
Defines functions .disable_conv .disable_crw .validate_options .validate_model .validate_names .validate_locations .validate_time_steps .convolution .build_turn_function .build_lookup_mat .build_lookup_function .tr_vals_res .tr_vals .crw .rw

# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Andrew Marx. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under GPLv3.0. See LICENSE file in the project root for details.
# This file is for internal functions. They are subject to change and should not
# be used by users.

#' RW function
#' An internal function for creating RW samc matrix
#' @noRd
.rw <- function(x, absorption, fidelity, fun, dir, sym) {
  if (is(fun, "function")) {
    tr = .tr_vals(x, fun, dir)
  } else if (fun == "1/mean(x)") {
    tr = .tr_vals_res(x, dir)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid transition function defined", call. = FALSE)

  nedges = sum(is.finite(tr))

  nrows = terra::nrow(x)
  ncols = terra::ncol(x)
  cell_nums = terra::cells(x)
  ncells = length(cell_nums)

  cell_lookup = matrix(0, ncols, nrows) # Intentionally reversed for rast->mat
  cell_lookup[cell_nums] = 1:length(cell_nums)

  # tr offset vars
  if (dir == 4) {
    dir_vec = c(1:2, 0, 3:4)
    offsets = c(-ncols, -1, 1, ncols)
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    dir_vec = c(1:4, 0, 5:8)
    offsets = c(-ncols - 1, -ncols, -ncols + 1, -1, 1, ncols - 1, ncols, ncols + 1)

  # Fill out mat_p
  mat_p = integer(ncells + 1)
  mat_p[] = 1 # every column will have a fidelity value
  mat_p[1] = 0 # except first entry of mat_p does not refer to a column
  cell = 0

  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    vals = terra::values(fidelity, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)
    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      cell = cell + 1
      if (is.finite(vals[c])) {
        p1 = cell_lookup[cell]
        p1i = (cell - 1) * dir

        # loop through valid edges
        for (d in dir_vec) {
          if (d) {
            p2i = p1i + d

            if (!is.na(tr[p2i])) {
              p2 = cell_lookup[cell + offsets[d]]

              mat_p[p2 + 1] = mat_p[p2 + 1] + 1

  for (i in 2:length(mat_p)) {
    mat_p[i] = mat_p[i] + mat_p[i - 1]

  mat_p_count = integer(ncells + 1)

  mat_x = numeric(nedges + ncells)
  mat_i = integer(nedges + ncells)

  cell = 0

  row_indices = numeric(dir)

  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    fid = terra::values(fidelity, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)
    vals = 1 - fid - terra::values(absorption, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)

    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      cell = cell + 1
      if (is.finite(vals[c])) {
        p1 = cell_lookup[cell]
        p1i = (cell - 1) * dir

        # loop through valid edges
        rs = 0
        fid_index = NA

        row_indices[] = NA

        for (d in dir_vec) {
          if (d) {
            p2i = p1i + d

            if (!is.na(tr[p2i])) {
              p2 = cell_lookup[cell + offsets[d]]

              mat_p_count[p2] = mat_p_count[p2] + 1

              res = tr[p2i]
              rs = rs + res

              row_indices[d] = mat_p[p2] + mat_p_count[p2]
              mat_x[mat_p[p2] + mat_p_count[p2]] = -res * vals[c]
              mat_i[mat_p[p2] + mat_p_count[p2]] = p1
          } else {
            mat_p_count[p1] = mat_p_count[p1] + 1

            fid_index = mat_p[p1] + mat_p_count[p1]
            mat_x[fid_index] = 1 - fid[c]
            mat_i[fid_index] = p1
        row_indices = row_indices[!is.na(row_indices)]
        mat_x[row_indices] = mat_x[row_indices]/rs

  mat_i = mat_i - 1

  mat = new("dgCMatrix")
  mat@Dim = c(as.integer(ncells), as.integer(ncells))

