
             Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)

    #check for cores
    nr_cores      <-    detectCores()
      cat("Cross valdiation function on multiple cores is called,
        number of detected cores on this work station:", nr_cores, "\n")
      stop("R wasn't able to identify multiple cores on this work station.
           Please make sure your work station is compatible with
           parallel computing.",
           call. = FALSE)


  #Check for cross validation *************************************************#
  if (multiple_LV){

    result <- get_multiple_LVs(X = predictor,
                               Y = predicted,
                               penalization = penalization,
                               lambda = ridge_penalty,
                               nonzero = nonzero,
                               nr_latent = nr_LVs,
                               stop_criterium = tolerance,
                               max_iterations = max_iterations,
                               cross_validate = cross_validate)
    class(result) = "sRDA"


  CV_results <- "Cross validation function is not called."

  if (cross_validate){

    CV_results <-
      get_cross_validated_penalty_parameters(predictor = predictor,
                                             predicted = predicted,
                                             penalization = penalization,
                                             ridge_penalty = ridge_penalty,
                                             nonzero = nonzero,
                                             nr_subsets = nr_subsets,
                                             max_iterations = max_iterations,
                                             tolerance = tolerance,
                                             parallel_CV = parallel_CV

    ridge_penalty   <- CV_results$best_ridge
    nonzero         <- CV_results$best_nonzero

  } else {
    # if no cross validation and more then 1 ridge/non zero penalty, give error
    if (length(ridge_penalty)>1 || length(nonzero)>1) {
      stop("Multiple ridge_penalty and/or nonzero parameter where only one is
            needed (pelase set cross_validate = TRUE if you would like to run
           cross validation)",
           call. = FALSE)


  #Algorithm for peanalization*************************************************#

  #1. Preperation of the data

  Y.mat <- as.matrix(predicted)
  #scale (SD = 1) and center (mean = 0) Y
  Yc <- scale(Y.mat)
  Yc <- Yc[,!colSums(!is.finite(Yc))]

  X.mat <- as.matrix(predictor)
  #scale (SD = 1) and center (mean = 0) X
  Xcr <- scale(X.mat)
  Xcr <- Xcr[,!colSums(!is.finite(Xcr))]

  #variable length of X and Y
  p <- ncol(Xcr)
  q <- ncol(Yc)

  #   For initalization, let:
  #         ETA^(0) = y_1 + y_2 + .... + y_q = Y*BETA_hat^(0) ( = Y_i)
  #           were BETA^(0) = [1,1....,1]
  # an y-weight column vector of q elements
  BETA = matrix( rep(1, q), nrow = q, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE)
  # an x-weight column vector of p elements
  ALPHA = matrix( rep(1, p), nrow = p, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  #2. Iterative loop until convergence
  CRTs          <- c()
  sum_abs_Betas <- c()
  Nr_iterations = 0         #iteration counter

  WeContinnue = TRUE        #T/F value for stop criterium based on CRT values
                            #in last two iteration
  CRT = 1                   #convergance measure between alpha and beta

  while(CRT > tolerance && WeContinnue && Nr_iterations < max_iterations) {

    ETA = Yc %*% BETA
    ETA = scale(ETA)

    XI = Xcr %*% ALPHA
    XI = scale(XI)

    #Chose between generic RDA, SRDA with ENET or SRDA wiht UST****************#
    ALPH_0 <- switch(penalization,
                #lm without penalization
                #ALPH_0 = as.matrix(lm(ETA ~ 0+Xcr)$coefficients)
                "none" = {
                  solve(t(Xcr) %*% Xcr) %*% t(Xcr) %*% ETA

                #ALPH_0 = as.matrix(calculateVectorEnet(Xcr,ETA,1,30))
                "enet" = {

                #CALCULATE WITH UST
                #ALPH_0 = as.matrix(calculateVectorEnet(Xcr,ETA,1,30))
                "ust" = {
                  stop("Please choose a valid penalization method
                    (i.e. 'ust', 'enet' or 'none')",
                       call. = FALSE)



