
Defines functions add_locations get_locations

Documented in add_locations get_locations

get_locations <- function(obj, gazetteer_info = FALSE) {

    #' Obtaining locations for a SAFE dataset.
    #' This function returns a spatial 'simple features' (\code{\link[sf]{sf}})
    #' object for a dataset record, including basic information about locations
    #' for the SAFE gazetteer if requested.
    #' All SAFE datasets recording observations from the field must include a
    #' Locations worksheet, which must contain all of the location names used
    #' in Locations type fields in data worksheets. These entries are matched
    #' against existing location names in the SAFE gazetteer. Users can
    #' also include "new" location names in their dataset, which do not
    #' necessarily have coordinates. Processing locations works as
    #' follows:
    #' \enumerate{
    #'     \item Known locations (\code{new_location = FALSE}) are matched
    #'           against both the official location names in the gazetteer
    #'           and the accepted aliases.
    #'     \item New locations are first checked against the location aliases
    #'           list to see if any new locations in this dataset have been
    #'           matched to a gazetteer location. The gazetteer location is
    #'           then used in preference to any new location data within the
    #'           dataset.
    #'     \item Finally, remaining new locations are assigned any feature
    #'           geometry within the dataset. New locations do not necessarily
    #'           have geometry data, so may have null or empty geometries.
    #' }
    #' @param obj A single record id, or an existing safedata dataframe.
    #' @param gazetteer_info Should all the gazetteer fields be included in the
    #'   returned \code{\link[sf]{sf}} object.
    #' @return An object of classes "safe_locations", "sf" and "data.frame".
    #' @note Not all SAFE project datasets contain locations. In this case
    #'   \code{\link{get_locations}} will return NULL.
    #' @seealso \code{\link{add_locations}}, \code{\link{load_gazetteer}},
    #'    \code{\link{load_location_aliases}}
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safe_dir()
    #'    locations <- get_locations(1400562)
    #'    unset_example_safe_dir()
    #' @export

    if (inherits(obj, "safedata")) {
        record_set <- attr(obj, "safedata")$safe_record_set
    } else {
        record_set <- validate_record_ids(obj)

    if (nrow(record_set) != 1) {
        stop("Requires a single valid record or concept id")
    } else if (is.na(record_set$record)) {
        stop("Concept ID provided, please indicate a specific version")

    # Get the record metadata containing the locations index
    locations <- load_record_metadata(record_set)$locations
    locations$zenodo_record_id <- record_set$record

    if (length(locations) == 0) {

    # Load the gazeteer
    gazetteer <- load_gazetteer()

    # Load location aliases and reduce to global aliases and aliases
    # specific to this record
    location_aliases <- load_location_aliases()
    location_aliases <- subset(location_aliases, is.na(zenodo_record_id) |
                               zenodo_record_id == record_set$record)

    # Now fill in the geometries from the possible sources
    # a) Known locations - look for gazetteer names and aliases
    known <- locations$new_location == FALSE
    gazetteer_match <- match(locations$name, gazetteer$location)
    alias_match <- match(locations$name, location_aliases$alias)

    if (any(known & is.na(gazetteer_match) & is.na(alias_match))) {
        stop("Known locations with no gazetteer or aliases match",
             " found, contact data@safeproject.net")
    } else if (any(known & ! is.na(gazetteer_match) &  ! is.na(alias_match))) {
        stop("Known locations match gazetteer _and_ aliases, ",
             "contact data@safeproject.net")

    # create a merge column for the gazetteer data
    locations$merge_gazetteer <- ifelse(known & ! is.na(gazetteer_match),
                                        gazetteer$location[gazetteer_match], NA)
    locations$merge_gazetteer <- ifelse(known & ! is.na(alias_match),

    # b) New locations that have now been aliased to a gazetteer location. These
    #    are locations that have been adopted into the gazetteer and are matched
    #    to the gazetteer by the unique combination of dataset record id and
    #    name within the dataset.

    new_locations <- locations[! known, ]

    new_locations <- merge(new_locations, location_aliases,
                           by.x = c("zenodo_record_id", "name"),
                           by.y = c("zenodo_record_id", "alias"), all.x = TRUE)

    # switch in any aliased new locations
    new_locations <- subset(new_locations, ! is.na(new_locations$location))

    if (nrow(new_locations)) {
        new_matched <- match(new_locations$name, locations$name)
        locations$merge_gazetteer[new_matched] <- new_locations$location