  mat@p = as.integer(mat_p)
  mat@i = as.integer(mat_i)
  mat@x = mat_x


#' CRW function
#' An internal function for creating RW samc objects
#' @noRd
.crw <- function(x, absorption, fidelity, fun, dir, sym = TRUE, model) {
  if (is(fun, "function")) {
    tr = .tr_vals(x, fun, dir)
  } else if (fun == "1/mean(x)") {
    tr = .tr_vals_res(x, dir)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid transition function defined", call. = FALSE)

  edge_counts = sum(is.finite(tr))
  edge_nums = tr
  edge_nums[is.finite(edge_nums)] = 1:edge_counts

  nrows = terra::nrow(x)
  ncols = terra::ncol(x)
  cell_nums = terra::cells(x)
  ncells = length(cell_nums)

  edge_counts = sum(is.finite(tr))

  # Angle matrix
  # TODO make sure works for 4 directions
  dir_vec = matrix(c(-1, 1,
                      0, 1,
                      1, 1,
                     -1, 0,
                      1, 0,
                     -1, -1,
                      0, -1,
                      1, -1),
                   nrow = 8, byrow = TRUE)

  ang_mat = matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 8)

  for (r in 1:8) {
    for (c in 1:8) {
      mag_v1 = sqrt(sum(dir_vec[r, ]^2))
      mag_v2 = sqrt(sum(dir_vec[c, ]^2))

      ang_mat[r, c] = circular::dvonmises(circular::circular(acos(sum(dir_vec[r, ] * dir_vec[c, ]) / (mag_v1 * mag_v2))), mu = circular::circular(0), kappa = model$kappa)

  # tr offset vars
  if (dir == 4) {
    dir_vec = c(1:2, 0, 3:4)
    offsets = c(-ncols, -1, 1, ncols) * 4
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    dir_vec = c(1:4, 0, 5:8)
    offsets = c(-ncols - 1, -ncols, -ncols + 1, -1, 1, ncols - 1, ncols, ncols + 1) * 8

  # Fill out mat_p
  mat_p = integer(edge_counts + 1)
  cell = 0

  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    vals = terra::values(fidelity, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)
    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      cell = cell + 1
      if (is.finite(vals[c])) {
        p1 = (cell - 1) * dir

        # loop through valid edges
        for (d in 1:dir) {
          e1 = p1 + d

          if (!is.na(tr[e1])) {
            p2 = p1 + offsets[d]

            # loop through valid secondary edges
            for (dv in dir_vec) {
              if (dv) {
                e2 = p2 + dv
                if (!is.na(tr[e2])) {
                  mat_p[edge_nums[e2] + 1] = mat_p[edge_nums[e2] + 1] + 1
              } else {
                mat_p[edge_nums[e1] + 1] = mat_p[edge_nums[e1] + 1] + 1

  for (i in 2:length(mat_p)) {
    mat_p[i] = mat_p[i] + mat_p[i - 1]

  mat_p_count = integer(edge_counts)

  mat_x = numeric(mat_p[length(mat_p)])
  mat_i = integer(mat_p[length(mat_p)])

  crw_map = matrix(0L, nrow = edge_counts, ncol = 2)

  cell = 0
  crw_index = 0
  index = 0

  # Loop through cells with values
  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    fid = terra::values(fidelity, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)
    vals = 1 - fid - terra::values(absorption, mat = FALSE, row = r, nrows = 1)
    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      cell = cell + 1
      if (is.finite(vals[c])) {
        p1 = (cell - 1) * dir
        index = index + 1

        # loop through valid edges
        for (d in 1:dir) {
          e1 = p1 + d
          if (!is.na(tr[e1])) {
            p2 = p1 + offsets[d]
            e1_num = edge_nums[e1]

            crw_index = crw_index + 1
            crw_map[crw_index, ] = c(index, d)

            rs = 0
            fid_index = NA

            row_indices = numeric(dir)
            row_indices[] = NA

            # loop through valid secondary edges
            for (dv in dir_vec) {
              if (dv) {
                e2 = p2 + dv

                if (!is.na(tr[e2])) {
                  e2_num = edge_nums[e2]
                  mat_p_count[e2_num] = mat_p_count[e2_num] + 1