    #         compute the value of XI^(1):
    #         XIhat^(1) = SUM_running to p where t=1 ( ahat_t^(0) *x_t )

    XI = Xcr %*% ALPH_0

    #         and normalize XIhat^(1) such that
    #           t(XIhat^(1))*XIhat^(1) = t(ahat^(0)) t(X)*X*ahat^(0) = 1
    #           t(XI)%*%XI = t(ALPH_0) %*% t(Xcr) %*% Xcr %*% ALPH_0 = 1
    #           that is its variance is 1
    XI = scale(XI)

    #         For the value BETAhat^(1) and hence ETAhat^(1),
    #           regress y1,y2 ... yq separately on XIhat^(1),
    #           y1 = BETA_1 * XIhat^(1) + Epsilon_1
    #           .
    #           yq = BETA_q * XIhat^(1) + Epsilon_q

    BETA_0 = solve(t(XI)%*%XI) %*% t(XI) %*% Yc
    BETA_0 = t(as.matrix(BETA_0))

    #         compute the vaule of ETAhat^(1),
    #           ETAhat^(1) = SUM_running to q where k=1 ( BETAhat_k^(1) * y_k)
    ETA = Yc %*% BETA_0
    ETA = scale(ETA)

    #Calculate convergence of Alphas and Betas
    CRT = sum((ALPHA - ALPH_0)^2, (BETA - BETA_0)^2);

    ALPHA=            ALPH_0
    BETA =            BETA_0

    #Check if last two iterations CR converges*********************************#
    Nr_iterations                   =   Nr_iterations + 1
    CRTs[[Nr_iterations]]           =   CRT
    sum_abs_Betas[[Nr_iterations]]  =   sum(abs(BETA))

    if (Nr_iterations>1){

      stop_condition <- abs(CRTs[[Nr_iterations]] - CRTs[[Nr_iterations-1]])
      stop_criterium <- 1 * 10^-6

      if (stop_condition < stop_criterium){
        WeContinnue <- FALSE

    }#END Check if last two iterations CR converges*************************#

  }# End of main loop

  #use this later for second latent variable
  SOLVE_XIXI = solve(t(XI)%*%XI) %*% t(XI)

  result <- list(XI = XI,
                 ETA = ETA,
                 ALPHA = ALPHA,
                 BETA= BETA,
                 nr_iterations = Nr_iterations,
                 inverse_of_XIXI = SOLVE_XIXI,
                 iterations_crts = CRTs,
                 sum_absolute_betas = sum_abs_Betas,
                 ridge_penalty = ridge_penalty,
                 nr_nonzeros = nonzero,
                 nr_latent_variables = nr_LVs,
                 CV_results = CV_results

  class(result) = "sRDA"



#'@S3method print sRDA
print.sRDA <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Sparse Redundancy Analysis (sRDA)", "\n")
  cat(rep("-", 45), sep="")
  cat("\n   NAME                ", "DESCRIPTION")
  cat("\n1  $XI                 ", "latent variable(s) of predictive dataset")
  cat("\n2  $ETA                ", "latent variable(s) of predicted dataset")
  cat("\n3  $ALPHA              ", "weights of predictive dataset's latent variable")
  cat("\n4  $BETA               ", "Weights of predicted dataset's latent variable")
  cat("\n5  $nr_iterations      ", "number of iterations ran before convergence
                                (or max number of iterations)")
  cat("\n6  $inverse_of_XIXI    ", "inverse of XI * XI
                                (used for multiple latent variable calculation)")
  cat("\n7  $iterations_crts    ", "convergence criterion value")
  cat("\n8  $sum_absolute_betas ", "sum of the absolute values of beta weights")
  cat("\n9  $ridge_penalty      ", "ridge penalty parameter")
  cat("\n10 $nr_nonzeros        ", "number of nonzero alpha weights in the model")
  cat("\n11 $nr_latent_variables", "number of latent variable pairs in the model")
  cat("\n12 $CV_results         ", "detailed results of cross validations")
  cat(rep("-", 45), sep="")

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sRDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:43 a.m.