    # Now we can merge the gazetteer data onto locations. First, optionally
    # exclude the bulky gazetteer data.

    if (! gazetteer_info) {
        gazetteer <- subset(gazetteer, select = c(location, geometry))

    # Next merge on the gazetteer, using all.y to ensure that all locations
    # get the  gazetteer fields, with NA and  GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY if
    # there is no match. The reason for using all.y is that there is a bug in
    # merge(data.frame, sf, all.x = TRUE) that causes it to fail with non
    #  matching lines, but merge(sf, data.frame, all.y = TRUE) works as
    # expected.
    locations <- sf::st_sf(merge(gazetteer, locations, by.y = "merge_gazetteer",
                                 by.x = "location", all.y = TRUE))

    # c) Finally, we can convert any WKT information from the locations table
    # for new locations and put that into blanks in the geometry, specifically
    # avoiding locations where step b) has inserted gazetteer data.
    wkt_data <- which((! is.na(locations$wkt_wgs84)) &

    if (length(wkt_data)) {
        new_geom <- locations$wkt_wgs84[wkt_data]
        locations$geometry[wkt_data] <- sf::st_as_sfc(new_geom)

    # tidy and rename
    locations$zenodo_record_id <- NULL
    locations$wkt_wgs84 <- NULL
    nm <- names(locations)
    nm <- names(locations)
    nm[nm == "location"] <- "gazetteer_name"
    nm[nm == "name"] <- "dataset_name"
    names(locations) <- nm

    # add rownames, flag as a valid safe_locations table and return
    rownames(locations) <- locations$dataset_name
    class(locations) <- c("safe_locations", class(locations))


add_locations <- function(obj, location_field = NULL,
                           location_table = NULL, gazetteer_info = FALSE) {

    #' Adds location data to a SAFE data worksheet.
    #' This function adds location data to the rows of a SAFE data worksheet,
    #' converting it into a \code{\link[sf]{sf}} spatial features object. Rows
    #' are matched to values in a location_field: if there is only one location
    #' field, it will be used automatically; otherwise, the specific field must
    #' be provided.
    #' @param obj An existing object of class \code{safedata}
    #' @param location_field The name of a location field in a
    #'    \code{safedata} object.
    #' @param location_table An existing location table for a dataset,
    #'    as generated by \code{\link{get_locations}}.
    #' @param gazetteer_info Should all the gazetteer fields be included in
    #'    the returned \code{\link[sf]{sf}}  object. See
    #'    \code{\link{load_gazetteer}} for details.
    #' @return A modified \code{safedata} object including geometry data.
    #' @seealso \code{\link{get_locations}}, \code{\link{load_gazetteer}},
    #'    \code{\link{load_location_aliases}}
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safe_dir()
    #'    beetle_abund <- load_safe_data(1400562, "Ant-Psel")
    #'    beetle_abund <- add_locations(beetle_abund)
    #'    unset_example_safe_dir()
    #' @export

    if (! inherits(obj, "safedata")) {
        stop("add_locations requires an object of class 'safedata'")

    # Get the location fields and check it
    obj_attr <- attr(obj, "metadata")
    fields <- obj_attr$fields[[1]]
    location_fields <- with(fields, field_name[field_type == "Location"])

    if (length(location_fields) == 0) {
        stop("Data frame does not contain location fields")
    } else if (is.null(location_field) && length(location_fields) == 1) {
        location_field <- location_fields[1]
    } else if (is.null(location_field) && length(location_fields) > 1) {
        stop("Data frame contains multiple location fields, ",
             "specify location_field")
    } else if (! location_field %in% location_fields) {
        stop(sprintf("%s is not a location field in the data frame",

    # Load the locations table
    if (is.null(location_table)) {
        location_table <- get_locations(obj_attr$safe_record_set)
    } else if (! inherits(location_table, "safe_locations")) {
        stop("'location_table' not a 'safe_locations' object",
             " created by 'get_locations'")

    # This should never happen - would need a taxon field with no taxa worksheet
    if (is.null(location_table)) {
        verbose_message("Dataset contains no location information.")

    # Match taxon names to the taxon and generate matching table
    idx <- match(obj[, location_field], rownames(location_table))

    if (any(is.na(idx))) {
        stop("Not all location names found in locations table,",
             " contact package developers.")

    location_table <- location_table[idx, ]

    # combine and copy across attributes (could create a method for cbind,
    # but seems excessive!)
    ret <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(obj, location_table))
    attr(ret, "metadata") <- obj_attr
    class(ret) <- c("safedata", class(ret))


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safedata documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:01 p.m.