                  res = tr[e2] * ang_mat[d, dv]
                  rs = rs + res

                  row_indices[dv] = mat_p[e2_num] + mat_p_count[e2_num]
                  mat_x[mat_p[e2_num] + mat_p_count[e2_num]] = -res * vals[c]
                  mat_i[mat_p[e2_num] + mat_p_count[e2_num]] = e1_num
              } else {
                mat_p_count[e1_num] = mat_p_count[e1_num] + 1

                fid_index = mat_p[e1_num] + mat_p_count[e1_num]
                mat_x[fid_index] = 1 - fid[c]
                mat_i[fid_index] = e1_num
            row_indices = row_indices[!is.na(row_indices)]
            mat_x[row_indices] = mat_x[row_indices]/rs

  mat_i = mat_i - 1

  mat = new("dgCMatrix")
  mat@Dim = c(as.integer(sum(edge_counts)), as.integer(sum(edge_counts)))

  mat@p = as.integer(mat_p)
  mat@i = as.integer(mat_i)
  mat@x = mat_x


    list(tr = mat,
         crw = crw_map,
         abs = terra::values(absorption)[cell_nums[crw_map[,1]]])

.tr_vals = function(data, fun, dir) {

  nrows = terra::nrow(data)
  ncols = terra::ncol(data)

  result = numeric(nrows * ncols * dir)
  index = 0

  dist = .build_lookup_mat(data, dir)

  if (dir == 4) {
    dir = c(2, 4, 6, 8)
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    dir = c(1:4, 6:9)

  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    vals = terra::focalValues(data, 3, r,1)

    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      v = vals[c, 5]
      for (d in dir) {
        index = index + 1

        result[index] = fun(c(v, vals[c, d])) / dist[r, d]



.tr_vals_res = function(data, dir) {

  nrows = terra::nrow(data)
  ncols = terra::ncol(data)

  result = numeric(nrows * ncols * dir)
  index = 0

  dist = .build_lookup_mat(data, dir)

  if (dir == 4) {
    dir = c(2, 4, 6, 8)
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    dir = c(1:4, 6:9)

  for (r in 1:nrows) {
    vals = terra::focalValues(data, 3, r,1)

    for (c in 1:ncols) {
      v = vals[c, 5]
      for (d in dir) {
        index = index + 1

        result[index] = 2 / ((v + vals[c, d]) * dist[r, d])



#' Build direction lookup function
#' TODO description here
#' @param x A function
#' @noRd

.build_lookup_function <- function(rast, dir) {

  # TODO Create tests to directly validate results for both directions options for planar and latlon

  lonlat = terra::is.lonlat(rast)
  nrows = terra::nrow(rast)
  ncols = terra::ncol(rast)

  if (dir == 4) {
    dist_lookup = c(1, 1, 1, 1)
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    dist_lookup = c(sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2), 1, 1, sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2))

  dist = function(x, dir) {
    # x not used intentionally

  if(!is.na(lonlat)) {
    if (lonlat) {
      cn = (0:(nrows - 1)) * ncols + 1

      adj = terra::adjacent(rast, cn, directions = 8, pairs = TRUE)

      dist = terra::distance(
        terra::xyFromCell(rast, adj[, 1]),
        terra::xyFromCell(rast, adj[, 2]),
        lonlat = TRUE, pairwise = TRUE)

      adj = terra::adjacent(rast, cn, directions = dir, pairs = FALSE)
      adj = t(adj)

      dist_lookup = adj
      dist_lookup[!is.nan(dist_lookup)] = dist

      if (dir == 4) {
        dir_reindex = c(1, 3, 3, 4)
      } else if (dir == 8) {
        dir_reindex = c(3, 2, 3, 5, 5, 8, 7, 8)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid directions", call. = FALSE)

      dist <- function(x, dir) {
        dir = dir_reindex[dir]

        x = trunc((x - 1) / ncols) + 1

        dist_lookup[dir, x]


.build_lookup_mat <- function(rast, dir) {

  # TODO Create tests to directly validate results for both directions options for planar and latlon

  lonlat = terra::is.lonlat(rast)
  nrows = terra::nrow(rast)
  ncols = terra::ncol(rast)

  mat = matrix(nrow = nrows, ncol = 9)
  mat[, c(2, 4, 6, 8)] = 1

  if (dir == 8) {
    mat[, c(1, 3, 7, 9)] = sqrt(2)

  if(!is.na(lonlat)) {
    if (lonlat) {
      cn = (0:(nrows - 1)) * ncols + 1

      adj = terra::adjacent(rast, cn, directions = 8, pairs = TRUE)

      dist = terra::distance(
        terra::xyFromCell(rast, adj[, 1]),
        terra::xyFromCell(rast, adj[, 2]),
        lonlat = TRUE, pairwise = TRUE)

      adj = terra::adjacent(rast, cn, directions = dir, pairs = FALSE)
      adj = t(adj)

      adj[!is.nan(adj)] = dist
      adj = t(adj)

      mat[, c(1:4, 6:9)] = adj
      mat[, 1] = mat[, 3]
      mat[, 4] = mat[, 6]
      mat[, 7] = mat[, 9]


#' Build turning lookup function
#' TODO description here
#' @param x A function
#' @noRd

.build_turn_function <- function() {


#' Convolution
#' TODO description here
#' @param x A function
#' @noRd

.convolution <- function(res, abso, fid, dir, sym, threads) {

  if (dir == 4) {
    kernel = matrix(
      c(0, 1, 0,
        1, 0, 1,
        0, 1, 0), 3)
  } else if (dir == 8) {
    kernel = matrix(
      c(1 / sqrt(2), 1, 1 / sqrt(2),
        1.0000000, 0, 1.0000000,
        1 / sqrt(2), 1, 1 / sqrt(2)
      ), 3, 3
  } else {
    stop("'directions' must be equal to either 4 or 8")

  nr = nrow(res)
  nc = ncol(res)

  res = as.matrix(res)
  abso = as.matrix(abso)
  fid = as.matrix(fid)

  res[!is.finite(res)] = 0
  abso[!is.finite(abso)] = 0
  fid[!is.finite(fid)] = 0

  dim(res) = c(nc, nr)
  dim(abso) = c(nc, nr)
  dim(fid) = c(nc, nr)

  .build_convolution_cache(kernel, res, fid, abso, sym, threads)

#' Validate time steps
#' Performs several checks to make sure a vector of time steps is valid
#' @param x A vector object to be validated as time steps
#' @noRd
.validate_time_steps <- function(x) {
  if (!is.numeric(x))
    stop("The time argument must be a positive integer or a vector of positive integers", call. = FALSE)

  if (sum(is.na(x)) > 0)
    stop("NA values are not allowed in the time argument", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(x %% 1 != 0))
    stop("Decimal values are not allowed in the time argument", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(x < 1))
    stop("All time steps must be positive (greater than 0)", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.unsorted(x))
    stop("The provided time steps must be in ascending order.", call. = FALSE)

  if (sum(duplicated(x) > 0))
    stop("Duplicate time steps are not allowed in the time argument", call. = FALSE)

  # if (any(x > 10000))
  #   stop("Due to how the short-term metrics are calculated and the way that
  # decimal numbers are handled by computers, numerical issues related to
  # precision arise when a time step value is too high. Currently, a hard
  # limit of 10000 time steps is enforced to encourage users to more
  # seriously consider how many time steps are relevant to their use case.
  # For example, if a single time step represents 1 day, then the current
  # limit represents 24.7 years. There is flexibility to increase the limit
  # if a justification can be made for it, but it's far more likely that
  # users will generally want far fewer time steps for ecologically relevant
  # results and to avoid the cummulative precision issues.", call. = FALSE)

#' Validate location vectors
#' Performs several checks to make sure a vector locations is valid
#' @param samc samc-class object
#' @param x A vector object to be validated as locations
#' @noRd
.validate_locations <- function(samc, x) {
  if (!is.numeric(x))
    stop("Locations must be a positive integer or a vector of positive integers", call. = FALSE)

  if (sum(is.na(x)) > 0)
    stop("NA values are not valid locations", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(x %% 1 != 0))
    stop("Decimal values are not valid locations", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(x < 1))
    stop("All location values must be positive (greater than 0)", call. = FALSE)

  if (any(x > nrow(samc$q_matrix)))
    stop("Location values cannot exceed the number of nodes in the landscape", call. = FALSE)

#' Validate location names
#' Performs several checks to make sure a vector of names is valid
#' @param vec A vector of location names
#' @param x A vector object to be validated as names
#' @noRd
.validate_names <- function(vec, x) {
  invalid_names <- x[!(x %in% vec)]

  if (length(invalid_names > 0)){
    stop(paste("\nInvalid location name:", invalid_names), call. = FALSE)

#' Process location inputs
#' Process location inputs
#' @param samc A samc-class object
#' @param x A vector of integers or character names
#' @noRd
  function(samc, x) {

#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "matrix"),
  function(samc, x) {
    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      if (nrow(x) > 1) {
        stop("Multiple locations not supported yet. Matrix should only have 1 row/2 columns", call. = FALSE)

      if (ncol(x) != 2) stop("Location should have 2 columns. The first for location and the second for direction.", call. = FALSE)

      .validate_locations(samc, x[1, 1])

      if (!(x[1, 2] %in% 1:8)) stop("Invalid direction. Must be a single integer from 1-8.", call. = FALSE)

      x = which(apply(samc@crw_map, 1, function(crw) return(all(crw == x))))

      if (length(x) != 1) stop("The combination of location and direction is not valid", call. = FALSE)

    } else {
      stop(paste("Invalid location input for model", samc@model$name), call. = FALSE)

#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "numeric"),
  function(samc, x) {

    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      stop("CRW model requires a list with location and direction.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      .validate_locations(samc, x)

  signature(samc = "samc", x = "character"),
  function(samc, x) {

    .validate_names(samc$names, x)

    return(match(x, samc$names))

#' Validate transition args
#' Validates the transition args for the samc() function
#' @param x A list
#' @noRd
.validate_model <- function(x, method) {
  args <- c("name", "fun", "dir", "sym")
  names <- names(x)

  dup_args <- names[duplicated(names)]
  if (length(dup_args) > 0)
    stop(paste("Duplicate argument in model:", dup_args), call. = FALSE)

  if (!("name" %in% names)) {
    x$name = "RW"
    names = c(names, "name")

  if (!x$name %in% c("RW", "CRW")) stop("Invalid model name", call. = FALSE)

  missing_args <- args[!(args %in% names)]
  if (length(missing_args) > 0)
    stop(paste("Missing argument in model:", missing_args), call. = FALSE)

  if (!(is(x$fun, "function") || is(x$fun, "character"))) {
    stop("'fun' must be a supported named function or a user defined function")
  } else if (!(x$dir %in% c(4, 8))) {
    stop("`dir` must be set to either 4 or 8", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (!is(x$sym, "logical")) {
    stop("`sym` must be set to either TRUE or FALSE", call. = FALSE)

  if (method == "conv") {
    if (x$name != "RW") stop("Convolution currently only supports the 'RW' model.")
    if (!is(x$fun, "character")) {
      stop("Convolution currently only supports the '1/mean(x)' named function.")
    } else if (x$fun != "1/mean(x)") {
      stop("Convolution currently only supports the '1/mean(x)' named function.")

  if (x$name == "CRW") {
    args = c(args, "dist", "kappa")

  unknown_args <- names[!(names %in% args)]
  if (length(unknown_args) > 0)
    stop(paste("Unknown argument in model:", unknown_args), call. = FALSE)

  if (x$name == "CRW") {
    if (x$dist == "vonMises") {
      if (!is(x$kappa, "numeric"))
        stop("kappa must be single non-negative numeric value.", call. = FALSE)

      if (length(x$kappa) != 1)
        stop("kappa must be single non-negative numeric value.", call. = FALSE)

      if (!is.finite(x$kappa))
        stop("kappa must be single non-negative numeric value.", call. = FALSE)

      if (x$kappa < 0)
        stop("kappa must be single non-negative numeric value.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(paste("Invalid distribution name:", x$dist), call. = FALSE)


#' Validate options
#' Validates the options args for the samc() function
#' @param x A list
#' @noRd
.validate_options <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    x = list(
      method = "direct",
      threads = 1,
      override = FALSE
  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    # TODO finish this
  } else {
    stop("options argument must be a list or left empty for default values", call. = FALSE)


#' Process absorption inputs
#' Process absorption inputs
#' @param samc A samc-class object
#' @param x Absorption inputs
#' @noRd
  function(samc, x) {

#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "SpatRaster"),
  function(samc, x) {

    x = rasterize(x)

    check(samc@map, x)

    if (terra::nlyr(x) == 0) {
     stop("Missing absorption data", call. = FALSE)

    abs_mat <- terra::values(x)
    abs_vec <- as.vector(abs_mat[, 1])

    abs_minmax = terra::minmax(x)

    if (min(abs_minmax["min", ]) < 0 || max(abs_minmax["max", ]) > 1) {
      stop("Absorption values must be in range of 0-1", call. = FALSE)

    excl <- which(is.na(abs_vec))
    if (length(excl) > 0) {
      abs_mat <- abs_mat[-excl, , drop = FALSE]

    if (is.null(names(x))) colnames(abs_mat) <- 1:ncol(abs_mat)

    if ("" %in% names(x)) stop("Mix of named and unnamed maps/layers", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(duplicated(names(x)))) stop("Duplicate names", call. = FALSE)

    colnames(abs_mat) <- names(x)


  signature(samc = "samc", x = "RasterStack"),
  function(samc, x) {

    return(.process_abs_states(samc, terra::rast(x)))

  signature(samc = "samc", x = "RasterLayer"),
  function(samc, x) {

    return(.process_abs_states(samc, terra::rast(x)))

  signature(samc = "samc", x = "list"),
  function(samc, x) {

    # TODO: check against output field
    if (!all(sapply(x, is.matrix))) stop("List can only contain matrices. If using rasters, use raster::stack() or c() to combine terra SpatRasters instead.", call. = FALSE)

    x <- lapply(x, rasterize)

    if(is.null(names(x))) names(x) = 1:length(x)

    return(.process_abs_states(samc, terra::rast(x)))

#' Process initial state input
#' Process initial state input
#' @param samc A samc-class object
#' @param x initial state input
#' @noRd
  function(samc, x) {

# TODO: find a way to check the input type for `init` to the input type to samc()

#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "numeric"),
  function(samc, x) {
    if (any(!is.finite(x)) || any(x < 0)) stop("`init` input must only contain positive numeric values")

    if (length(x) != length(samc@data@t_abs)) stop("`init` input length does not match number of transient states")


#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "SpatRaster"),
  function(samc, x) {
    check(samc@map, x)

    pv <- as.vector(terra::values(x))
    pv <- pv[is.finite(pv)]

    return(.process_init(samc, pv))

#' @noRd
  signature(samc = "samc", x = "RasterLayer"),
  function(samc, x) {
    return(.process_init(samc, rasterize(x)))

  signature(samc = "samc", x = "matrix"),
  function(samc, x) {
    return(.process_init(samc, rasterize(x)))

#' Used to disable CRW
#' Disable CRW
#' @param samc samc model
#' @noRd
.disable_crw <- function(samc) {
  if (samc@model$name == "CRW") stop("Metric/parameter combination not currently supported for CRW", call. = FALSE)

#' Used to disable convolution
#' Disable convolution
#' @param samc samc model
#' @noRd
.disable_conv <- function(samc) {
  if (samc@solver == "conv") stop("Metric/parameter combinaton not currently supported for the convolution algorithm", call. = FALSE)

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samc documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:23 p.m.